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Update on Gerard’s book (and open thread)

I’m getting closer and closer to the time when I’ll be able to announce that the book is for sale. All the editing is done. I’ve gotten the blurbs from a few other writers. I have a book cover design.

Lately, though, it’s been taking more time than I thought it would to create a website for selling the book. It’s a different skill from creating a blog, something I’ve done several times before. I thought “piece of cake,” but instead it’s been a rather tough bit of beef jerky. But I’m getting close to finished even with that.

Then it will be time to order a sample copy, and if that works out well I’ll have them do a print run. And then – voila! – I’ll announce on this blog and mine that the book is ready for sale.

In addition, I plan to ask some other websites to mention that the book’s for sale. I also have a list of email addresses of people who donated to Gerard after the fire, and I plan to email them with the announcement and instructions for ordering the book.

I don’t know the exact amount of time all this will take, and I’ve been wrong when estimating the time frame before. But my hope and expectation is that the book will be out by May.

Comments on this entry are closed.

  • ghostsniper April 5, 2024, 8:10 AM

    Why sell Gerard’s book(s) on a different website rather than on the website the book is generated from?
    Yeah I know, the book is more than just AD content….

    • neo April 5, 2024, 12:17 PM

      There are many reasons to make a new website. One is that Gerard made it clear he only wanted the AD website maintained for 2 years after his death, and that time will be up at the end of January, 2025. In addition, for various reasons too tedious and complex to explain here, it actually is a lot more expensive and difficult for me to maintain the present blog and sell books from it than it is to start a new website just for selling books.

      • John Venlet April 5, 2024, 12:37 PM

        Neo, do you have a list of the individuals who pre-ordered Gerard’s upcoming book? I’m fairly certain that a number of individuals pre-ordered. I know I did and forwarded a package to Gerard with cash for the book and a number of other goodies meant for his enjoyment.

  • ghostsniper April 5, 2024, 8:49 AM

    Oh dear….

    If the blob’s desired outcome, a conviction, comes to pass, and Mr. Trump is hauled off to Riker’s Island, say, to mingle with X-hundred homicidal mutts, and, say, for some reason he does not come out of there alive. . . well, say hello to an extra-especially bad set-up for civil disorder in the home of the brave — while we do World War Three, financial pandemonium, and Vaccine death. It’s a lot to take in, I know. But it’s all really right out there, and it’s all vectoring right at us. Just so you know.

    Go read the rest over at James’s place:


  • ghostsniper April 5, 2024, 1:04 PM

    Ranging A Target With A MilDot Scope
    On the chance that you don’t already know how to do it.
    This stuff could be crucial some day soon.


    • zeek April 6, 2024, 8:10 PM

      Milliradian is what I was trained on. However there are other ranging reticles that are easier to use and faster to get a “send” on target for persons getting a late start on the skill.

      Your spotter will need an identical reticle in the glass he is using. Many milliradian spotting glass pieces available. Practice with a spotter at your side will help tremendously.

      Do NOT practice any precision rifle work from a “shooters bench” or any other artificial prop. Natural support only. Whatever you find on site is your support including your knee and so on.

      Keep moving if at all possible. A hide is a hide for only so much time.

  • ghostsniper April 5, 2024, 1:57 PM

    The leftist media makes a claim about something.
    The suspicious right says it didn’t happen.
    The left then says the right made a conspiracy theory with no evidence.
    No evidence that something didn’t happen?
    What, is this kindergarten or something?

    The leftist media does this same thing over and over and over again, a one trick pony.
    Yes, it’s embarrassing but the left is beneath shame.

    Remember that Hamas stir up awhile back where massive numbers of rapes occurred?
    Sure you do.
    It was everywhere all the time, for months.

    Let’s veer for a moment.
    Ever been in a war zone?
    How about a combat simulation?
    You know, rough terrain, soldiers and death machines everywhere, gunfire, artillery, explosions, general mayhem and confusion with potential injury and death a constant, injured and dead bodies all over the place, adrenalin on the moon, and terror everywhere.

    You find yourself in that environ and being the young virile savage that you are your natural response, of course, is to drop trou and sexually congress with a victim. Does that sound right to you? Is that something that is likely to occur? You’re inches from potentially being killed and you just ignore all that and assuage your woods appetite.

    Yeah, riiiiiiiight…..

    Remember, NO evidence.


  • ghostsniper April 5, 2024, 2:45 PM

    I likes em.
    There’s more there than meets the eye.
    Much more.
    I don’t see horses much any more since the neighbor moved away.
    He has a big ol’ gurl horse named Fancy and she’s one of those ginger colored types.
    They lived next door for 15 years and I’d go over there at least weekly and take Fancy an apple or carrot. No matter where she was out back when I called she’d come runnin’, for that apple or carrot. Found out early on that she didn’t care for celery or banana. Celery would make her curl her top lip back and she’d back up a little, like she was putting distance between her and it. A banana would bring a more comprehensive reaction, more physical. Yes, she was physically opposed to a banana.

    Ever felt a horses muzzle when it’s eating something from your hand? Soft. Like an angel cloud, with malleable bristles. Everybody should experience that.

    I wrote this because Domino crossed my mind awhile ago. And his brother Dice.
    Both were brothers and were Hollywood horses and both were instantly recognizable even at a great distance. They were black and white Pinto horses. You know, the kind the injuns rode in the old westerns.

    I first encountered Domino as the horse Rory Calhoun rode as character Bill Longley in the 1950’s TV series The Texan. When I first saw Domino I told my wife he looked like a ghost because most of his head was white. He had big white and black splotches all over. So did his brother Dice.

    A couple years later and we were watching DVD’s of the 1960’s TV series Branded with Chuck Conners and what do you know?, Conners was riding Domino. Or was it Dice? Dunno. shrug

    Anyway, no matter your stance on horses you will have an opinion when you see Domino and Dice as they are so striking and different.

    You can see a full body shot of Domino here:

    Here’s a close up side view of Domino’s mug:

    Here’s a side view of Dice’s mug:

    If I was wealthy I’d have at least 4 horses.

  • ghostsniper April 5, 2024, 6:12 PM


    In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, went scuba diving with some friends near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, close to a popular area known as the Tongue of the Ocean (This was depicted in the tv show”In Search Of – Atlantis,“ originally made in 1979.

    During one of his dives, Brown became separated from his friends and while searching for them he was startled when he came across a strange pyramid shape silhouetted against the aquamarine light.

    Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.

    Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside.

    Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He was totally amazed that this room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. They were completely spotless!

    In addition, though Brown had brought no torch with him, he could nevertheless see everything in the room with his normal eyesight. The room was well lit, but no direct light source was visible.

    Brown’s attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod three inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center of the room and at its end was attached a many-faceted red gem, which tapered to a point.

    Directly below this rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room, was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. On the plate there was a pair of carved metal bronze-colored hands, life-sized, which appeared blackened and burnt, as if having been subjected to tremendous heat.

    Nestled in the hands, and situated four feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere four-inches in diameter.

    Brown tried to loosen the ceiling rod and red gemstone but neither would move. Returning to the crystal sphere, he found, to his amazement, that it separated easily from the bronze hand holders. With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid.

    As he departed, Brown felt an unseen presence and heard a voice telling him never to return!


    • Joe Krill April 6, 2024, 11:49 AM

      Ghostsniper, you have presented a couple of extremely interesting links. Thank you.

      • ghostsniper April 6, 2024, 1:40 PM

        Glad you like, Joe!

  • Mary Ann April 6, 2024, 2:21 AM

    Neo, thank you for all you are doing. I don’t comment very often and I was only able to send a small amount to Gerard after the fire. I’m looking forward to the book and dreading the day when I can no longer start my morning read here. As others have said, how strange it is to be so affected by someone you’ve never met.

  • ghostsniper April 6, 2024, 2:19 PM

    Pizza Delivery

    It’s Saturday so I imagine a lot of folks are going to have a pizza delivered for supper.
    skweezy cheezy

    Lukky Dawgz, kinda….

    The last time we had a ‘za delivered to our home was in 1988 and I don’t really even remember it happening. That was 3 houses ago.

    Right. Since 1988 we have lived in 3 different homes and all were far enough out that ‘za delivery was not possible. But we learned to live.

    So in a way we have become “experts” at the frozen box ‘za’s.
    Everybody has there own opinion.
    We like the Red Baron “Supreme” (green label).
    Over the years we’ve tried just about everything out there and RBS is the only one we buy.
    Fortunately, they are frequently on sale, sometimes as low as 3 for $10 so when we go to the store we stock up and load em in the chest freezer.

    I usually get the ‘za out about an hour before oven time and let it thaw, and of course I have to customize it a little. Call it tweakin’.

    Usually all the guts have gotten displaced to one side so they have to be rearranged. And, they are paltry – lacking. You know, 8 pepperonis on 1 za. Come on man! We always have accessoroes on hand so I get right to it. LOTS more pepperonis, LOTS of bacon bits, LOTS more motz, and I also kick up the herbs and spices too.

    About 10 or so years ago my mother in law gave us a device called “Pizza Box” that is a pizza cooker for 12″ or less sizes. You can cook other stuff in it too as long as it is thin. Not sure why it is so expensive on the amazon link because when we got ours back then it was in the $40-$50 range.
    It works good and a standard za is ready for teeth in about 20 mins.
    Link here:

    So when I get the za out of the freezer I’ll start slammin Hamm’s and by the time the thing is ready to eat I’ll have about 4 of them under my belt. Yeah, I’ll be talkin’ shit and latchin’ onto people. J/K lol The only people around here is my wife and if I latched onto her I’m pretty sure she’d try to nut kik me. Shannon thinks she’s a people and we don’t break her heart and tell her she ain’t, and I wouldn’t latch on to her regardless. Get down on the floor and roll around and rassle? You know it. But to latch on? Not hardly.

    So yeah, later tonight we’ll be ripping up some salad and some enhanced Red Baron Supreme and while my wife will be sipping a small Coke I’ll be working my 5th Hamm’s. While watching a movie streamed on amazon prime. Tonights feature is the blockbuster from 1958 named “The Big Country” with lots of big name actors, starting with Gregory Peck. It gets a 7.9 rating on IMDB so it should be good. It is however, 2 hours and 46 mins long and my adhd prevents me from sitting in one place for more than about an hour or so. So we’ll bust it in half and watch half tonight and the other half tomorrow night.

    Here’s the IMDB link to “The Big Country”.

    Bottoms UP!

    • G706 April 8, 2024, 10:03 PM

      I live a couple miles from a small town of around 1500 population. There is a good pizza restaurant in town so when we’re in the mood for pizza I used to call in an order and it would be ready when I got there, but then I figured out if I order when I get there I could have 2 beers while I wait for the pizza. Then I go home and watch Rockford with my wife and eat pizza.

  • ghostsniper April 7, 2024, 4:46 AM

    Yeah. Right.

    Insect protein? Edible worms? Why you may want to add these nutritious critters to your diet — if you can get over the ‘ick factor’.
    Maxine Yeung
    Thu, April 4, 2024 at 5:00 AM EDT

    While the idea of eating worms and insects may make you feel uneasy, research shows a vast array of benefits when integrating these critters into your meals and snacks. In 2013, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published a report in support of including edible insects in the Western diet. They’re not only nutritious, but also affordable and highly sustainable. But despite 2 billion people worldwide already consuming over 2,000 species of edible insects daily, can others, particularly in the U.S., begin to accept this promising culinary delight?

    How nutritious are edible worms and insects?
    Small but mighty, edible worms and insects are a powerhouse of nutrients. Many are a complete source of protein and high in iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, B-vitamins, amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and fiber.

    The exoskeletons (outside skeletons) of insects contain chitin, a type of fiber, which may act as a prebiotic and benefit gut health. Along with having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, chitin has anticancer activity and is used in some anti-cancer medications to help reduce side effects.

    How do worms and insects stack up against animal meats?
    Despite a wide range of nutrition for edible worms and insects, many seem to have similar if not greater nutritional profiles than animal meats. In a 2021 study comparing the nutrition of 10 varieties of edible insects to the 10 most commonly eaten animal proteins, mealworms, moths and mopane worms ranked the highest in protein, ranging 23-35 grams per 100 grams. These amounts surpassed even those of the highest protein meats, such as chicken breast, turkey breast, beef sirloin and horse meat, which ranged from 19-22 grams per 100 grams. In terms of cholesterol content, insect larvae are on par with pork shoulder and turkey breast.

    In a study comparing edible insects to sirloin beef, researchers found that calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese and zinc are more readily absorbed from the grasshoppers, crickets and mealworms than from the beef. For people needing to boost their iron intake, house crickets and mealworms might be able to help. These insects contain higher levels of iron per 100 grams than beef, pork and chicken, and have a similar bioavailability to that of sirloin beef.

    Are there environmental benefits to eating worms and insects?
    There’s growing concern over the farming practices of traditional livestock, such as cows and chickens. While edible insects may never fully replace factory farming, dietitian Tina Patrice suggests that with enough interest, they could positively influence the environment. By reducing greenhouse gasses and decreasing the demand for resources such as land and water, insect farming offers a promising alternative. Insect farming uses about one-eighth of the land required for beef production, resulting in less waste and carbon footprint, and can thrive in a broader range of environments compared to other livestock.

    According to the FAO, edible insects require less feed than conventional livestock. For instance, crickets need six times less feed than cows and only half as much as pigs and broiler chickens to produce equivalent amounts of protein.

    There’s also research showing the potential for edible insects to help address food insecurity and malnutrition, especially in rural areas. The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition suggests edible insects as a solution to the “rising costs of animal protein, food and feed insecurity, environmental pressures, population growth, and increasing demand for protein among the middle class.”

    Are there risks to eating edible worms and insects?
    As with any food, there’s always risk involved. Like with animal livestock, insects can harbor disease-causing pathogens, including E. coli and parasites. “This doesn’t mean crickets cannot be eaten safely,” Sarah Alsing, a dietitian and owner of Delightfully Fueled, tells Yahoo Life. “Just that safety guidelines would need to be implemented in cricket farms like there are safety guidelines for livestock.”

    According to the FAO, insects are susceptible to chemical contamination from pesticides, heavy metals and antimicrobials. Safety risks can be influenced by factors such as environment, diet, production and processing methods. Jessi Holden, a family culinary dietitian, advises selecting insects from reputable suppliers to minimize the chance of consuming insects harvested from polluted environments.

    Patrice recommends cooking insects before eating them, and practicing safe food handling and storage to reduce the risk of bacteria and parasites. The FAO warns also about allergies with chitin and insect proteins, and cautions individuals with allergies to seafood to avoid edible insects.

    How can people get over the ‘ick factor’?
    The aversion to eating insects is deeply rooted in cultural and societal norms, particularly in the U.S. Patrice encourages us to keep an open mind, reminding us that there are many delightful food options available, and we never know which ones we’ll enjoy — worms and insects included. With the right seasonings and blend of ingredients, you might not even recognize what you’re eating. “I’ve had many plant-based meals that I couldn’t tell weren’t actually meat due to how it was seasoned and what other ingredients were paired with it,” says Alsing.

    Exploring flavors you enjoy is key. Edible insects come in a variety of flavors, from honey mustard to sriracha to coconut bark. Experts recommend mixing insects into tacos or chili, or using dried crickets or grasshoppers to top salads and rice bowls.

    “If you aren’t ready to just eat a worm and cricket in their full forms, then starting with a cricket powder or flour might be the best way to give it a try, says Alsing. “Use the powder as you would a protein powder in baking,” she says. Experiment by adding insect-based protein powder to smoothies, pancakes or energy bites.

    Holden cites the importance of education in getting over one’s squeamishness. By debunking myths and misconceptions and gaining an understanding of the advantages of consuming insects, people might change their perceptions.

    Final takeaway
    It’s important to acknowledge that many societies consider edible insects just another ingredient, and regularly consume these foods to stay alive and healthy. While you don’t have to try edible worms and insects, experts agree that including them in your diet could offer many health benefits — and is good for the environment too.


  • jwm April 7, 2024, 6:44 AM

    “It’s important to acknowledge that many societies consider edible insects just another ingredient, and regularly consume these foods to stay alive and healthy.”

    How many of those “societies” have advanced technology? You know–things like indoor plumbing…


  • ghostsniper April 7, 2024, 8:43 AM

    Saw this on Oblivion and looked it up.


    Then out spake brave Horatius,
    The Captain of the Gate:
    “To every man upon this earth
    Death cometh soon or late.
    And how can man die better
    Than facing fearful odds,
    For the ashes of his fathers,
    And the temples of his gods,


  • jd April 7, 2024, 11:25 AM

    Hi Neo,

    Thank you for the work you have done and are still doing on dear Gerard’s behalf.
    That includes what you are doing on this, his original site. I’m sure there is a lot of
    effort to publishing someone’s book that we,
    or at least I, will never understand.

  • Snakepit Kansas April 7, 2024, 12:50 PM

    Headlight bulb went out on the 2006 Caddy. UTUB show how to replace it which includes removing the entire front end piece. Mercy. Took an hour and a half. Next time I can do it in half the time. Maybe I should have replaced all bulbs in the assembly, except the main headlight bulb was $25. The car was not engineered for maintenance.

    • ghostsniper April 7, 2024, 2:03 PM

      My wife’s 2006 Equinox must be related to your Caddy. Right front turn signal went out (1157). Had to partially remove the grill, but before that I had to remove a decorative piece on the grill that also intersected the headlight. I was working on a gravel driveway so dropping small parts can’t happen. Yeah, I shoulda replaced both sides but just wanted to get it over with. Vehicle maintenance on newer rides is such a pain. My 91 S10 was pretty easy to fix anything. I was such a dumb ass for selling it last year.

    • azlibertarian April 7, 2024, 6:59 PM

      It isn’t just cars that are no longer maintenence-friendly.

      We moved in to a new-build home in early 2019. I say that to point out that all the kitchen appliances were brand new.

      Maybe 18 months after moving in, the light in the microwave burned out. So I thought: “Not a big deal, right? There’s got to be a screw I can remove to open a window and pop in a new light bulb. I’ll be done in 5 minutes…10, max.”

      Not so. This stupid microwave (GE, BTW), required that I remove the face trim to get to the screws holding it in the cabinet in which it is installed. Then I had to remove the whole [expletive] microwave from the cabinet, all to get to the back, from which the light bulb could be changed. Reverse the order to get it all back together and Mrs. azlib was then made happy again with each of her kitchen appliances.

      But unknown to us, this microwave was not done being stupid.

      She was happy with the microwave right up to the fall morning last year that she and the granddaughter were warming up something for breakfast (bringing a stick of butter up to room temperature, if memory serves) and the damned thing started on fire. It was pretty much an arc welder in a kitchen cabinet for a moment or two.

      I’m here to tell you, when your wife’s microwave has scared the bejezzus out of her when it burst into an arcing flame, there’s no telling her that you know just how to fix it (I don’t, but I do know how to find such things on the YouTubes.). No, sir. You are headed straight to the appliance store to buy a new microwave that will fit into your existing cabinet. That scorched microwave is headed straight to the dump (and to appliance-hell, if you ask the Mrs.).

      • ghostsniper April 7, 2024, 7:16 PM

        GE has went WAY down hill in less than 20 years.
        In 2002 we built our FL house and it had GE appliances and they were great, no problems the 4 years we lived there.

        In 2014 I gutted our kitchen and put all new everything in including GE appliances. The micro didn’t last a month. And. We’ve had 2 more since. Seems everything has turned to shit.

        The GE DW is the worst thing I have ever seen. It has those, I don’t know what they’re called, flat “film” buttons that give no tacit feedback. So when we push the on button we have to stand there and listen for running water to make sure it is running. The bottom rack rusted out in 2 years and a new one cost $165+ shipping. We paid about $500 for the whole thing but the rack cost $165.

        I’ll stop cause I can feel that vein in my head throbbing….

  • Richard G. April 7, 2024, 5:28 PM

    A repost from the prior thread for what it’s worth:

    I live 15 miles south of the centerline of the eclipse totality in 2017 in that funny looking state that looks like a ‘gub’ pointed north toward the soft underbelly of Canada just west of Montana.
    A heads up for any one who will entertain a heretic’s view of the plasma universe that challenges the standard model of cosmology, and illuminates what you are watching during totality as a constant coronal plasma electrical discharge ( it has been happening 24/7/365/for billions of years so far) :
    ‘The Electric Sky’ by Donald E. Scott

    Items to have on hand as you watch: anything with small holes (eg. a kitchen colander, spatula)
    Have an ice pick and paper or card board on hand to amuse yourself. Any item with pin holes will become a pinhole camera and each hole will project a tiny image of the eclipse on the ground or anything that acts as a projection screen.
    The universe of creation/destruction is gob smacking in it’s terrifyingly beautiful incomprehensibleness. And yet we try to comprehend.

    And yes I do still come around when I am not out some where in the be-wilderness hanging on to my sanity with white knuckled tenacity.

    • Richard G. April 7, 2024, 6:48 PM

      (Memories from 2017) If you are blessed with clear skies, as the sun reached totality and again as the sun re-emerged and the ark of the moon’s limb was back lit by the thinnest possible sliver of bright sun,
      the moon’s mountains sprang into sharp relief, backlit as the sunlight pierced through between the peaks. Specks of celestial diamonds glinting over the moon’s horizon through the lunar valleys.

    • ghostsniper April 7, 2024, 7:19 PM

      Thanks for the tips Richard.
      A colander huh? Who’d a thunk it?

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