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Tomorrow’s Tsunami?

I’m with Neo and Jacobson when I say: I won’t believe it until I see it. And until the last precinct in Philadelphia has reported and all the mail-in ballots have been counted. Things Look Too Good 

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  • Anonymous November 7, 2022, 3:36 PM

    Ballots have been floating around for weeks.

  • Sancho November 7, 2022, 4:54 PM

    “I won’t believe it until I see it.” Exactly. Fingers crossed, as my 91 year old mother said today. No early voting for her. In this state it’ll be a paper ballot that must be scanned. I’m hoping for an honest poll worker that will not peek-and-dump, and will do their job. It could happen.

    But even with crossed-fingered success, there is something equally as important: Hold their feet to the fire once they’re installed on Capitol Hill. No mercy for the Demons left there, and none for “Joe Biden”. Personally, a la Kurt Schlichter, I think their top priority should be to introduce common sense legislation – e.g., banning tranny child mutilation of teens – into things like Funding The Government. Let “Joe Biden” veto that. And keep doing that until enough voters get the F#@king message. Then enjoy 2024.

    Of course, I read that like 2016, yet unlike 2018 and 2020, the Russians can LITERALLY steal this election from Demons. Yeah, it’s risible. OTOH, Speaker of the House Vladimir Putin has a risible ring to it 😉

  • John A. Fleming November 7, 2022, 6:50 PM

    I am of two minds on this. Either big-bang or incremental.
    1. What better way to deliver a soul-crushing defeat to your opponents than to get their hopes up so high, and then destroy them with endless boxes of cheat-by-mail ballots delivered at 3AM all across the country? Where the count of ballots cast is 150% and 200% of registered voters in the big city precincts, with 100% of the votes for the Demos. Where the big-city sheriffs give the immediate bum rush with prejudice to all the Republican poll watchers. The DOJ will have their back, throwing into jail anyone who hinders or questions the delivery and counting of these magic ballots by all the big city and State organizations. The DOJ and military have been pre-positioning assets all across the country for the last two weeks. Whattayagonna do about it? Start shooting? Watch out for false flags in the contested areas, this could go sideways fast.
    Or …
    2. Without the Fraudulency at the top of the ticket, they will moderate their losses, enough to let the people know that they can still do it if they need to, then assess the efficacy of the anti-cheating forces and measures this time around, and prepare for an all-out effort by new methods in 2024. Watch for trial runs of new cheating techniques in the safe districts. They are confident that with their Republican Uniparty hacks in league with the deep state actors untethered from any rule of law, that a Republican Congress and Senate will be no impediment. The Republicans will play investigation theater, nothing will be changed or reformed, and the proggro transformation will proceed apace. The Fraudulent will be propped up and drugged up until he finally strokes out for good, and then they bring in the Indian red diaper patsy to keep it going.

    Pinning your hopes of being saved by federalized Republicans is no hope at all. No one is coming to save you. Everything is your responsibility.

  • John A. Fleming November 7, 2022, 7:37 PM

    And I won’t be surprised one bit if the DOJ arrests and indicts Trump on Wednesday, before he announces his candidacy. Their gloves are coming off. Whattayagonna do about it?

  • Casey Klahn November 7, 2022, 9:25 PM

    I briefly toyed with hope, when I read some articles regarding voting laws tightening in several states. It turns out that another wave to voting laws have been loosened, and so went my hope.

    I’m beginning to think it’s a bit like the tank-infantry equation in warfare. This time, the tank is king, and then the next time the infantry take the lead away from tankers. And back and forth forever; armor versus the sword, then comes the Blunderbuss and that’s the end of mail suits of armor. My analogy is this: The dems will cheat like mother fuckers until arrested and jailed, or worse, for dong so. The average American may get good representation occasionally, and even Godsends like Reagan or Trump, but the damnable Marxist will never give up his Bolshevist ways until made to do so. To quote the Dali Lama, he will continue to stuff ballot boxes until you change his shape, or catch him on fire.

    The Congress and some gubernatorial seats may go Republican for a time, but the Democrat still lives in his seething rat warren. I’m not feeling hopey-changey. My almost elect Senator, Tiffany Smiley, had the misery of debating that clamshell dinkwad Patty Murray, and the cuntnewswhore moderator made Smiley confess that Biden is president. Like the fucking Inquisition.

    • ghostsniper November 8, 2022, 6:35 AM

      Casey sed: “…but the damnable Marxist will never give up his Bolshevist ways until…”, there is no more stolen money to avail themselves of. TWO-THOUSAND trillion dollars of debt insures that that idea is on limited time. Can you say, “Burn it all down?” That’s what it’s gonna take.

  • Gagdad Bob November 7, 2022, 9:41 PM

    In politics we should distrust even intelligent optimism and trust the imbecile’s fears. –Dávila

  • Casey Klahn November 8, 2022, 8:14 AM

    I got so pizd at the TV for requiring my GOPe candidate to disavow her “election denial,” that I made a meme about it.

  • John Venlet November 9, 2022, 4:55 AM

    Tsunami? No. Barely a ripple on the water. Democracy is a mockery in a Republic.

  • Lindsey Kidd November 9, 2022, 5:27 AM

    I think that there are pollsters running up the results. Republicans keep reading about how they are doing so well in the polls,they do not do all the work necessary to win elections. Do not pay attention to what polls say, pay attention to what you need to do to win the election.