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The Parks of Minneapolis: A status report from AD reader Gordon Scott

Gordon Scott: In Minneapolis, we have an extensive and fabled park system. It deserves the accolades. It really is nice and has been well run for 150 years. The parks are managed by an elected park board, which has its own police force (which has just disassociated from the Minneapolis PD, or is pretending to have).

Even when the city council was full of idiots, the Park Board was kind of the grown-up in the room. But in the last election, the progs ran a full slate of candidates and got a working majority on the board. The first thing they tried to do was to quadruple their pay. That didn’t fly. But now, they’ve topped that.

They have handed the parks over to the lunatics and the dope fiends.

By vote of the board, they are allowing this years’ crop of venal vagrants to live in the parks, and are providing portapotties, running water, and other support services.

This will not be popular even with the proggies in the public. They kind of like being able to use the parks freely and without having to scan for needles and shit. If your dog takes a dump and you don’t pick it up immediately, that’s practically a felony. But if humans shit and walk away, well, cultural enrichment or some such nonsense. And despite all of the provided facilities in the parks, there are those in the polyester domicile community who want to live free, and will stumble past a just-cleaned porta to crap wherever.

But all of the guilty rich people are showing up to donate tents, food, clothes, soap (like anyone is gonna use that!) and money, and that means that all of their welfare payments can be cashed out to buy dope. And if you accidentally set yours and your neighbor’s tent on fire with your torch, hey, no problem, there’s plenty more.

Last year’s Freak Fest was policed by the “AIM Patrol” allegedly associated with the ever-available and yet never accountable American Indian Movement. They were loudly and emphatically anti-drug and kept those Narcan injectors ready for the inevitable ODs. Once in a while, carefully staged for the cameras, they would roust an unoccupied tent, proclaiming it was the den of a notorious dealer. The tent and contents would be smashed and thrown in one of the city-provided dumpsters.

The thing is, the AIM Patrollers knew exactly who and where the dealers were. In some cases, AIM Patrol controlled the supply and in others, the dealers paid protection to the AP. But drugs were never, ever, in short supply.

Minneapolis police are reporting great difficulty in getting to and investigating the rather numerous shootings happening lately. Mostly Peaceful Protesters are sometimes grappling with the cops, and interfering with ambulance crews. I hate to think about what’s going to happen in Powderhorn Park when the rapes become too numerous and obvious to ignore.

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  • Wildman June 23, 2020, 8:02 AM

    Live what you voted for.

  • Dr. Jay June 23, 2020, 8:56 AM

    I hope Minneapolis enjoys a Tuesday filled with cheap happiness or lofty suffering, whichever you prefer.

  • Jewel June 23, 2020, 9:18 AM

    Why do all these Peace Corps types want to turn everything into a desolate wasteland? Why do they embrace the savage and barbarian?

  • ghostsniper June 23, 2020, 9:31 AM

    Jewel axed: “Why do they embrace the savage and barbarian?”
    They seek what they are.
    Keep in mind these savages have been trained to be this way.
    If you had traveled the road they have you’d be this way too.
    This doesn’t dismiss them from the responsibility of their behavior.

    All the savages inside the wire right now should be rounded up and incarcerated.
    All of the gov’t personnel in charge should also be incarcerated.
    A total cost for repair-replacement of all damages should be assembled.
    All of those incarcerated should be forced accomodate those damages over a 90 day period.
    Yes, public whippings as inducement are mandatory.
    All of this should be captured on video and published publicly, daily, to serve as a deterrent to others contemplating such behavior.

  • jwm June 23, 2020, 9:44 AM

    I have a vague memory of an America long ago where the biggest thing on our city’s plate was an infestation of tweakers, junkies, drunks, and other squatters in one of our local parks. How could this happen when jobs were going begging, and every store front business had a “Help Wanted” sign in the window? The economy was great, the stock market soaring. My wife and I did not have to count coins near the end of the pay period. We were hosting big parties for our friends at Thanksgiving and Christmas. There were rumors of some virus coming out of China…


  • James ONeil June 23, 2020, 10:40 AM

    Jewel, ghostsniper ; Alas it appears the only way to save civilization is to embrace our own inner savage, if not our inner barbarian.

  • Kevin in PA June 23, 2020, 12:26 PM

    I think that James O is onto something….embrace your inner barbarian. I suspect it will be mandatory as a matter of survival.
    And Ghost, yeah, these little shits need to pay restitution to the nation for their crimes. The Colonial Period stockades come to mind. The element of shame is gone from the culture. With a firm hand shaming needs to be reintroduced, as a matter of cultural self preservation.

  • Kevin in PA June 23, 2020, 12:29 PM

    oh, and Gerard, I am curious about this video clip you have on the right column side-bar. Biden looking like he is choking back tears, in a “feel your pain” kind of act…or just having an hallucination? Where is it from? What is the context?

  • Vanderleun June 23, 2020, 12:33 PM

    He’s just inside an eternal senior moment. Still, I always like it when somebody notices changes in the sidebar.

  • John Venlet June 23, 2020, 12:58 PM

    … I always like it when somebody notices changes in the sidebar.

    You should pop that Dracula Parrot over at Ka-Ching on the sidebar, like you did the Academy Theatre, which looks like a movie house should, rather than a soulless building with as many screens as they came jam in a building. I’d probably pay extra to watch a movie at a place like Academy.

  • ghostsniper June 23, 2020, 12:59 PM

    I find that Academy movie theater rather fetching.

    @Kevin, the element of shame is NOT gone, it has just not been utilized properly.
    Arresting someone and locking them away from public view is not a positive learning experience for the criminal or anyone else. Shame, for a criminal, requires total exposure to as many inquisitive eyes as possible, while in a horribly shameful position or act. When shame is administered this way it acts as a learning experience to all that encounter it. This process was automatically built in back in the days when stocks were used. Public scorn, humility, embarrassment, and shame. After a week or so of continuous stocks the offender rarely reoffended. If they did the next remedy involved a rope.

  • Gordon Scott June 23, 2020, 1:45 PM

    Say, is anyone hanging around here good at graphic design, and up for a bit of fun at the expense of the racist (the council VP says so) Minneapolis City Council?

  • Terry June 23, 2020, 7:51 PM


    I have studied this thing called shame for a few years. Some persons are without shame or do not have the capacity to know shame. These same people are also not responsible for their own actions or never admit making a mistake.

    I do not understand the mental linkage between shame and responsibility. But I can see this in people fairly easily now that I am aware of the abnormality. I do not believe shame can be taught to an adult.

    No shame and no responsibility add up to a very screwed up individual. Tent cities and prisons are full of these whacks. Politicians fit the mold as well.

    How in hell did we arrive at this point.

  • hooodathunkit June 23, 2020, 7:58 PM

    Gordon Scott: In Minneapolis, we have an extensive and fabled park system. It deserves the accolades. It really is nice and has been well run for 150 years. The parks are managed by an elected park board, which has its own police force (which has just disassociated from the Minneapolis PD, or is pretending to have).

    Even when the city council was full of idiots, the Park Board was kind of the grown-up in the room. But in the last election, the progs ran a full slate of candidates and got a working majority on the board.

    You all are whinging about bums camping out; while the Park Board said ‘hold my bong
    OK, so please honor the lady’s request about posting politics.
    Then lose 8 minutes and a Facebook login to hear the progress Progressivism brings.

  • hooodathunkit June 23, 2020, 8:00 PM

    A football field and a hail of bullets

  • Anonymous June 23, 2020, 8:17 PM

    A few friendly amendments, Ghost.

    All the savages inside the wire right now should be rounded up and INCINERATED. Cheap fuel (lipids) and saves on meals.
    All of the gov’t personnel in charge should be tied down and have lag screws pounded into their heads.
    Yes, public whippings as inducement are mandatory. Breaking on the wheel should be used to teach basic geometry. “Watch as we break his hips and move his legs 180 degrees.”

  • Chris June 23, 2020, 8:51 PM

    THe public is going to get the govt. they voted for. Good and Hard.

  • Gordon Scott June 24, 2020, 4:16 AM

    Don’t think I haven’t thought about it. I’ve been reliably informed that there is about 80 people whose absence would reduce serious crime in Minneapolis by about 70 percent.

    The Air Force Reserve wing out at the airport has plenty of C-130s. A few of these people at a time, carefully bundled up, get to take a ride at taxpayer expense. The C-130 would give them a beautiful night tour of Lake Superior. The C-130 does not have many windows, and they’re wearing hoods, so the beauty is lost to them.

    The crew watches the lake for an absence of ships. This isn’t hard; most of the lake is not shipping lane. When a quiet place is found, the fish receive a delicious bounty.

    Rinse, repeat, as needed.