Beneath their sea, my tongue was tied by lies
That said I loved You not though love lived still,
And my false tongue denied Your clearer eyes
Which saw that love will always conquer will.
But now, as my soul’s mind in time has turned
To moments honed from diamonds, now I find
My love for You refracted and returned
In samite nights beside you in that blind
Long dark within which one light burns,
Which is Your love, and in such love I sleep
The deeper sleep of one whom to love turns
When, gasping like some being from the deep,
I first was flung upon Your wave-smoothed strand
And found beneath Your present sea my future land.
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“The antediluvian kings colonized the world
All the Gods who play in the mythological dramas
In all legends from all lands were from far Atlantis…
Though Gods they were –
And as the elders of our time choose to remain blind
Let us rejoice
And let us sing
And dance and ring in the new!
Hail Atlantis!
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be,
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be.”
A terrible blind spot I have is that I am deaf—that is the right word—to poetry. Try as I might, I just cannot get it. The only poets I “get” are Sappho and Emily Dickinson. I don’t really know why. Maybe because Sappho was a teacher, which I understand having been one myself for 27 years; and Dickinson was a loner who seldom left her bedroom, never married, was uncomfortable around people and communicated with the outside world mainly through letters. I understand this as well, though I have no desire to emulate her.
Did you write this, Gerard? It’s SO beautiful. An Ekphrastic?
Yes, I did write it. A sonnet too. But not ekphrastic in that it only discusses the impact of faith on my reluctant soul.
Send it to SCP. They are having a contest.
That’s the one off Key Largo, right? Snorkeled there, was very fun time.