For several years one of my go-to YouTube channels for an escape from the humdrum days and the unfolding political horrorshow was Stealth Camping with Steve Wallis.
Genuine, humble, and indefatigable, it was my pleasure to watch Wallis’ life improve as his strange channel devoted to camping overnight in strange spaces grew. I’m sure nobody was more surprised by this success than Wallis. Helping him step by step all along the way was a woman he always referred to as “Beautiful Wife.” And now, suddenly and shockingly, Beautiful Wife — Jessica Audrey — died in her sleep last week leaving Wallis battered and bereft. Here is a short video that he just released on this catastrophe; genuine and full of heart as Wallis has always been.
Prayers, please, for Beautiful Wife to be taken gently into the heart of God. Prayers too for Wallis in his unfathomable grief and loss.
Update today just to keep folks here in the know about Steve and his plans for the future. Still one of the most genuine of YouTubers, Wallis is searching for a way forward after a great loss.
Emily Dickinson knew about the great pain that comes from loss:
After great pain, a formal feeling comes –
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs –
The stiff Heart questions ‘was it He, that bore,’
And ‘Yesterday, or Centuries before’?
The Feet, mechanical, go round –
A Wooden way
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought –
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone –
This is the Hour of Lead –
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow –
First – Chill – then Stupor – then the letting go –
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When you see a man in such grief, expressing such honest sorrow, you know he was truly in love with the departed.
I am sad for him, though I’ve never seen the channel and missed meeting Steve’s Beautiful Wife, Audrey. I am happy he had the experience of loving so deeply and of being loved and partnered so thoroughly.
I wish there were things to say and do that would help people during these moments; I know there is not much but I am right now praying for the soul of Audrey, for the healing of Steve, and for his future happiness.
Bless him.
Wallis’ grief strikes me hard. A dear friend of mine lost his wife three weeks ago. They also went to sleep on Saturday day night, which for them, though not Jewish, was the Sabbath. He woke up, but his Sweet Bevie did not. May the Lord grant Wallis peace, and lift him up.
A lot of people dying in their sleep lately.
Probably recently got a Covid booster like everyone other middle age person who suddenly died in their sleep the last two years.
I cannot avoid those same thoughts myself, John. I listened to Steve’s entire message. Profound, genuine, powerfult grief and sharing he delivered. I was unaware of this man and his online channel. But if he’s been doing a regular video blog then perhaps he will share further discovery of why his wife didn’t wake up. I know that most Canadians have been vaxxed and boosted. It’s been a peculiar behavior of these surviving family members to chant “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” and seek no cause or evidence of death. I’ve encountered this the past year… I inquire if that young healthy person who somehow died of a stroke or heart attack was vaxxed. And I’m told with adamant assurance “the vaccines had NOTHING to do with this.”
My thought also. The vax propaganda is starting to wear thin. I couldn’t even get past about a minute of watching this guy suffer.
The lying continues and the only people taken in by it are other liars.
That hurt to read. Mercy Lord.
May the Holy Spirit comfort this man in his darkest moment.
Gerard, Is he from Canada?
Yes he is. All his work and life is in Canada.
Married in 1974. In 1992 my wife suffered a major stroke. Our life changed. But we coped. Adapted. And our lives together continued.
In 2011, almost without warning she passed away from a viral infection. Many people remembered her, many people loved her. Her life was full and happy.
Oh God, why her? Why not me?
I think God takes the good ones first.
My heart goes out to Wallis. Prayers for him in his dark hours. This song tears down walls it took me 20 and 10 years to build. But as Gandalf said, “Not all tears are an evil. “
Gerard asks for prayers for Steve and his Beautiful Wife– prayers up from this small corner of Gerard’s readership. Like Dan Patterson, I’d never seen Steve’s channel, but after watching the video that Gerard embedded here, I got curious and went to Steve’s YouTube channel. The video immediately preceding the one about his wife’s death was a video he made with “Crazy Neighbor” about stealth camping on the Canada–U.S. Border. Steve made the video in an Alberta provincial park to celebrate his channel’s reaching 1 million subscribers. I enjoyed the entire video– but at the end– well, there are no words. Steve looks into the camera at 30:55 and announces that the next three videos “are not going to be stealth.” What he had planned was “one special project at the acreage, and there’s another railway [trip], and then we’re on the river for a river trip. . . .” He then says that he doesn’t know how long he’ll be away, but it won’t be longer than two weeks: “I don’t really want it to be longer than two weeks, because I’m a married man, and I have my limitations.”
Prayers, and more prayers for Steve and Jessica Audrey. That one brief comment about being a married man is as fine a tribute to his Beautiful Wife as anything else he could say. God bless them both.
So surreal, seeing this here, having had no idea you were a fan. Non-music YouTube for me is largely Steve Wallis and Shawn Kelly. I was intrigued when Kelly talked about Wallis on Corporal’s Corner and hoped to someday do a video together. When I saw the video title I said “no! Oh no…” and watched in tears. I never though of SADS. That didn’t exist when James Joyner lost his wife in the same “didn’t wake” manner, and that’s who I thought of. It also made me feel awful about thinking, when I felt lousy at work yesterday, “at least I’m worth 160k dead now.” (Combo of work-provided and added on, no questions asked life insurance benefit I could get for a good price after changing to a better job at work.)
Prayers out. That loss is a tough one. I don’t do social media, don’t consider GV to be a social media site, just a place where friends stop by have a cup of coffee or more, and noodle life’s meaning.
Dry tears and forced sniveling. Baloney expressions.
Our side will fall for anything.
Here you go… more and more of this stuff….
Sometimes the suffering is not about that person
but about everyone around that person who
sees the drama unfolding. Think about Christ for
an example.
To “Anonymous”:
You forgot to wear what’s left of your soul today.
-Try looking in the garbage can, maybe ya dropped it there.