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Someone to Watch Over Me

This and many others are made by Neal Foard. Why has nobody ever heard of HIM? Why does he have only 5,000 subscribers? Why does this video have only 536 views as of now?

That said, I love my subscribed members and wish I had more. Help make this dream come true.

Take us out for the weekend, Willie.

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  • Corn Wallace October 28, 2022, 11:07 AM

    Too broke to pay attention but thanks for keeping the mother page up.
    Some good morale maintenance at A.D. and you might even learn something.
    Let’s enjoy the online virtual Alexandria library encyclopedia while we still can.

  • Anonymous October 28, 2022, 2:06 PM

    Caresse Crosby was a patron of Bukowski, she makes a vivid read. Bill Wilson borrowed from one of her husbands. She had a dog named Clytoris.

  • BroKen October 28, 2022, 3:01 PM

    I’ve been using some of Foard’s little vignettes during worship as kind of an offertory. They are quite captivating.

  • Mike Austin October 28, 2022, 3:10 PM

    As for Willie: “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”. If that were the only song he ever sang, it would be enough.

    As for Bukowski: His life takes the word “sordid” to new levels. I am surprised he lived to be 73. I read his semi-autobiographical “Ham on Rye”. That was 35 years ago. I remember it as if I had read it yesterday.

    • Anonymous October 29, 2022, 7:03 PM

      His wife had a beard, but you knew that.

  • Dirk October 28, 2022, 5:56 PM

    Saw Willie and family at GSR casino Reno, two summers ago,,,,,,,,,,,,they absolutely Sucked. By far the worst concert we’ve attended.

    • Anonymous October 29, 2022, 7:09 PM

      I saw him sit in on two separate occasions in a small club I worked in, played with the house band, impromptu. Small crowd on Sunday nights. He was great and glad to be there.

  • Casey Klahn October 29, 2022, 7:36 AM

    O great! Now I’m on a Burkowski binge. Whose work I have read, probably here. Before. I dig it and don’t know fully why I do.

    Also, storytelling is an art, huh? Thanks for the introductions to Foard.

    • Anonymous October 29, 2022, 7:11 PM

      “The Hairy, Hairy Fists and Love Will Die”, a favorite poem.

  • Jack October 29, 2022, 8:16 AM

    Foard’s piece reminds me of the absolute necessity of good parenting or mentoring. It wasn’t provided for me but I did provide it for my children and the differences in choices and life paths is amazing. One thing that struck me while watching him speak was how much he looks like GVL. Put a Panama on GVL and you have twin sons from different mothers.

    Willie’s tune was icing on today’s cake and a great way to start the weekend.

  • sparkee October 29, 2022, 4:19 PM

    FYI, Firefox complains about the http://www.newamericandigest.com link:

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