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September 13, 2016

Trump should not pardon Clinton.

Instead he should appoint a special prosecutor with the authority to go where the evidence takes him.
The Clinton crime family did not operate in a vacuum. Lots of people have greased the wheels so that these two grifters from the Ozarks could hold official Washington captive for close to a quarter century. Getting all of it out into the open would do a lot of damage to the political class, but it would do a world of good for the nation’s politics. The corrupt bargain that has prevailed in DC needs to come to an end. After the Revolution

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 13, 2016 9:33 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

All criminals have suck buddies and similar friends that would support them even if God ruled against them but it's true that whenever justice is served it has a tendency to refresh the air and get rid of all of the smoke and putrid fumes of unpunished crimes and anger at injustice.

I hope Clinton survives her health ordeal but I hope, much more, that she is delivered into the hands of that lovely Goddess, Blind Justice. If she is, she's gonna see the finger of that Goddess write upon her wall: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.

Posted by: Jack at September 14, 2016 6:54 AM

Threats, and pay-offs.
Those are the klintin tools.
Where did they get the pay-off funds?
From the taxpayers of course.
Both have much to atone for, and neither ever will.
There is only one justice for such imbalance.

Worse still is the system that enabled them to take hold in the first place as it is still in existence and being exploited presently by many others.


You happen upon a 1932 Ford Vicky 8 cylinder flathead 2 dr coupe, serial number 000001 in a barn.

The wheels are rusted to the bent axles, the engine and transmission are blown and gutted, the body is heavily dented, torn, and rusted, all the glass is shattered, and the interior is completely trashed, but the old farmer will let you have it for just $10k.

Do you take that more than massive project on, or do you just walk away sadly shaking your head, wondering ever what might have been?

Posted by: ghostsniper at September 14, 2016 8:14 AM

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