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September 8, 2016
"Today's soup lines are electronic, as the government downloads the “soup” onto EBT cards...."
The narrative of economic recovery has been peddled by corporate media mouthpieces, feckless politicians, Too Big To Trust Wall Street bankers, Federal Reserve puppets, and government apparatchiks flogging manipulated data as proof of economic advancement. They point to the lack of soup lines as proof we couldn’t be experiencing a depression.First of all, if there were soup lines, the corporate media would just ignore them.
If they don’t report it, then it isn’t happening. Secondly, the soup lines are electronic, as the government downloads the “soup” onto EBT cards so JP Morgan can reap billions in fees to run the SNAP program. Just because there are no pictures of starving downtrodden Americans in shabby clothes waiting in soup lines, doesn’t mean the majority of Americans aren’t experiencing a depression. The Greater Depression - Part 1
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 8, 2016 4:41 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.