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September 6, 2016
The Era of Hope and Change has been one prolonged act of suicide.
If anyone had said that Obama would manage to alienate Israel and the Philippines, lose Turkey, pay Iran a hundred billion dollars,preside over the loss of a won war in Afghanistan, lose billions of dollars in military equipment to ISIS, watch a consulate burn, restart the Cold War with Russia, cause Japan to re-arm and go the knife's edge with China would you have believed it?If someone had told you in 2008 millions of refugees would be heading for Europe and that the UK would leave the EU after Obama went there to campaign for them to remain would you not have laughed? He promised "smart diplomacy" and the restoration of American prestige in the world. How did it come to this? The Dragon Comes With a Suitcase | PJ Media
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 6, 2016 6:10 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
Good article. It seems impossible that an American could have made this many inconceivable disastrous judgment calls but you have to remember.
Obama is an unvetted foreign national
Obama is a marxist
Obama is a homosexual
Obama is a muslim
Obama hates America and everything it represents
There is no need for elaboration except to say that he is a representative of the Left and his only desire in life, except for a male, is to destroy the United States.
Posted by: Jack at September 7, 2016 7:20 AM
This is a frightening next couple of months. This week, Putin's driver was killed in a head-on collision in Moscow. Talk about a near trigger event!
Posted by: Casey Klahn at September 7, 2016 7:34 AM
"How did it come to this?"
About half the US adult population believes the entire US population and most of the world should be RULED by people incapable of balancing a checkbook, as evidenced by the continuing manner in which they treat the US budget each year.
If the politicians are unwilling to balance income with outflow how in the world do you expect them to do anything else worth a dam?
When that criminal and negligent half of the population is erased from the face of the earth the rest of us can then move into place and start running our lives the way we see fit.
If you make it to this time next year consider yourself lucky and a fast learner.
See ya on the other side.
Posted by: ghostsniper at September 7, 2016 10:06 AM
Health care system: ruined
Cost of living: staggering
Race relations: war zone
Immigration: tens of thousands of Sub Saharan black African muslims (avg IQ mid 70's)
tens of thousands Syrian + other Arab muslims. Untold hundreds of thousands of Mexican/Central Americans.
More on the way.
Education: indoctrination in PC/SJW. Literacy, and math scores in the toilet.
Employment: Non existent. College grads live at home, work part time for Starbucks.
Freedom: American people sold into slavery to the "Health Insurance" industry.
Media: straight out of a dystopian sci-fi. All lies all the time. Population of walking zombies hypnotized by smartphone
Surveillance/privacy: see media. You're tracked and recorded pretty much 24/7 (see freedom)
Fashion/style: millions of women voluntarily destroy their beauty with hideous tattoos. Men even worse
Law enforcement: revenue generators for municipalities. Target practice for ghetto rats.
Military. pointless destruction of stable governments to clear the field for the jihadhists.
Top brass replaced with women of color
Something about fundamentally transforming the United States: Mission accomplished
Posted by: jwm at September 7, 2016 5:56 PM
Get in shape.
Stock two MONTHS worth of food and water, and cash/barter items at home.
Make sure you and your neighbors support one another, if you live in the burbs, like the Chileans did, blocking the cul-de-sacs with cars until the power came on after two weeks during the big 9.0 earthquake there.
Whatever triggers the shutdown of food and water delivery is going to cascade to mass disorder- and you will need to be one of the strong.
If its longer than that, and you are stuck in an urban area, then god bless.
Posted by: Foodog at September 7, 2016 9:25 PM