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September 20, 2016
The “conservatives” have at least two motives for band-wagoning with this nonsense.
One is that they simply don’t understand higher principle anymore, because their whole mindset is unconsciously leftist, so they believe that everything the Left calls “racist” is in fact racist.Oppose more immigration? Racist! Don’t believe the police systematically try to kill blacks? Racist! The other is simple cowardice. Conservatives are terrified of being called racist. I don’t know if this is bad conscience or what—maybe at heart they really believe it? Maybe living in all-white neighborhoods perhaps makes them feel guilty. But being called out for it scares them above all so they are always desperate to make public declarations of their purity as non-racists. They think they will get credit from the Left, which of course they never do, but that never stops them from trying. An Interview with Decius - American Greatness
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 20, 2016 7:49 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
Cowards that have told a negro joke in the past are terrified they will be called a raysiss. So they shut their mouths and hide. If the raysiss finger gets pointed at them they piss themselves.
Posted by: ghostsniper at September 20, 2016 10:09 AM