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September 25, 2016
Scott Adams: Why I Switched My Endorsement from Clinton to...
I don’t understand the policy details and implications of most of either Trump’s or Clinton’s proposed ideas.
Neither do you. But I do understand persuasion. I also understand when the government is planning to confiscate the majority of my assets. And I can also distinguish between a deeply unhealthy person and a healthy person, even though I have no medical training. (So can you.) Scott Adams' Blog — Why I Switched My Endorsement from Clinton to...
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 25, 2016 12:33 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
For years the left has been taking the most extreme positions possible on every issue, no matter how crazy they sound. Eventually, the crazy left issues starts to sound normal through repetition, and the fact that no one on the right has taken an equally extreme counter position of any significance.
Here comes Donald Trump ... when they say let the illegals in, he says build a wall. When the left says extreme A, he says extreme Z. The outcome in a Trumpian world is and end point status quo at the center.
That's the way to counter the left. They are never satisfied with the status quo. To achieve the status quo, you have to take the extreme position.
Posted by: edaddy at September 25, 2016 7:11 PM
Soooo, at one point you were for Clinton? How slow are you?
Posted by: Tripletap at September 26, 2016 4:19 AM
Adams "endorsed" Clinton for his personal safety. That is (using Adam's term) a rhetorical kill shot if ever there was one. Nothing slow about Scott Adams.
Posted by: jwm at September 26, 2016 9:31 AM
Good going. Adams stopped the silliness... which was also getting kind of boring... nobody cares that he's implying he's in danger of being harmed living among the 1% in California if he endorses Trump. That cuteness was wearing really thin. Adams is a very smart guy but he's also a jerk. And he wants to sell more books and comics and continue living well so if he wants to remain a source of sincerity and credibility he had to cut the crap and go to the next level.
I watched the debate this evening and Trump was the overwhelming attractive and convincing entity. Hillary was the superficial politician bloviating and pontificating the standard soundbites that so many people can see through. EVERY time Trump nailed her in an inescapable accusation she would smile... that's all she could do. And it became the obvious ruse and behavior in which these were her weakest moments.... just smile wider and wider when there was no escape.... no response... no defense. It was lots of fun watching this thing tonight.
Posted by: Tom Hyland at September 27, 2016 6:52 AM