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September 16, 2016
Revisiting The House of God
The House of God found it difficult to let some young terminal guy die without pain, in peace.Even though Putzel and the Runt had agreed to let the Man With Agonal Respirations die that night, his kidney consult, a House red-hot Slurper named Mickey who’d been a football star in college, came along, went to see the Agonal Man, roared back to us and paged the Runt STAT. Mickey was foaming at the mouth, mad as hell that his “case” was dying.... Mickey called a cardiac arrest. From all over the House, terns and residents stormed into the room to save the Man With Agonal Respirations from a painless peaceful death. (p. 245) Practicing Medicine - The New Atlantis
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 16, 2016 8:52 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.