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September 19, 2016
PowerLine's John Hinderaker: "Electoral College Math, and Why I Think Trump Will Win"
A company came out with a new dog food, and hired an advertising firm to promote the product. The ad agency placed commercials on television and ads in magazines; millions of dollars went into the campaign. The commercials and ads were first-rate, but still the dog food did not sell. The client called a meeting at the ad agency and demanded to know what had gone wrong. After a moment of silence, the leader of the ad agency team explained: “The dogs don’t like it.”Hillary Clinton can be re-launched, re-packaged, and protected by a phalanx of reporters. The liberal establishment can do its best to jam her down our throats. But we–the voters–don’t like her. | Power Line
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 19, 2016 8:58 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
There's still the dems' get out the vote machine. Formidable. Trump's org needs to figure a way to blunt, counter, or otherwise deal with that, and get busy on it. Maybe somehow neuter the people at the top running it. They'll get little to no help from the repub establishment, no matter what they try to do.
Posted by: BillH at September 19, 2016 9:16 AM
Horse shlt: there is absolutely no equivalence whatever between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The policy differences, methods, and intended outcomes are as day and night.
I think a lot of these faux-intellectual pricks on the right are disparaging Trump in order to camouflage the fact that they're going to vote for him anyway---but they don't want to draw flack from the left. They don't have the stones to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him on ideas that are manifestly obvious to a 5 year-old. Comrade Stalin is lovin' this.
There's a technical name for such people---cowards.
The United States has been so contaminated by political correctness, that even so-called conservatives are afraid to stand up for the truth even when it is shooting them through with shrapnel.
Posted by: ahem at September 19, 2016 12:01 PM
John Hinderacker is a very smart guy, but his record of predicting political outcomes is absolutely woeful. He allows his own preferences to cloud his judgement too much. Lesser intellects who are more practised at dispassionate evaluation do better.
Posted by: Brett_McS at September 20, 2016 5:10 AM