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September 26, 2016

Many believe it is possible safely to arrive at nuclear zero.

It is not. Enough warheads to bring any country to its knees can fit in a space volumetrically equivalent to a Manhattan studio apartment.
Try to find that in the vastness of Russia, China, or Iran. Even ICBMs and their transporter-erector-launchers can easily be concealed in warehouses, tunnels and caves. Nuclear weapons age out, but, thanks to supercomputing, reliable replacements can be manufactured with only minor physical testing. Unaccounted fissile material sloshing around the world can, with admitted difficulty, be fashioned into weapons. And when rogue states such as North Korea and Iran build their bombs, our response has been either impotence or a ticket to ride.The Gathering Nuclear Storm - WSJ

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 26, 2016 1:37 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I wrote a college paper on this supposed issue in the late '80s for a Critical Thinking course.
The concept of a dichotomy between "conventional" weapons and WMDs is not shared by other people and other governments, particularly the Russians.

The Russians see nuclear weapons as just another weapon(another arrow in their quiver) and would never get rid of theirs, nor would they insist that their client states such as Iran or the NorKs not have them either.

I suspect that the very idea behind this thinking, the dichotomy, was invented by the GRU and has caught on very successfully in western liberal democracies due to constant repetition in our education system and media.

Posted by: Speller at September 28, 2016 9:57 AM

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