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September 8, 2016
Signs of the Apocalypse
Huge Australian catfish have started catching and eating mice -Researchers have confirmed that a population of catfish in Western Australia are catching and eating live mice, but they have no idea how they’re doing it.... Ashburton River catfish have not been observed leaving the water, and spinifex hopping mice have not been observed approaching it. Ever.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 8, 2016 10:18 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
"a population of catfish"
Seems to me someone is catching the mice and feeding them to "a" group of catfish in their locality.
No doubt their are zoologists angling for a grant to study this phenomena.
Posted by: gary miller at September 8, 2016 11:16 AM
Catfish eating mice is not a mystery, no matter how confounded "researchers" may be. Trout; rainbow, brooks, cutthroats, browns, grayling, not to mention pike and muskie; will all eat mice with a relish if they get the chance. In fact, mousing for trout with a flyrod at night is a old timey pastime in the waters of Northern Michigan. Sheesh.
Posted by: John Venlet at September 8, 2016 11:36 AM
If an African swallow carrying a mouse were to fly over the catfish pond...
Posted by: SteveS at September 8, 2016 2:51 PM
Just because no one has seen it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
They have walking catfish in Florida.
Catfish climbs up on the bank and goes for a stroll, local mouse sees it and can't believe it's eyes, frozen in disbelief, catfish trounces on mouse, gulp.
Same thing's gonna happen to the libs by next summer, won't believe their eyes, fleets of III's heading their way, Danners removing door frames in splinters, libs wailing, begging, too late, libs pray....pfhttt-pfhttt....flash of steel, blood spray, open season on criminals.
Posted by: ghostsniper at September 8, 2016 3:01 PM