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June 13, 2016

The Great pyramid of Giza has 8 sides not 4


One very unusual feature of the Great Pyramid is a concavity of the core that makes the monument an eight-sided figure, rather than four-sided like every other Egyptian pyramid.
That is to say, that its four sides are hollowed in or indented along their central lines, from base to peak. This concavity divides each of the apparent four sides in half, creating a very special and unusual eight-sided pyramid; and it is executed to such an extraordinary degree of precision as to enter the realm of the uncanny. For, viewed from any ground position or distance, this concavity is quite invisible to the naked eye. The hollowing-in can be noticed only from the air, and only at certain times of the day. This explains why virtually every available photograph of the Great Pyramid does not show the hollowing-in phenomenon, and why the concavity was never discovered until the age of aviation. It was discovered quite by accident in 1940, when a British Air Force pilot, P. Groves, was flying over the pyramid. He happened to notice the concavity and captured it in the now-famous photograph. - - Quora

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 13, 2016 12:22 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The ignored existence of the unseen side, the base side on which it rests, means the headline should read "9 sides not 5"

Posted by: Clayton in Mississippi at June 13, 2016 9:48 AM

The persistently ignored existence of the unseen side (the foundation or base side, on which the building rests), means the headline should read "9 sides not 5"

Posted by: Clayton in Mississippi at June 13, 2016 9:50 AM

The unseen side was involved in some unsavory business with a minor back in '71. The other sides don't like to talk about it.

Posted by: Monty James at June 13, 2016 4:35 PM

You have to remember that the pyramid was originally sheathed in a marble skin - whether the finished pyramid had flat sides or indented sides is not demonstrated by its current dilapidated and vandalized state.

Posted by: Punditarian at June 14, 2016 7:06 AM

And just think.....the muslims have recently stated that they intend to destroy the pyramids, too.

Posted by: Jack at June 14, 2016 7:12 AM

For 5000 years, people have been climbing this pyramid. They take the shortest route, which is up the middle of a side. That explains the wear lines on each side. There is no concavity.

Posted by: bradc at June 15, 2016 12:17 PM

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