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November 30, 2015
This is why your ancestors invented a system called feudalism.
Most people are deficient in brains and moral character, barely above monkeys,
and so while they can do a modern job just fine, they always choose destructive things. They cannot control their appetites, nor their need to look cool to their friends, nor do they have any particular ability to tell good from bad in quality. They like new things and leave a trail of landfill behind them. Feudalism took such people and put them in peasant roles where they were kept illiterate so they could not argue or write nonsense, and kept impoverished so they did not generate a trail of disposable wreckage. These people have always been this way. They are inferior and their opinions are unnecessary. But they always think eternal pluralism is a good idea, and until now, Starbucks probably thought that was good for business. -- The red cup and pluralism @ Amerika
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 30, 2015 8:03 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
Problem: While this characterization is true of many humans, it is far too evenly distributed to make a system like feudalism viable. Once a competitor arrives who practices actual meritocracy, they will cook your goose and stuff you.
One might also consider that the Left's current ambition is the article's very recommendation. A "Gattaca Panopticon" techno-feudalism, imposed by a panopticon tied to handouts rather than ties to the land, with an elite on top that uses the latest biological and medical tech to remain truly apart from "lesser beings." And whose religion sees those beings as disposable, rather than as creatures with inherent dignity.
Be very, very careful what you wish for.
Posted by: Joe Katzman at November 30, 2015 1:46 PM