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November 1, 2015
The Death of the American Welfare State

Aside from the demographic disparity in worker ages is a subtler disparity in worker productivity and independence as senior citizens are left chasing social spending dollars that are increasingly going to a younger population. ObamaCare with its Medicare Advantage cuts was a bellwether of the shift in health care spending from seniors to the welfare population. - - Sultan Knish
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 1, 2015 10:50 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
I have a 37 yo niece (in law) that has never worked a day in her obese, disgusting, life and collects truckloads of gov't stolen coin each month.
During family occasions this nasty wretch will fill her craw to the brim then head for the bathroom to sleep it off while sitting on the shitter at my MIL's house. Twice, TWICE, she has broken that shitter off the floor bolts while doing this.
Everytime I see her come waddling in with an 84oz Big Gulp in her grotesque hands I want to desperately punch her horrifying ass in the face.
The shamelessness of this person is beyond shocking and almost as bad her acceptance by the rest of the family.
Free gov't money brings out the worst in everybody it captures.
Posted by: ghostsniper at November 1, 2015 2:52 PM
I encourage any still in the workforce to pay heartily into Social Security. So I don't have to work 20 hours a week painting rental boats at an amusement park.
Just because somebody says “Have a nice day” doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.
Posted by: chasmatic at November 2, 2015 11:03 PM