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November 23, 2015
Safe spaces are designed to blot our reality and replace it with a giant neurotic and morally flatulent human mind.
Safe spaces must be destroyed Safe spaces are solipsism bubble zoneswhere people can go if they fear someone might mention reality. In safe spaces, people can bloviate on about their ideological ideas without being contradicted by someone who has noticed flaws in their narrative, i.e. reality peeking through the carefully-constructed artifice. Safe spaces are designed to blot our reality and replace it with a giant neurotic and morally flatulent human mind. They are the triumph of narcissism, fear and intolerance (of reality!) over common sense, logic and survival. They are suicide cults.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 23, 2015 12:02 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
The mindset of someone requiring someone else to provide them with a safe space is that of a child.
Let me demonstrate.
Suppose I make a safe place as per your demands and you get killed anyway, did you win?
As a grown up I know exactly what it takes to keep me safe and would flat out reject any sort of offer from anyone else to provide a safe haven for me because of the above.
Therefore people demanding others to provide safety to them are utter nitwits not worthy of using valuable air.
Posted by: ghostsniper at November 23, 2015 11:54 AM
A bubble perhaps double insulated and opaque so that the scary sounds and flashes of light cannot penetrate to disturb their Soma stasis.
As Darwin showed, any specie isolated from others of it's kind will soon become unable to interbreed and interact with the outer world.
So much for the cloistered life.
Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at November 23, 2015 2:42 PM