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November 27, 2015
It’s not us, it’s them. The Muslim world is afflicted with a sickness, a pathology.
We can continue to believe that we have the power, through our actions, to eradicate Muslim extremism.We can continue to buy that line even in the face of decades of evidence to the contrary. We can continue to remain blind and deaf to the fact that there’s no action the West can take that hasn’t already been blamed for “radicalizing” Muslims. We’re told that we radicalized them by engaging in “nation building” in Iraq (“it’s our fault; we meddled in their internal affairs”), but we’re also told we radicalized them by not engaging in nation building after helping the Afghans defeat the Soviets (“it’s our fault; we just walked away without meddling in their internal affairs”). We’re told we radicalized them by attempting to remove a dictator by force (Iraq ’03) and by sanctions (Iraq in the ’90s), but we’re also told we radicalized them by not attempting to remove a dictator (“they hate us because for decades we backed Mubarak!”). We’re told we radicalize them domestically via intrusive government policies that “harass” their communities, but we’re also told we radicalize them by leaving their communities completely alone (“the Muslim slums of France are hotbeds of extremism due to years of government neglect!”). We’re told it’s all about the West’s support for Israel, even as Muslim terrorists attack nations that are hostile to Israel. We’re told it’s not about religion, merely foreign policy, even though the Muhammad cartoons led to protests throughout the Muslim world that were larger and more violent than any protests about Western foreign policy. Let the Bastards Be Scared
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 27, 2015 9:55 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
They have been radicalized, or from their viewpoint normalized, since Mohammed's Medina days, 1400 or so years ago.
Their homicidal 'pathology' and our suicidephilia are cooperating nicely.
Europe is at an infection inflection point; the healing crisis is underway -- either a turn to healing or a turn to death or kneeling.
Our turn is next.
Posted by: Stug Guts at November 27, 2015 7:27 PM
"Their homicidal 'pathology' and our suicidephilia are cooperating nicely."
I believe more like sadists vs masochists or Steve Martin as the dentist and Bill Murray as patient in the movie "Little Shop of Horrors".
We just about deserve each other.
Posted by: Dennis Myers at November 28, 2015 1:48 PM