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November 16, 2015
If America does comparatively little the allies do even less. France was hardly doing its worst.
While the head-hunting drones and aircraft might keep the weeds down in Syria and somewhat geographically contain the Islamic State they proved unable to seal up its ideas, infiltrators and secret agents.Those had traveled to Europe via the Internet, the mosques, commercial air travel and the migrant trail. It is now believed the Paris attack was launched from a suburb of Brussels called Molenbeek, to which nearly every terrorist attack in Europe has been linked, and over which the Belgian interior minister claims no control. At least some of the attackers were furnished from the ranks of refugees streaming in from Syria. The planning itself may have used the chat feature of Playstation 4, which the French sleuths had not thought to tap. To use a medical analogy, the threat has metastized and spread beyond the region of preventive surgery. Unwillingly goaded into action | Belmont Club
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 16, 2015 10:25 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
France needs to reconquer its own muslim dominated suburbs first.
Posted by: Fat Man at November 16, 2015 9:21 PM