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November 17, 2015
Despite the fact that America is engaged in military action in at least seven countries
it is apparently sufficient for president Obama to avoid deploying regular troops to evade the restrictions placed on activities designated as "war".Though even that claim is questionable it spares the president from the need to explain his strategic goals to the American public or go before Congress to obtain an authorization for the use of military force. This ability to wage war-not-war creates an enormous shift of power away from Congress to the Executive Branch. The result is not the actual cessation of American wars but their continuation and proliferation by unaccountable and covert means. The collapse of whole countries, the widespread bombings, the confrontation between Russia, the US, Iran and the Gulf States, the generation of millions of refugees from South Asia and MENA, not even counting the 2 million displaced persons in Ukraine are phenomena inexplicable under the theory that Obama has restored peace to the world.Telling the truth about our military actions | Belmont Club
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 17, 2015 10:12 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.