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November 30, 2015
Could conservatives be doing any more to undermine higher learning’s reputation than today’s far left students and faculty?
It is not very brave to sit down in the office of an invertebrate president.The real enemy logically should be at NASCAR races and NRA shows. Why not disrupt the recreation of supposed rednecks to remind them of their racism, sexism, and homophobia? Why not go to Donald Trump rallies en masse to remind the reprobate audiences of their embedded privilege? Leftists tweaking liberals is kid’s play. The real adult would swarm the entry gate at the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, mob the Cody Stampede Rodeo, and shut down a Branson concert in the Ozarks. The Upside Down Campus Protester | PJ Media
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 30, 2015 9:29 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
"The real adult would...."
False premise.
Look at your young child, or grandchild, is s/he an adult? Of course not, so it cannot have any authority over you. Same with LIEberals. Cept LIEberals lie, purposely.
Imagine that young child aiming a loaded 12ga at you. THAT is the status of ALL LIEberals today, and you should treat them as such.
Don't wait for them to pull the trigger.
The winner is usually the first trigger puller.
Don't hesitate, be preemptive.
Better to be wrong and alive than right and dead.
Posted by: ghostsniper at December 1, 2015 12:36 PM