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November 22, 2015
Although the press may refer to the Jihadis as "cowards",
the objective truth is they have amply demonstrated a willingness to die for their cause up there with the best of them and keep on fighting even when faced with overwhelming odds. If the gunfight at St. Denis is representative of future combats, defeating the enemy won't be easy. The Silent Crisis |BelmontPosted by gerardvanderleun at November 22, 2015 1:15 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
On patrol, while maintaining 5 meter intervals, you see the head in front of you suddenly explode as the .308 roar of thunder envelopes you.
Do you continue onward or does a part of your own brain die right then and there as your nervous center collapses rendering you into a jellyfish?
Violence is 75% psychological.
When a soldier is killed the others continue on with 1 less man, but if a soldier is severely injured 2 others must help and the squad is short 3 men rather than 1 and those 3 are now stationary targets
Posted by: ghostsniper at November 22, 2015 7:52 PM