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November 30, 2015
What comes next will be a settling of the greatest threat to civilization since the Black Plague.
This time the plague walks on two feet and demands to go on the dole. Z BlogPosted by gerardvanderleun at 5:19 PM | Your Say (2)
I weary anyway, of the endless news stories reporting that children can barely read or not at all, can’t add, and don’t know anything.
This in the United States? The exceptional nation, shining city on a hill, guiding light of mankind?
On and on it goes: the national toleration of the stupid, the inferior, the lazy, and the uncultivated. More specifically, toleration of substandard teachers, substandard races, substandard approaches to schooling, and intellectually shiftless people bitching about everything being somebody else’s fault. A Literate American: Home Brew | Fred On Everything
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:15 PM | Your Say (8)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:05 PM | Your Say (16)
Just imagine that a giant, mainstream media company curb-stomped Muslims or progressives and then spit in their face and defecated on their idols just for fun.
Imagine what would happen. To start with, Fox and AMC headquarters would be blown to pieces or invaded by armed assailants.ABC, for waging such a brutal assault on gay rights ideology, would be boycotted by millions, its executives subjected to harassment and death threats, its advertisers targeted, its CEO exposed in front of the world and all of his deepest and darkest secrets revealed. Dozens would be fired. ABC would be forced to issue several graveling apologies, and every ABC owned property and affiliate and associate would have to publicly condemn the network and sign contracts promising to air pro-gay propaganda videos three times a week in perpetuity as restitution. And that would just be the beginning.... Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:39 AM | Your Say (3)
American immigration consists of repeated attempts to let in everyone, followed by disasters,
at which point American law allowed people to either remove the immigrants or exclude them,
at which point they self-deported. Europe has a similar history marked more by pogroms than democracy natterings, but the cycle remains the same. The domesticated sheep lunge after their feelings in order to show everyone how nice they are, and then it explodes in their faces and the remaining adults — a dwindling group over the years — take over and fix the mess. A narcissistic, effete population
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:35 AM | Your Say (0)
Is a bird in the hand really worth two in the head?
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:10 AM | Your Say (0)
Could conservatives be doing any more to undermine higher learning’s reputation than today’s far left students and faculty?
It is not very brave to sit down in the office of an invertebrate president.The real enemy logically should be at NASCAR races and NRA shows. Why not disrupt the recreation of supposed rednecks to remind them of their racism, sexism, and homophobia? Why not go to Donald Trump rallies en masse to remind the reprobate audiences of their embedded privilege? Leftists tweaking liberals is kid’s play. The real adult would swarm the entry gate at the Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune, mob the Cody Stampede Rodeo, and shut down a Branson concert in the Ozarks. The Upside Down Campus Protester | PJ Media
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:29 AM | Your Say (1)
pity this busy monster, manunkind,
pity this busy monster, manunkind,
not. Progress is a comfortable disease:
your victim (death and life safely beyond)
plays with the bigness of his littleness
--- electrons deify one razorblade
into a mountainrange; lenses extend
unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish
returns on its unself.
A world of made
is not a world of born --- pity poor flesh
and trees, poor stars and stones, but never this
fine specimen of hypermagical
ultraomnipotence. We doctors know
a hopeless case if --- listen: there's a hell
of a good universe next door; let's go
E. E. Cummings
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:51 AM | Your Say (0)
The Perfect Job for These Poor Jihadist Refugees
One which values oppressive fanaticism, does not tolerate speech outside of specific and carefully-groomed lines of thought and which relies on intimidation to prevent the spread of illicit ideas? Well it’s a lot easier question than you think. We will plonk them down in the gender, racial equality, and diversity offices on university campuses. -- Breitbart
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:49 AM | Your Say (0)
This is why your ancestors invented a system called feudalism.
Most people are deficient in brains and moral character, barely above monkeys,
and so while they can do a modern job just fine, they always choose destructive things. They cannot control their appetites, nor their need to look cool to their friends, nor do they have any particular ability to tell good from bad in quality. They like new things and leave a trail of landfill behind them. Feudalism took such people and put them in peasant roles where they were kept illiterate so they could not argue or write nonsense, and kept impoverished so they did not generate a trail of disposable wreckage. These people have always been this way. They are inferior and their opinions are unnecessary. But they always think eternal pluralism is a good idea, and until now, Starbucks probably thought that was good for business. -- The red cup and pluralism @ Amerika
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:03 AM | Your Say (1)
November 27, 2015
In this ‘pilgrims=refugees’ meme Europeans are just immigrants
who came to the singular, utopic Native State to fuck it up.Not settlers who built a country while fighting many different separate, warring Indian nations, and creating their own country in the process. But if you take this leftist analogy at face value, then the lesson is that non-Arabs will be slowly rubbed-out into obscurity through years of combat and treachery until they exist politically only in state-subsidized enclaves with maybe the self-determination to slaughter and eat a pig when the rest of the country can’t or won’t. Why is this an argument for mass immigration? -- - STREET CARNAGE
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:01 PM | Your Say (0)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:05 PM | Your Say (6)
I wonder how many American refugees Planned Parenthood killed today on the border between the womb and the world.
The envelope please:
From Oct. 1, 2012 to Sept. 30, 2013, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions. Over the course of those 365 days (or 8,760 hours), that averages out to 898 abortions per day and 37 abortions per hour. -- CNS News
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:54 PM | Your Say (3)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:35 PM | Your Say (0)
The insistent demand for an endless flow of Third World immigrants to the West goes well beyond cheap labor for the rich. It has become a mass psychosis.
Why should we act as if our cultures are better than those that haven’t made advanced scientific discoveries, such as that women are human beings?That would be “xenophobic”! Successful countries must allow themselves to be overrun by backward cultures so that no country thinks it’s better than another. This psychosis runs so deep that even a father who was with his 12-year-old son at the Bataclan theater during the attack refused to notice anything distinctive about the shooters. Asked to describe one assailant’s face on CNN, the man replied, “He looked like a young fellow.” He was young! Fantastic — bring the police sketch artist! When the Third World Attacks | Human Events
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:04 PM | Your Say (2)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:05 PM | Your Say (2)
Why do they call it "Black Friday?" Is it because of the shoppers?
Every year it seems the advertisements creep in earlier and earlier, and our “holidays” come to resemble more of an all-day advertising pitch than a day of rest and reflection. When the struggles of our ancestors are reduced to trivialities, the trivial is all we are left with to “celebrate.” Celebration in contemporary America means consumption. The Bargain Basement
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:39 AM | Your Say (9)
Untangling the Tale of the Seven Sutherland Sisters and Their 37 Feet of Hair
But when the sisters posed for photo shoots, generally, Sarah would sit and others would bend their waists so that it seemed that all seven had hair that brushed the ground. Victoria had the longest, a full 7 feet from the top of her head to the ends. When she let it down, it would drag behind her. Naomi's braid was four inches thick, and when it was undone, she could cover her whole body with her magnificent mane, which was 5 feet long. Mary, the youngest, was mentally unstable her whole life, and some doctors and preachers went as far as blaming her 6 feet of very heavy, dark hair for pulling on her head. | Collectors Weekly
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:49 AM | Your Say (0)
It’s not us, it’s them. The Muslim world is afflicted with a sickness, a pathology.
We can continue to believe that we have the power, through our actions, to eradicate Muslim extremism.We can continue to buy that line even in the face of decades of evidence to the contrary. We can continue to remain blind and deaf to the fact that there’s no action the West can take that hasn’t already been blamed for “radicalizing” Muslims. We’re told that we radicalized them by engaging in “nation building” in Iraq (“it’s our fault; we meddled in their internal affairs”), but we’re also told we radicalized them by not engaging in nation building after helping the Afghans defeat the Soviets (“it’s our fault; we just walked away without meddling in their internal affairs”). We’re told we radicalized them by attempting to remove a dictator by force (Iraq ’03) and by sanctions (Iraq in the ’90s), but we’re also told we radicalized them by not attempting to remove a dictator (“they hate us because for decades we backed Mubarak!”). We’re told we radicalize them domestically via intrusive government policies that “harass” their communities, but we’re also told we radicalize them by leaving their communities completely alone (“the Muslim slums of France are hotbeds of extremism due to years of government neglect!”). We’re told it’s all about the West’s support for Israel, even as Muslim terrorists attack nations that are hostile to Israel. We’re told it’s not about religion, merely foreign policy, even though the Muhammad cartoons led to protests throughout the Muslim world that were larger and more violent than any protests about Western foreign policy. Let the Bastards Be Scared
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:55 AM | Your Say (2)
"Well, they’ll stone you and say that it’s the end Then they’ll stone you and then they’ll come back again"
Minati Mondal is stunned after doctors find 12,000 GALLSTONES inside herPosted by gerardvanderleun at 9:43 AM | Your Say (1)
This is the start of the idea of safe spaces; society itself is the safe space. I say we undo all of it.
Remove the warning tags from mattresses. Get rid of speed limits, DUI laws, handicapped parking, movie ratings, the lot of it. Those things create a mentality that destroys civilizations because they create an intermediary in place of reality. People no longer worry about the consequences of their actions, but whether those actions are legal. Get rid of all of it. 99% of our laws need to go into the dumpster with the rest of the “think of the children!”-style neurotic rule-making. Safe spaces must be destroyed
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:37 AM | Your Say (1)
Audi is letting you know, old white man, that the future is not you.
You better embrace it. That way you can have some peace in your final years. Otherwise, it’s dog food for you. Or, worse. That’s ultimately why the Left across the West wants to flood your neighborhood with young male Arabs. You’re not just the past. You’re a wilderness, a nothing, into which the vibrant people of the future will arrive and build a new mosque on the hill. In the process, that means slaughtering the locals and pushing them into holding pens, but let’s not notice that and instead pretend our sacrifice will be noted byAllahGod. The Mosque on the Hill | The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:04 AM | Your Say (4)
November 26, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:06 AM | Your Say (1)
Yes, Virginia, there is a new Woodpile Report
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:33 AM | Your Say (3)
This "Black Friday" Shopapallooza is Getting Out of Hand
This morning's LA Times with Black Friday ads removed. #AndTreebeardWept pic.twitter.com/13fKbgP60f
— Jeff Green (@Greenspeak) November 26, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:03 AM | Your Say (1)
Hanging San Francisco’s status on its supposed cultural heft, as so many try to do, is more problematic still.
The art scene, a self-conscious copy of New York’s, is a joke.Its culinary renown is derivative of nearby towns (“California Cuisine” was born across the Bay in Berkeley), and for at least 20 years Northern California’s best restaurants have been in the suburbs and the wine country. The City by the Bay can claim one genuinely topflight asset: the second-best opera company in the United States. The rest of its cultural attractions are no better and some a good deal worse—I’m looking at you, de Young fine arts museum, with your cotton-candy collection in that gulag-chic monstrosity—than comparable institutions in second- and third-tier Eastern and Midwestern cities. San Francisco Values
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:27 AM | Your Say (4)
November 25, 2015
Dirge in Woods by George Meredith
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:38 PM | Your Say (1)
A recent poll shows that in a hypothetical general election match-up between Grandma Rodham-Sociopath and Der Trumpening, the charismatic jerkboy tops Huma’s lesbian lover.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:58 AM | Your Say (0)
What could possibly go wrong?
The Russian general staff announced that the missile cruiser Moskva, one of the largest warships in the world, was ordered to move closer to the Syrian coast opposite the port of Latakia, near the Turkish border, and to “destroy any target posing danger.” The USS Harry S. Truman carrier with strike force is on its way to the Mediterranean, having sailed from the US on Nov.16. The Truman will join the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, whose planes started bombing ISIS targets in Iraq on Nov. 23. If Obama orders the Truman to enter the Syrian theater, there will be two warships from NATO member states facing Russian naval forces off the Syrian coast, led by the missile carrier Moskva. US-Russian discord over Syria stoked by Turkey's downing of the Russian warplane
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:34 AM | Your Say (4)
Vladimir Putin:
from ISIS-occupied territories. This explains the significant funding the terrorists are receiving. Now they are stabbing us in the back by hitting our planes that are fighting terrorism. This is happening despite the agreement we have signed with our American partners to prevent air incidents, and, as you know, Turkey is among those who are supposed to be fighting terrorism within the American coalition." - - Meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:38 AM | Your Say (1)
The nine known nuclear powers have collectively manufactured approximately 100,000 warheads.
Most are secure and accounted for, but many are not, and no reliable warhead inventory exists among the established nuclear-weapons states, rogue aspirants, shoe-box countries, and terrorist groups. Untracked fissionable material from the former Soviet Union alone would be enough for the construction of a large number of weapons, and—legitimately or otherwise—new fissile material is created every day. Almost half a century ago, Israel, with a GNP of $3.3 billion and a population of two and a half million, created a nuclear weapon even before it produced its own jet aircraft. Were certain and universal abolition to be achieved, it could be secretly negated by manufacture. And as for covert retention, an average American house is big enough to hold an arsenal sufficient to control an otherwise nuclear-disarmed world. CRB | Thinking About the Unthinkable, Again, by Mark Helprin
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:50 AM | Your Say (1)
November 24, 2015
Top 5 Things Westerners Need to Embrace About Islamic Culture
Islamists have a lotta good points and it would be very Islamophobic to ignore them.Here are the top five they bring to the culture table.1.) Women Suck: Chicks need to understand they are useless deadweight—they should be seen (in a burka), not heard, subjugated, beaten, and raped at any time. The only good thing a chick can possibly do is birth a jihadist who will further marginalize women. How is this not common sense?
2.) Jews Suck: Sorry, I meant, “Joooz Suck.” Have you seen the price of those kosher hotdogs? Only a covetous Hebraic Zionist could live with that inflated price on his conscience.
3.) FGM Rocks: That stands for “Female Genital Mutilation.” Slicing off a woman’s clitoris is the best thing a man can do. It removes the idea that a woman can have pleasure from sex. She won’t cheat. Why would she? It robs a chick of her most intimate desires. Genius!
4.) The West Sucks: Of course we do—even though ISIS relies on Twitter and Facebook to gain recruits—Freedom of Expression is retarded. I mean, freedom is just ridiculous and Islam has a good cure for it. They will kill you. I think that whenever you place your racist hand over your racist heart and sing the “Star-Spangled Banner,” you should be subject to Hate Crime legislation.
5.) Gays Suck: ISIS throws gays off of tall buildings. I’m pretty sure that flaming gays may float, but I doubt they can fly. This is just Islam conducting a scientific experiment and we should all be thankful. Surprisingly, gays are like cats, and when thrown down from 20 floors up, they always land on their feet.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:14 PM | Your Say (2)
Thanksgivingmanship: Your Guide to Surviving The Progressive Imbeciles Who Have Spent a Week Cramming on How to Survive You
Fake Statistics. It was my old friend Boston Irish who alerted me to this ticklish little trope,
when he observed that no matter how absurd the statistic you proposed to a progressive, if that statistic seemed to call attention to whatever bugaboos xhe was excited about, xhe would respond with a gushing "I know, right?!"He demonstrated this to me at a party by interrupting a couple of liberals talking, and announcing to them: "You know, based on current statistics, in ten years, the entire state of California will be homeless." "Right! I know!" came the response. -- Ace of Spades HQ
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:47 PM | Your Say (3)
Memories may be beautiful and yet.....
#Mizzou yearbook now available pic.twitter.com/rjsv7hrFDM
— Feisty☀️Floridian (@peddoc63) November 23, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:09 PM | Your Say (1)
Clowns. Why did it have to be clowns?
Waukesha police told WISN the teenage boy is "developmentally delayed and is just doing this to see people's reaction. Both he and his parents were advised several times it would really help us out if he wouldn't stand out there doing that."
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:12 AM | Your Say (3)
A Handy Guide for Progressives Trying to Choose Between Russia and Turkey
why there's something about Turkey shooting down a Russian plane in the news. Why is this story taking up valuable space in your news feed and taking away time from reading about how stupid Donald Trump and Ben Carson are, or how yoga is cultural genocide or how oppressed Yale students are? And didn't Obama already fix the Syrian Civil War with a hashtag? Dan Greenfield | Frontpage Mag
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:36 AM | Your Say (0)
History teaches that wars frequently start by accident.
"Europe today is a powder keg and the leaders are like men smoking in an arsenal … A single spark will set off an explosion that will consume us all … I cannot tell you when that explosion will occur, but I can tell you where … Some damned foolish thing in the Balkans will set it off." Some Damned Fool
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:52 AM | Your Say (1)
November 23, 2015
When it came to America and burgers and Mickey Mouse, their anger exploded.
A friend in Paris asked me what I thought of my visit there after the attacks.I told her I found it frustrating because there didn’t seem to be an real rage. She barked, “I’m sorry your day trip was frustrating. I can assure you people are mad and grieving.” This was the most passionate I’d seen her about the whole thing. It was the same with everyone I spoke to. When it came to America and burgers and Mickey Mouse, their anger exploded. When it came to a religion dedicated to murdering them, it was nothing but ennui. STREET CARNAGE ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO HATE - STREET CARNAGE -- Gavin Edwards
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:52 PM | Your Say (4)
The real “trigger warning” comes from the guns of those who shot peaceful people in Paris.
The “safe spaces” that really matter now, after Paris and Mali, are the concert halls, restaurants, cinemas, hotels, workplaces and transportation systems of the free world.The ISIS-held towns and villages in the Middle East need to be liberated so that they might be safe for families to live in peacefully. The real “trigger warning” comes from the guns of those who shot peaceful people in Paris. Those students immersed in a self-indulgent merry go round of protest need to go back to their dorms, turn on the television, absorb what’s happening in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Europe and engage their brains. The West has no choice. ISIS has declared war - CapX
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:10 PM | Your Say (1)
My Diet Is Now Purely Recreational
I don’t even think my body knows how to process nutrients anymore. It just takes in food, keeps enough calories to keep me slightly overweight, and then poops out all the protein and carbs out to make room for more waffles or french fries or foie gras while slowly letting my muscular and skeletal systems dissolve into themselves. Culinary Bro-Down Chorizo Street Corn Nachos &
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:03 PM | Your Say (2)
Safe spaces are designed to blot our reality and replace it with a giant neurotic and morally flatulent human mind.
Safe spaces must be destroyed Safe spaces are solipsism bubble zoneswhere people can go if they fear someone might mention reality. In safe spaces, people can bloviate on about their ideological ideas without being contradicted by someone who has noticed flaws in their narrative, i.e. reality peeking through the carefully-constructed artifice. Safe spaces are designed to blot our reality and replace it with a giant neurotic and morally flatulent human mind. They are the triumph of narcissism, fear and intolerance (of reality!) over common sense, logic and survival. They are suicide cults.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:02 PM | Your Say (2)
John Lennon’s “Imagine” is just bleak nihilism -- ending conflict by destroying everything that anyone has ever cared about.
And that’s what 500 corporate logos would have you do.
Stop loving the things you care about and hating those that would harm them. No space to secure a future for your child. Stop reaching for transcendence or thinking about the destination of your soul. Stop dreaming. They gave you Miley Cyrus’s twerking ass. Meat hangs on hooks. Peace. The Most Anti-Human Song Ever Written | PA
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:35 AM | Your Say (0)
Offer void if your name is Juanita Broaddrick
Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported. https://t.co/mkD69RHeBL
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 23, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:23 AM | Your Say (1)
November 22, 2015
Ethics from the Barrel of a Gun
No one's finger is on the trigger but your own. All the talk-talk in your head, all the emotions in your heart, all the experiences of your past — these things may inform your choice, but they can't move your finger. All the socialization and rationalization and justification in the world, all the approval or disapproval of your neighbors — none of these things can pull the trigger either. They can change how you feel about the choice, but only you can actually make the choice. Only you. Only here. Only now. Fire, or not?A second is this: never count on being able to undo your choices.
If you shoot someone through the heart, dead is dead. You can't take it back. There are no do-overs. Real choice is like that; you make it, you live with it — or die with it.A third lesson is this: the universe doesn't care about motives.
If your gun has an accidental discharge while pointed an unsafe direction, the bullet will kill just as dead as if you had been aiming the shot. I didn't mean to may persuade others that you are less likely to repeat a behavior, but it won't bring a corpse back to life. - - Eric Raymond
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:15 PM | Your Say (5)
There are many kinds of shark, some of which (like Sufis) are habitually peaceful;
Stall, or push them backwards, and they asphyxiate. Their aggressive hunting customs are of a piece, reflecting this “progressive” need.Sharks are sharks and will be, whether from the East, or from the West. Who am I to judge their nature? But it is not their nature that I oppose. Rather, it is the idea that we should keep backing off, so their comfort zones will not be impeded, when some kind of wall would be much more effective.
Call it, if you will, our own “comfort zone,” and grow it. Or as the feminists like to put it: “Take back the night. No-go & safe zones : Essays in Idleness
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:40 PM | Your Say (0)
Although the press may refer to the Jihadis as "cowards",
the objective truth is they have amply demonstrated a willingness to die for their cause up there with the best of them and keep on fighting even when faced with overwhelming odds. If the gunfight at St. Denis is representative of future combats, defeating the enemy won't be easy. The Silent Crisis |BelmontPosted by gerardvanderleun at 1:15 PM | Your Say (1)
Is Trump Our Napoleon?
What are Trump’s politics? Like Napoleon’s, no one quite knows.In the past, he has praised Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. He may well have favored Barack Obama in 2008. He’s running as a Republican, but has not always been conservative -- and he threatens to run as a third-party candidate if he is not treated nicely. Trump’s populist attacks on hedge funds and selfish international corporations sound like those of Bernie Sanders. Victor Hanson | PJ Media
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:42 AM | Your Say (5)
1922: The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb — in color
causing the candle flame to flicker, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold — everywhere the glint of gold." -- Howard Carter | Mashable
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:48 AM | Your Say (0)
Ride On, Texas Ranger
A voice from inside answered: I’m just getting out of bed. I’ll open the door when I get some clothes on. Suddenly, the end of a double-barreled shotgun emerged from the window and blasted Anderson straight to his grave. The posse unloaded a barrage of gunfire. Inside, they found only the body of Joe Grimes, perforated by 14 bullet holes. - Roads & Kingdoms
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:20 AM | Your Say (2)
Making America Great Again: The Early Years
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:22 AM | Your Say (0)
November 21, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:30 PM | Your Say (2)
From Facebook: A Viable Compromise on Part of the "Shall we open our lands to refugees?" controversy
From the lamented Velociman comes this brilliant solution:
"To show my empathy I am willing to sponsor a 16-19 year old Assyrian girl, and will pay for school supplies. The successful candidate will have a clean certificate of health, be knowledgeable about foot washing and back massages, and amenable to addressing other peculiarities that may arise from time to time."
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:51 PM | Your Say (8)
France’s new Jeanne d’Arc, Marine le Pen, is on trial. Her supposed crime? “Hate speech”.
Nowhere else do we see so clearly the relationship between Islam and cultural Marxism as in France. Cultural Marxism gives cover to Islam while Moslems kill Frenchmen. As French blood flows in the streets of Paris, French cultural Marxists stand guard, ready to bring “hate speech” charges against anyone who dares answer the question, “why?” The View From Olympus: The Enablers | traditionalRIGHT
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:26 PM | Your Say (2)
Lockheed’s airship gets the green light:
but can be scaled to roughly the size of a football field with 500 tons of capacity. The exact dimensions have not yet been given. It will have a fuel capacity of 5,000 gallon with a range of 1,400 nautical miles, and can cruise at a speed of 60 knots. Its four hovercraft-like landing pads would allow it to set down on flat land without being required to be moored on large towers like traditional airships. Lift is generated from the hull, and propulsion comes from thrust generation and landing comes from an air cushion landing system. -- Daily Mail
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:45 AM | Your Say (4)
Conservatives have abandoned civilization for too long.
An oncologist would recognize liberalism for what it is,a parasitic organism comprised of the lower echelons of society attempting to destroy the higher. It has no more complex ideation; it is simple resentment, based on the universal tendency of every group to clobber whichever other groups it can dominate. Because its members are less brave than socially crafty, it works entirely through passive aggression, at least until it has the numbers to go on the usual murderous rampage. The importance of civilization
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:32 AM | Your Say (1)
Bunanza: The Ultimate in Serving Containers
It was an edible bread cup, meant to be eaten like an ice cream cone. Various hot and cold foods, from chili to spaghetti to salad, could be enjoyed from Bunanza. Unlike ice cream cones however, this product fell flat and was shortly abandoned. General Mills History
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:24 AM | Your Say (1)
Butterball Releases New Travel-Size Turkey
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:25 AM | Your Say (0)
Aging Peyton Manning Now Forced To Take Field With Assistance Dog
without falling down or running into one of his offensive linemen, and he’s trained to bark if there’s a defender blitzing Peyton’s blind side. Not only is he a guide and helper, but he’s also a companion, and they’ve already become great friends.” --- The Source
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:19 AM | Your Say (2)
I call "Racism:" Man called 'Phuc Dat Bich' posts passport on Facebook to prove name is real
of posting a picture of his passport on social media after being repeatedly blocked by Facebook. The unfortunately named Phuc Dat Bich - whose name is actually pronounced Phoo Da Bic - posted the image after the tech giant banned him several times. | Australasia | News | The Independent
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:50 AM | Your Say (8)
The Past and Future of Magnetic Poetry, the Populist Product that Began With a Sneeze
In 1993, Kapell was living in an 8-person co-op in Minneapolis,
pursuing songwriting, his true passion, in between shifts at his data entry job. One night, he was trying to bust writer's block using the cut-up method, in which you chop magazines or other texts into bite-sized pieces and mix them up for inspiration. He had a pile of clippings all arranged when his allergies kicked in. "One of my roommates was working at a pizza place, and they had misprinted their advertising fridge magnets with the wrong phone number on them," Kapell says in a phone interview. "She brought them home thinking that maybe somebody might have a use for them. When I sneezed and all my little slips of paper blew all over the place, I thought, oh, I'll stick little pieces of magnets on the back of each one and then stick 'em onto a cookie sheet. And that was the first magnetic poetry kit." | Mental Floss
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:42 AM | Your Say (2)
November 20, 2015
Urban tactics: survival
- Carry a gun if you can. Carry a knife and some legal projectiles if you can't.
- Always wear a belt that you can slip through your keychain. It can serve as an effective submission noose or a fairly nasty ad hoc flail.
- After you shoot, don't forget to scoot. Unless you're Nate, you're probably going to be outgunned. If you saw the clip of the French police exchanging fire with the Batalan attackers, you can see why it's a bad idea to go pistol against combat rifle directly.
- Face to the door. Always sit facing the door and maintain situational awareness.
- Don't just hit the deck. Hit the deck and move immediately to the side.
- There are weapons everywhere. Be aware of where they are in case you need them. Someone once asked me what I would do if attacked RIGHT NOW. I picked up a stone and threw it at him, then scooped up another handful. He was already cringing and loudly expressing his opinion that he understood my point by the time I raised my hand again.
- The police are not going to come in fast and hard. Their first concern is protecting themselves. Their second concern is preventing the bad guys from getting away. Don't think about waiting for the police, think about how you're going to win. Focus on attack and neutralization, not on simply running away, assuming you can't simply walk out another door and be safe.
- Movement and distraction are key. Think triangles. Flank and then hit from both sides, ideally with someone serving as a distraction in the middle.
- Think predator, not helpless prey.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:42 AM | Your Say (7)
Immigrant woman shocked by suffering on US campuses
which appeared to be much worse than the poverty and crime she had experienced in her native South America. "I had no idea that such discrimination existed in this country, and I feel bad for these poor people," said the 26-year-old Green Card holder from Peru, who was moved to tears by the coverage of the event in the UF's online student newspaper, Independent Florida Alligator. "There was a video of one lady, and she had such a hard life that she was crying and yelling at everyone," recalled Alban, referring to a video clip of UF Levin College of Law 3L Alejandra Garcia, local activist and granddaughter of Cuban refugees. "She screamed a lot of things, like people thought she was a Mexican, that boys stare at her butt, that she should be able to use any bathroom she wants, and that her professors don't... I didn't understand about the professors." A review of the video clarified that professors at the law school failed to nurture the goddess within Garcia. -- Peoples Cube
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:47 AM | Your Say (2)
November 19, 2015
Before Obama goes,
he'll pardon that prick Hassan and the Tsarnev asshole.He'll try to give Gitmo back to the Cubans, release as many fencehoppers and wetbacks from incarceration and then pardon them of all crimes. Then he'll do a Nixon and resign a week or two before the end of his term and get "Ole Slo Joe" to pardon him of all shit he's done. Any one in his Administration who did his bidding also will get a pardon for any and all criminal activity. Then he'll leave the country to become the Emir of North Mali. Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:46 AM | Your Say (2)
As last week’s Muslim-perpetrated atrocity in Paris tragically demonstrated, love may not be the answer
According to the Pew polling organization, 35% of French Muslims support, to one degree or another, “suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam.”Among French Muslims ages 18–29, that figure climbs to 42%. Leftists like to claim that not all Muslims are “radicalized,” while ignoring how apparently easy it is for a Muslim to become radicalized. ....Of course, the left has responded predictably to the newest bloodshed: We need more love! Muslims fear a backlash! We must end Islamophobia! Again and again, the focus is on non-Muslims. “The kitty cat didn’t mean to scratch you, but you pulled his tail. He only acted out because he’s afraid!” To the left, Muslims are the kittens and we’re the rotten little kids, and if we’d just stop scaring them, they’d curl up in our laps and purr away. Well, here’s a novel thought: Maybe the fear isn’t such a bad thing. The more the West has mollycoddled its Muslim population, the worse things have gotten. Let the Bastards Be Scared
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:41 AM | Your Say (8)
November 18, 2015
Today, the French president is out there welcoming 30,000 new suicide bombers into France.
There’s simply no way they can keep importing Muslims and remain France.They know this, at some level, which is why they put in jail anyone who points it out. Holland says, “France will remain a country of freedom” unless you’re opposed to the Muslim invasion. Then it is not a free country. Because the people in charge have defined themselves in such a way that open borders is the only option, they must implement these sorts of polices in order to prevent mayhem. The Muslims will adapt and find new ways to blow themselves up in public. That means new restrictions. This cycle can only go on for so long before even the most docile honky throws down his pacifier and picks up a rock. What Comes Next | The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:53 PM | Your Say (5)
“I’m Donald Trump, candidate for president, and I approve this message,
President Obama and other politicians have consistently failed us. Just hours before the attacks in Paris, President Obama said ISIS has been contained. It’s amazing that the United States can have a president who is so out of touch. But it’s also dangerous. Obama has no strategy to defeat ISIS. And now he’s preparing to let hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria into the United States. I will stop illegal immigration. We’ll build a wall on the southern border. And yes, I will also quickly and decisively bomb the hell out of ISIS. We’ll rebuild our military and make it so strong no one, and I mean no one, will mess with us. If I win, we will not have to listen to the politicians who are losing the war on terrorism. We will keep America safe. And we will make America great again.” Trump Blasts 'Politicians Who Are Losing The War On Terrorism' | The Daily Caller
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:40 PM | Your Say (3)
Shit Cuckservatives Say
| Chateau Heartiste“Sadly, most victims of black crime are other blacks.”
“Unions destroyed Detroit”
“I’m all for legal immigration, just not illegal immigration”
“America is safe and free thanks to our troops.”
“Only terrorists would have a reason to oppose the Patriot Act.”
“America is a nation of immigrants.”
“I don’t agree with everything [Buchanan/Coulter/CH/etc] says, but…”
“I’m not a racist but…”
“I don’t care if you’re black, white, green, or purple, but…”
“Edward Snowden is a traitor”
“I stand with Israel”
“Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande”
“Putin is the new Hitler”
“There is no room for hate and bigotry in the Republican party”
“We must court the Latino vote to stay relevant”
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:05 PM | Your Say (5)
We’re really living in a world that resembles the final years of the Soviet Union, when the State Media existed as little more than a status signaling tool of the elite
The Goebbels-lets in charge of Harrison Bergeron’s megaphone, Salon in particular, have broken the first rule of drug dealers everywhere – namely by sneaking hits of their own product– and have succumbed to the inevitable brain damage. They now merely drivel transparent clickbait that can have no purpose but to further enrage sane people. The Onion can no longer parody them effectively because parody would imply coming up with something more ridiculous, more nakedly contemptuous of their audience, than what they happily say already. The Point Of Obvious Untruths | Chateau Heartiste
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:58 PM | Your Say (1)
From my twitter timeline...
Obama Bravery surrounded by 10 armored SUVs: "They are scared of widows and orphans." https://t.co/ugYwbH3ljn pic.twitter.com/BBDvaUL0Bd
— Vanderleun (@Van_der_Leun) November 18, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:56 AM | Your Say (4)
November 17, 2015
The Dalai Lama on Paris: "God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place."
I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place. We need a systematic approach to foster humanistic values, of oneness and harmony. If we start doing it now, there is hope that this century will be different from the previous one. It is in everybody’s interest. So let us work for peace within our families and society, and not expect help from God, Buddha or the governments. -- Quartz
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:05 PM | Your Say (11)
How loathsome, dangerous, and morbid is the corruption in the Media.
It is part of the Democrat Party political machine, an organ of propaganda, and engine designed deliberately to deceive the people,and it exasperates me that many an otherwise intelligent person allows himself to be deceived, and by such transparent and halfwitted tricks as the newsharlots routinely employ. The media machine is the enemy. Without them, the Leftists have no power, and the Jihadists have no support, no apologists, no smokescreens to hide their evil deeds, no propagandist to blame the Jews for daring to be the victims of these lunatic barbarian fanatics. The media are destroying the nation by addicting it to a diet of lies. Ben Carson Just Won my Support | John C. Wright's Journal
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:36 PM | Your Say (2)
The end of cancer
That more people than necessary continue to die from cancer has nothing to do with ‘the failed war on cancer’– a familiar refrain in the press – or a lack of scientific tools, which have begun to accumulate at a breathtaking pace. Rather, obstacles take the form of not using the tools we already have to cure more; a reluctance to drop outdated beliefs; bureaucratic battles among physicians and medical groups; and outdated regulation by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) whose policies hinder the innovations wrought by cancer drug‑development in recent years. These issues are well‑known to doctors and researchers, but many are reluctant to talk about them overtly for fear that they could damage their colleagues or their chances of getting a grant or drug application approved. – Vincent DeVita & Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn – Aeon
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:13 PM | Your Say (0)
How progressives enforces omertà
The only way to prevent the whole protection racket from unraveling is to create a few unfortunate happenstancesthat make sad, pitiable examples out of people that don’t remember to pay up. So Exxon Mobil is guilty of attempting to change the climate. They were attempting to change the Progressive Climate of Fear. This just can’t be tolerated. The Spotted Booger-Fish could go extinct tomorrow. The ecologically vital Clinton Foundation must be defended at all costs. - - Amerika
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:13 PM | Your Say (0)
If black lives really mattered, no one would need to say it.
It would just be another item on the list of things everyone knows.Instead, we have this organization financed by a foreign criminal (why is he still alive?) desperately trying to prove to the rest of us that black lives matter. To make matters worse, these protests are so futile that the activists feel it necessary to assault people in at their school, place of work or on public streets. Back in the summer these idiots were showing up at breakfast joints in SWPLville desperately trying to get people, who should be sympathetic, to pay attention. Instead they just called the cops and added security. Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth | The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:50 PM | Your Say (6)
France Finally Uses the List of Terrorists They’ve Been Keeping at the Bottom of a Locked Filing Cabinet Stuck in a Disused Lavatory With a Sign on the Door Saying Beware of the Leopard
PARIS - French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says 168 locations across France have been raided overnight, and 104 people have been placed under house arrest in the past 48 hours. “It’s just a start,” Casemeive said Monday. - The Rumford Meteor
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:46 PM | Your Say (0)
Sometimes war is the answer. It depends on the question.
Japan lost an estimated 4.5 million out of 71 million. It would have lost more,but the Emperor surrendered when a pair of atomic bombs convinced him that we were willing to do whatever it took to win. Let us not fool ourselves into thinking that a similar defeat could not be inflicted on the Islamic State, on Iran, and any other nation that treats the West as an enemy. War, real war, is decisive. It is we who are not decisive. We, the West, presently lack the will to wage real war. War Is The Answer | EveryJoe
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:27 PM | Your Say (3)
Totten: France’s “Merciless” Response to ISIS is Anything But
He casually strolled up to a bunch of British tourists on the beach and murdered 38 of them with a Kalashnikov. The police shot and killed him, of course, and dozens of local Tunisians tried to stop him and even volunteered as human shields, but the damage was already done. Tunisia’s tourist economy went the way of the dinosaurs. You can book rooms at five-star resorts now for as little as 30 dollars, and the resorts are still mostly empty. | World Affairs Journal
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:37 PM | Your Say (0)
Diversity is so important that we have to just accept a few 9/11-scale terror attacks a year in order to welcome Muslims into America.
There are over 50 majority Muslim countries practicing every conceivable brand of Islam.There’s no need to have them in America so let’s take all necessary steps to keep them out. That’s about as reasonable as one can expect, given the circumstances. If you have rats in your house you want the rats removed and they access points closed. The counter argument is that only small number of Muslims will go bonkers and commit mass murder. -- Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:17 PM | Your Say (0)
Yes, we are at war with Islam And always have been.
If you have a few percent of Muslims, you have what you can pretend is a major crime problem.If you have ten to thirty percent, you have a low level civil war, which intermittently becomes a high level civil war whenever you relax or show signs of weakness. If you have thirty percent, you can have a fairly tense peace, like the not-quite-war in Mindanao if you have a large well disciplined military, guards and soldiers everywhere, and regularly and routinely deploy death squads, but you cannot afford rule of law â you can have peace only by ruthlessly and unhesitatingly applying the laws of war. With a large Muslim minority you need death squads and the routine and frequent application of torture to keep the almost-peace, the not-quite-war. - - Jim's Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:10 PM | Your Say (0)
NOV 17, 2015 BARACK OBAMA, THE POP OFF REMIX aka "The Man Who Taught His Asshole to Talk"
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:05 PM | Your Say (0)
Europe decided to invite millions of Muslims to settle in their countries.
Most of those people don't want to participate actively in bringing about the death of diners and concertgoers and soccer fans,but at a certain level most of them either wish or are indifferent to the death of the societies in which they live - modern, pluralist, western societies and those "universal values" of which Barack Obama bleats. -- The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:16 AM | Your Say (1)
HIV has contracted Charlie Sheen
This used to be a proud disease that would kill gays by the bathhouse-load and wipe out entire African villages. With diligent research and lab work, we seemingly tamed the vicious beast and relegated its victims to the poor and those unable to play in the NBA. Unfortunately, Sheen has gotten hold of the virus and made it impossible for us to ignore again. - - STREET CARNAGE
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:10 AM | Your Say (2)
Despite the fact that America is engaged in military action in at least seven countries
it is apparently sufficient for president Obama to avoid deploying regular troops to evade the restrictions placed on activities designated as "war".Though even that claim is questionable it spares the president from the need to explain his strategic goals to the American public or go before Congress to obtain an authorization for the use of military force. This ability to wage war-not-war creates an enormous shift of power away from Congress to the Executive Branch. The result is not the actual cessation of American wars but their continuation and proliferation by unaccountable and covert means. The collapse of whole countries, the widespread bombings, the confrontation between Russia, the US, Iran and the Gulf States, the generation of millions of refugees from South Asia and MENA, not even counting the 2 million displaced persons in Ukraine are phenomena inexplicable under the theory that Obama has restored peace to the world.Telling the truth about our military actions | Belmont Club
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:12 AM | Your Say (0)
Bartleby the President: He would prefer not to
“What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France. I’m too busy for that.” | Power Line
“The time has come; you must quit this place; I am sorry for you; here is money; but you must go."
“I would prefer not,” he replied, with his back still towards me
“You must.” Melville, Herman. 1853. Bartleby, the Scrivener
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:01 AM | Your Say (1)
Shield of the First French Spec Ops Officer to Enter the Bataclan Theater in Paris
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:55 AM | Your Say (1)
You can always tell when Reality is becoming too #Problematic for progressives:
the number of blog posts on fucking tv shows skyrockets. The more Reality brutalizes them, the more they lock themselves inside the #SafeSpace of the Eternal Church of the Holy Tele-Vision. Ace of Spades HQPosted by gerardvanderleun at 9:45 AM | Your Say (0)
As I watch the great masses outpouring their fake grief in fits of populist emotion,
I realize that they, much more than any Muslim fanatics, have determined what that future will be.They are, in the strictest sense, de-moralized. The fact that they indulge in the sacrilege of godless “candlelight vigils” is an indication of how far gone they are: to a mess no longer within the human capacity to repair. They are — and have been for some time — completely incapable of defending what remains of our civilization, against a quite straightforward threat. They no longer even belong to what is, for them, only a museum relic. On candlelight vigils : Essays in Idleness
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:34 AM | Your Say (0)
On candlelight vigils
The refusal to deal with reality — and I mean hard-tack, material, worldly reality here —is paradoxically the consequence of refusing to deal with spiritual realities. It comes home to us again as the fatuous displays of an affected grief continue in Paris, and sympathetically all over the West, as also in the cells of secular Westernization, elsewhere. Of course, many in the Islamic world are not soi-disant “grieving” at all. They are quietly, and in some places noisily, exulting. : Essays in Idleness
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:31 AM | Your Say (0)
The New Protector of the West and the Free World: Putin vows payback, orders French cooperation after confirmation of Egypt plane bomb
A French defense official said Russia's realization that its plane had been felled by a bomb was a wake-up call for Moscow."What’s changed is less that France has changed, but that Russia has," said the official. "Russia has acknowledged that the plane was an attack carried out by Daesh (Islamic State). Russia ... is now beginning to say to itself that Daesh is also its enemy and has to be hit." Putin, in language reminiscent of how he talked about Chechen militants during a war when he came to power 15 years ago, ordered the secret services to hunt down those responsible. "We must do this without any statute of limitations and we must find out all their names. Anyone who tries to help the criminals should know that the consequences for trying to shelter them will lie completely on their shoulders." - - Reuters
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:50 AM | Your Say (0)
Paris doesn’t need to give peace a chance. It doesn’t need to make love, not war.
Paris — and more broadly, France and the West — needs more surveillance of suspected terrorists and police raids;a more restrictive immigration policy that doesn’t create large, unassimilated Muslim populations, or welcome terrorists as refugees; and a serious, multi-layered campaign to destroy ISIS and deny it the safe havens from which it recruits, trains and plots against the West. If someone can come up with a catchy symbol for that, I’ll embrace it. (Although “La Marseillaise” isn’t so bad: “To arms citizens/Form your battalions/March, march.”) - - Paris doesn’t need your hashtag ‘heroics’
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:39 AM | Your Say (0)
Peace cannot be achieved unilaterally.
When an enemy is determined to make war-- even a pathetically weak and under-armed enemy -- then a war will be fought ... or the enemy will become your conqueror. - - Orson Card, 2003
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:19 AM | Your Say (4)
November 16, 2015
"Il est très français:" Variation on the Paris "Peace" Symbol Shows Up
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:31 PM | Your Say (0)
We have a collective illusion that you can’t kill an idea.
If you want to kill people, you need a military leader.
But if you’re trying to win a global mind game, call Tony Robbins, or someone with similar skills. We need to go at the idea directly. We have a collective illusion – because we hear it so often in the media – that you can’t kill an idea. But the truth is that you absolutely can kill an idea. You just need the right kind of killers. So far we haven’t tried. France | Scott Adams Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:42 PM | Your Say (4)
In Memoriam: Jihadi John
John's love was directing and starring in videos which he shared with his friends and released onto the Internet for the public. These low-budget shorts gained John notoriety for their uncompromising imagery and made him a much sought-after figure, particularly in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Although John's face was never seen in any of his videos, he was identified as Mohammed Emwazi, a British citizen who emigrated from Kuwait in 1994. Burial services for Jihadi John will be held Friday at an unmarked hole on the outskirts of Raqqa. Attendees to the funeral are asked to bring IR reflective clothing easily visible on satellite imagery. You are asked not to bring children to the funeral, although if you can't find a sitter, that's okay. No big deal. -- Something Awful
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:53 PM | Your Say (3)
Chuck Norris: Paris is the confused beginning of World War III
If you weren’t convinced before, now you know what a disorganized World War III looks like from the six simultaneous Paris terror attacks by ISISthat killed at least 129 precious souls and injured more than 300 more. And to think just a year ago, President Obama called ISIS “a jayvee team.” In fact, on Friday morning just before the attacks in Paris, President Obama again minimized ISIS’ power as he shared on “Good Morning America,” “I don’t think they’re gaining ground. What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. … We’ve [also] made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters. …” Whoops. Another misdirected miscalculation. - - World War III?
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:38 PM | Your Say (3)
If Only....
Had we used our once overwhelming power, as often advocated in these pages,to obliterate terrorist infrastructure and hold accountable countries in which it took root; had we set up compliant generals in Baghdad, wheeled the army left to do the same in Damascus, and settled safely along the Saudi-Iraqi border, with the promise to spring back if our clients proved uncooperative; had we not abandoned friendly regimes and factions in Iran, Turkey, and Egypt; had we struck Iranian nuclear manufacture before it sheltered in bedrock; had we retained more air wings and aircraft carriers and not cut the navy by more than half; had we been more supportive of allies; and had we refrained from promiscuous apology, and building nations with which we were at war...things would have been different. America's Collapse in the Middle East
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:03 PM | Your Say (2)
If you are a Muslim and you see that America twice elected an effeminate man with an Arabic name as president, why would you fear America?
Baltimore City has topped 300 murders this year. It is a smallish city so that’s a big number.The cops are standing aside, letting the crooks run wild because the politicians refuse to back the cops against the crooks. What in the hell do they think will happen when they import 10,000 Syrian Muslims? Why in the world would anyone call down more madness on their head? CAIR looks at Western leaders and sees nothing but weakness and stupidity. That’s why they roll out these canned tales of backlash™ after every terrorist attack. They think we are stupid because our rulers appear to be stupid. If you are a Muslim and you see that America twice elected an effeminate man with an Arabic name as president, why would you fear America? The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:24 PM | Your Say (1)
Why Matt Drudge Rules the Terse Universe
I feel safe. Don't you? pic.twitter.com/FQs1vm4Lhy
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) November 16, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:00 PM | Your Say (0)
Why France will do nothing about the Paris Massacre
An Algerian War against France’s homebred Muslim radicals isn’t an option. France can no longer find monsters like Generals Raoul Salan and Maurice Challe,the commanders in Algeria during the 1950s who earlier had served the puppet regime of Marshall Petain during the Second World War. There is no-one left to clip on the electrodes. At the same time, France considers Israel’s occupation of Judea and Samaria so abhorrent that it has sponsored a resolution at the UN Security Council to impose a mandatory two-year deadline for the creation of a Palestinian State and Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank. That leaves France in a pickle. If it can’t use the old French counter-terrorism model and abhors the Israeli counter-terrorism model, what can France do? The answer is: nothing. And that is just what France will do in response to last Friday’s attacks. : Spengler | Asia Times
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:07 AM | Your Say (0)
If America does comparatively little the allies do even less. France was hardly doing its worst.
While the head-hunting drones and aircraft might keep the weeds down in Syria and somewhat geographically contain the Islamic State they proved unable to seal up its ideas, infiltrators and secret agents.Those had traveled to Europe via the Internet, the mosques, commercial air travel and the migrant trail. It is now believed the Paris attack was launched from a suburb of Brussels called Molenbeek, to which nearly every terrorist attack in Europe has been linked, and over which the Belgian interior minister claims no control. At least some of the attackers were furnished from the ranks of refugees streaming in from Syria. The planning itself may have used the chat feature of Playstation 4, which the French sleuths had not thought to tap. To use a medical analogy, the threat has metastized and spread beyond the region of preventive surgery. Unwillingly goaded into action | Belmont Club
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:25 AM | Your Say (1)
The country did not rise to the occasion, and our enemies know that we fought them on the cheap.
They know that we did not, would not, and will not tolerate the disruption of our normal way of life.They know that they did not seize our full attention. They know that we have hardly stirred. And as long as they have these things to know, they will neither stand down nor shrink back, and, for us, the sorrows that will come will be greater than the sorrows that have been. War in the Absence of Strategic Clarity Mark Helprin 2003
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:17 AM | Your Say (2)
The Special Little Snowflake: My suicide bomber son blew himself up because of stress, says Ibrahim Abdeslam's mother
Maybe it was stress. We even saw him two days before the attacks. There were no signs that they had plans to do anything violent. The fact that his bomb belt exploded without killing anyone else says a lot." - Telegraph
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:06 AM | Your Say (1)
November 15, 2015
Cool Civilizational Death Wish Goes Viral!
today the inactivist group Somnolent Tilty-Headed Wankers for Peace launched an exciting new graphic: the same old clapped-out hippie peace symbol but incorporating the Eiffel Tower (right)! Isn't that a cool, stylish way of showing how saddy-saddy-sadcakes you are about all those corpses in the streets of Paris? It's already gone viral! And that's all that matters, isn't it? :: SteynOnline
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:06 PM | Your Say (4)
From today's Lectionary: Mark 13
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:45 PM | Your Say (2)
“France embodies everything religious zealots everywhere hate:
a fragrant cup of coffee and buttery croissant in the morning, beautiful women in short dresses smiling freely on the street, the smell of warm bread, a bottle of wine shared with friends, a dab of perfume, children paying in the Luxembourg Gardens, the right not to believe in any god, not to worry about calories, to flirt and smoke and enjoy sex outside of marriage, to take vacations, to read any book you want, to go to school for free, to play, to laugh, to argue, to make fun of prelates and politicians alike, to leave worrying about the afterlife to the dead. -- A LETTER FROM EZRA LEVANT - STREET CARNAGE
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:36 AM | Your Say (1)
Everyone seems to be grasping to understand exactly what happened in Paris. Islam happened.
Lax, liberal immigration policies happened. Multiculturalism happened.Diversity happened. The reality that we refuse to accept b/c it sounds mean happened. Are college kids watching this? Are they witnessing what actual oppression and terror look like? Probably not, they are probably reading Buzzfeed and Jezebel b/c those are part of the many sources that tell them how goddamn important they are and what unique snowflakes they happen to be. -- Islam Doesn't Care
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:45 AM | Your Say (4)
November 14, 2015
The political class and their gentry enablers have earned the privilege of bleeding, suffering and dying along with the rest of the “lessers.”
They desperately need to understand “accountability” for charging the weapon.And no, we don’t mean “at the ballot box” or “being sacked from their cushy bureaucratic desk jobs.” They need to fear for their very lives when they offload cargo containers of jackals into the midst of people they have disarmed and cowed. They need to die in their homes like the peasants die. They need to be killed in the streets or at concerts or when riding home from work – they should meet their judgement whenever an opportunity arises – condemned in the same way they have condemned the serfs. A Proper Dispensation of Justice
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:20 PM | Your Say (5)
The Progressive religion that has evolved over the last half dozen generations shares much with Islam, including the thirst for blood.
Look at the heroes of the American Left. The Weathermen were planting bombs blowing up innocent people. The Black Panthers were a racist murder squad.The SDA existed to start riots on campus so they could burn down buildings and assault their enemies. Barak Obama was sponsored in politics by two former Weathermen, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Obama has repeatedly said he is the man he is today because of these two people. The only material difference between the Weathermen and the guys who executed yesterday’s attack is that the later was better at it than the sniveling punks from the 70’s. How Much Longer? | The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:50 AM | Your Say (1)
The barbarians who yell "Allahu Akbar!" are there waiting for you ...
...when you go to a soccer match, you go to a concert, you go for a drink on a Friday night.They're there on the train... at the magazine office... in the Kosher supermarket... at the museum in Brussels... outside the barracks in Woolwich... Twenty-four hours ago, I said on the radio apropos the latest campus "safe space" nonsense: This is what we're going to be talking about when the mullahs nuke us. The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates :: SteynOnline
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:10 AM | Your Say (1)
November 13, 2015
My bet is the attackers are what we always see. Muslims on the dole enjoying life in the West.
I will not be shocked if they were born in France.
After the parade where the paid toadies of the Billionaire Boys Club look solemn and sound stern, we’ll hear that the real cause is racism. The poor Muslims were driven to it. - - Paris | The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:32 PM | Your Say (10)
No More Candlelight Vigils
Unless this results in a generational unflinching “delenda est Carthago” commitmentto take out the threat by its very roots, then candlelight vigils and calls for solidarity feel like the increasingly hollow gestures of an emasculated and desolate civilization — one which long ago abandoned the metaphysical commitments that could have helped it withstand this very present danger. -- Daphne
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:21 PM | Your Say (1)
The endless "needs" of feminism
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:19 AM | Your Say (10)
November 12, 2015
Men Laughing Alone With Salad
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:23 PM | Your Say (3)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:31 PM | Your Say (2)
The Blog That Nobody Reads Has Not Been Read by Anybody in 11 Years
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:09 PM | Your Say (1)
It's probably nothing....
one of the most popular manufacturers, can track your viewing tendencies and report them to advertisers, as reported by ProPublica. The feature, “Smart Interactivity,” is already turned on as a default setting for millions of people who have purchased the device. Viewers are able to turn off the setting, that is, if they know it even exists.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:28 AM | Your Say (1)
November 11, 2015
But it’s not free speech which has died.
The pitiful remains you see here and the cries you are hearing in other places is the last wail of what was once a very great secular religion.That god is dead, only spelled with a lower case “g”. Only a hundred years ago this religion thought it could transform the world. Today all it can manage is to turn itself into a spectacle. To paraphrase one of their founders, they intended to convey a tragedy but achieved the effect of farce. The victim’s death was gradual. It was lingering, painful — and despite everything — sad. In this instance, I believe the coroner will return the finding of suicide. Free speech you find unconscious in that bush over there. He will recover with any luck. Remind him to be more careful in the future.The end of political correctness | Belmont Club
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 4:09 PM | Your Say (2)
Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough.
Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way. Aliens Cause Global Warming Michael CrichtonPosted by gerardvanderleun at 10:12 AM | Your Say (3)
November 10, 2015
Regarding the Recent Republican Debate as Moderated by Fox
Now that, boys and girls of the crack-pipe media, is how these things are done by the grown-ups.Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:49 PM | Your Say (1)
Okay, this coffee thing has gotten way, way out of hand.
Gesha is perhaps the most well-known single coffee variety in the world, though it is one of the rarest, and certainly the most unusual. Gesha is an ancient Ethiopian heirloom but its future is unwritten – it requires a Herculean effort to grow it, demanding hard work and good luck in equal measure. This year, with the El Puente Gesha, we decided to do something completely different and cold brewed the entire lot. Cold brewing brings out something entirely unique in this coffee -- it's bright and clean, with notes of orange blossom, juice of papaya, and a sweet crème brûlée finish. It's meant to savored but not saved and it won't be here for long. It's available in all of our cafes for a very limited time.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:36 PM | Your Say (3)
The poop swastika: real or phantom?
The Federalist spoke with two RHA staffers while trying to get in touch with Donley.Neither had personally witnessed the poop swastika. When asked if there was any photographic evidence of the alleged incident, one staffer replied, “Not to my knowledge.” But that’s emblematic of every single part of the Missouri “narrative.” Much of it seems to rest on reports by people who are already invested in activist politics. The most credible of these reports is the one where a group said that a single drunken white male (who may or may not have been a student) called them the n-word. How incidents like these could ever be totally prevented or controlled by any college administration, however dedicated it might be to inclusion and diversity and every other liberal principle in the book, remains to be articulated. neo-neocon
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:36 PM | Your Say (1)
Marines: 240 Years Old and Still Compassionate.... and Lethal
I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all. General James Mattis
Illo via House of Eratosthenes
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:13 AM | Your Say (6)
November 9, 2015
A Hardy also provides the most incredible sound of any reel ever made
This perfect pairing, however, goes beyond aesthetics and auditory pleasure. The wabi sabi combination of the industrial roughness of the reel and modern sleekness of the rod is beyond beautiful. More importantly, the weight of these reels seems to hit the sweet spot of just enough heft to balance these two handed rods on the upper cork grip unlocking a spey rod’s true long distance casting potential. The House Still Stands: Hardy’s of Alnwick | A Continuous Lean.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:15 PM | Your Say (1)
Glenn Reynolds: If you care about civil rights for minorities, gun control is not the answer.
If it were up to me, I’d find it a violation of the due process clause to treat violation of regulatory statutes as a felony.
Historically, only the most serious crimes — typically carrying the death penalty — were felonies. Nowadays, though, we designate all sorts of trivial crimes, such as possessing an eagle feather, as felonies. This has the effect of empowering police and prosecutors at the expense of citizens, since it’s easy to find a felony if you look hard enough, and few citizens have the courage of a veteran like Cort, who went to trial anyway. Most will plead to something. - - USA Today
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:29 PM | Your Say (2)
Strategic nuclear missiles are like Gozer the Destructor, things to be feared, only real.
They come not from the familiar world of social media and the Kardashians, but from another dimension, another plane of reasoning.
The D5 Polaris Missile is a bona fide ghost and we should treat it with all the respect due to a real demon. The 80′s have been calling to us lately and it may be best to recall all we have forgotten about the universe that the ancients once spoke of. A ghost from the Cold War past | Belmont Club
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:41 AM | Your Say (1)
Get Out of My Class and Leave America
Indeed, it takes hard work to become stupid enough to think the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional. If you agree with the student who made that complaint then you are probably just an anti-religious zealot. Therefore, I am going to ask you to do exactly three things and do them in the exact order that I specify. First, get out of my class.... - - Mike AdamsPosted by gerardvanderleun at 12:31 AM | Your Say (3)
November 8, 2015
Quotation of the Day
From Jonathan Last, in The Weekly Standard:We have reached a bizarre moment in our politics, where the “progressive” left resists having conservative speakers on a college campus because they make students feel “unsafe,” but insists that boys who identify as girls be allowed to shower with girls in the public schools, and misgivings must be educated away, or litigated into submission. Had Enough Therapy?:
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 7:13 PM | Your Say (4)
Climate worship has a lot in common with fascism, particularly Nazism.
Hitler was a vegan and a bit obsessed with living what we would consider to be the granola lifestyle.The Germans, after all, did give us the Hippies. Instead of rubbing out the mongrel races threatening the folk, the Climate Nazis want to rub out those who threaten Gaia. This is not an exaggeration. There was a green wing to National Socialism and it was very influential. The mystique of blood and soil was exactly that, blood and soil. For the Nazis, the folk were inextricably bound up in the land. Romantic feelings toward nature were an essential part of the Nazi movement. Bill Nye The Nazi Guy | The Z Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:57 PM | Your Say (7)
What do you think of when you think “driverless car”?
Aside from still-unknown hazards on the highway, it’s likely that the first thing you think is:
They can be shut off, or otherwise manipulated, by remote control. They’ll be used to stop us against our will or even to prevent us from driving where and when we want. They’ll be programmed for some “greater good” that may be counter to everything we consider good — right down to being programmed to kill us. - - Claire Wolfe
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:27 AM | Your Say (7)
November 7, 2015
Bill Maher: He smelled like feet and looked like he had not slept in a week. I think his companion was a hooker, but maybe he just has a thing for skanks.
It is mostly for anthropological reasons, like watching a show on Pygmies or the Papuan. Instead of primitives, it is Progressives performing for other Progressives, not thinking much about who else is watching. It’s like being a fly on the wall of a Cult meeting. The thing with Maher is that he is a good example to use when explaining how members of a religious cult understand and respond to the world outside the cult. The Mind of the Moonbat
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:21 AM | Your Say (1)
Whiny Bitch Privilege (How Slate Became the Little Spoon)
– some conservative, some liberal, but all actual men – who worked hard, crafted valuables with their own hands, killed and ate animals, fixed engines, got farmers’ tans, shot Nazis, beat up neighborhood punks, and provided a blanket of childhood security I didn’t even know I had. I’m thankful those men weren’t sad, spoiled victims going fetal with grief over normal life. I’m proud my role models weren’t, like Slate’s writing staff, the functional equivalent of angsty pre-teen girls. I’m happy the men who raised me were polar opposites of this Slate author, who’s pretty much Pajama Boy but without the masculinity. | chrishernandezauthor
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:12 AM | Your Say (1)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:50 AM | Your Say (1)
Islam by the Numbers: “No. 27 was to ‘make sure people are tied down,’ No. 28 was “sit down and praise Allah.'”
Campus stabber's manifesto included 'praise for Allah,' plan for beheading A handwritten manifesto carried by a California college student whose stabbing spree Wednesdayleft four wounded bore names of his targets, a vow “to cut someone’s head off” and as many as five reminders to “praise Allah,” law enforcement authorities told FoxNews.com, while insisting that neither terrorism nor religion appear to be motives in the attack. In the two-page document found in Faisal Mohammad’s pocket by the county coroner, the 18-year-old freshman wrote a numeric list outlining his plans of who he wanted to kill, and how, including beheading and shooting his victims.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:49 AM | Your Say (4)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:50 AM | Your Say (0)
November 6, 2015
With The ‘Transgender’ Movement, Liberalism Has Finally Descended Into Total Madness
The Department of Education is very good at demonstrating why it shouldn’t exist.It put on its most convincing display this week when it ruled — you know, like a court, except it’s not a court — that Illinois’ largest school district violated the “civil rights” of a gender-confused boy by not letting him use the girl’s locker room. The school district now has 30 days to force underage females to change in front of the “transgender” student, or it will lose funding. Clearly, this is the role our Founders envisioned for the federal government. I have a few points I’d like to make about this case. Let’s go through them one by one. 1. Barack Obama is facilitating the sexual abuse of underage children. - - Matt Walsh
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:42 PM | Your Say (4)
What progressive ideas have in common is that when put into practice they seem to cause people to be miserable.
Multiculturalism removes people’s sense of comfort and community, replacing it with alienation and atomization.
Secularization may lower social capital. Egalitarianism makes people feel like failures because it offers them largely false hopes of rising socially. Sexual liberation is based on the contradiction of sexual equality and sexual freedom, which clash just as surely as economic freedom and equality; and intense sexual competition makes people unhappy, for as Houellebecq observed in a previous book, Whatever, a world in which sexual pleasure is made a pre-eminent good is one where the gaps between the haves and have-nots is magnified to a new dimension. -- CatholicHerald
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:34 PM | Your Say (3)
People never steal anything useful like pellets.
People who want to steal things go inside the Walmart and try to steal televisions and iPhones, which are not useful, and go to jail for their trouble. There's 25 grand in pellets outside, but they want to steal a phone the company will give to you for free if you sign up for cellphone service. I think that proves that tattoo ink interferes with normal brain function, because everyone in the police blotter has a visible tattoo on their neck. Sippican Cottage: Sixteen Tons and Whaddaya Get?
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 12:19 PM | Your Say (1)
Environmental Study Finds Air In Chicago Now 75% Bullets
“Far exceeding the levels of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and even oxygen, bullets now constitute three-fourths of Chicago’s air supply,” said atmospheric scientist and study co-author John Molina, stressing that the dense and widespread deposits of jacketed lead and copper in the air pose severe and potentially fatal health risks to all Chicago residents. -- Source
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:13 AM | Your Say (2)
November 5, 2015
Islam is demented because it is all about Muhammad
by epileptic fits caused by a malformed temporal lobe. He was a psychopath as well, a lethal combination that led him down the path of pathological evil. Islam represents the institutionalized version of his neurological and psychological disorders.... The fundamental problem with Islam is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing this is so, and they act on the numerous incitements to violence that they find in it. - - | It's All About Muhammad
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 6:54 PM | Your Say (11)
Nobel awarded to feminist bloggers for discovery of ‘nanoaggressions’
In a November 2013 blog post, Lehdi and Hader named this phenomenon nanoaggressivity and theorized that bursts of bias zipping through men’s neural networks at lightening speeds might be causing them to emit ghostlike, sexist particles that actual demean women, even as men themselves are unaware of them.— The Dandy Goat
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 5:54 PM | Your Say (5)
It's Time.
Samuel Adams warned of the days in which we are living as he wrote in his letter to James Warren in 1780, “If ever the Time should come, when vain and aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.” The Days Of American Despotism | Politically ShortPosted by gerardvanderleun at 5:41 PM | Your Say (2)
Guy Fawkes: Needed Now More Than Ever
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason, and plot;
There is no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!’
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:10 AM | Your Say (8)
Unfortunate or Accurate Ellipse? We Report. You Decide.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 9:03 AM | Your Say (1)
Surprise, Surprise
Santa Clara man, 18, identified as suspect in UC Merced stabbings MERCED -- The UC-Merced student who allegedly stabbed four people and was shot and killed by university police has been identified as Faisal Mohammad, a freshman from Santa Clara.Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:58 AM | Your Say (7)
November 4, 2015
Optimism and positive expectations create money where there was none before.
That thing is glowing with optimism. If it gets into the Oval Office, a billion souls will change their expectation about the economy of the planet. And not one of them will be adjusting their expectations downward. Economics and Expectations (with a Trump point) | Scott Adams Blog
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 3:35 PM | Your Say (3)
Attention "Party of Science"
I want the Party of Science™ to defend allowing this guy to pee next to your teenage daughter at the next debate. pic.twitter.com/iu85YQECgO
— Countermoonbat (@CounterMoonbat) November 4, 2015
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 2:34 PM | Your Say (6)
God, I often think, does not do numbers.
He leaves them to do themselves. He alone might number the hairs on your head, but I cannot imagine how He would find the number interesting. -- David WarrenPosted by gerardvanderleun at 1:18 PM | Your Say (0)
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 1:01 PM | Your Say (1)
Ann Barnhardt on Hillary: Pour encourger les autres.
"Like I have said before, this psychopathic bitch doesn’t just need to be NOT 'elected' 'President' of the kabuki theater evil clownshow in Washington;she needs to be arrested, tried for Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Peace, and upon conviction, be offered the sacraments and then put up against a wall and shot. Her dead body should then be hoisted or hung for public display."MANPADs, Hillary, Benghazi, Chris Stevens and 224 Dead Russians | Barnhardt
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 11:47 AM | Your Say (8)
As with most civilizations that collapse, the end will be a surprise to anyone who is vested within the system, but to no one else.
All of these grand plans are collapsing at once in multiple ways.The governments of Europe and the United States are broke and dependent on selling their own loans as their currencies plummet in value; they can never pay their obligations to their own citizens, much less their insane pension debts. Crime is rising and our ability to suppress it failing; diversity is detonating in the same way it did in the 1860s, 1920s, and 1960s; corruption of our government by moneyed interests increases and public services decline, while the dollar and euro steadily leak value. Liberalism self-destructs
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:56 AM | Your Say (4)
Our nations’s colleges are totalitarian institutions controlled by radicals who hate America almost as much as they hate God.
An obvious reason for the blatant bias of the mainstream media is that all the university professors who train journalists are Obama voters.
Go to Northwestern University or Columbia University and try to find a Republican on the communications, journalism or political science faculty. Think about this: Who is the most successful radio broadcaster of the past 25 years? Rush Limbaugh. Has any university communications department in America ever asked Rush Limbaugh to lecture their students? American Academia Is a Corrupt Racket : The Other McCain
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:49 AM | Your Say (0)
November 3, 2015
Origin of "Stupid Party" & "Evil Party"
“We have two parties here, and only two. One is the evil party, and the other is the stupid party. I’m very proud to be a member of the stupid party. Occasionally, the two parties get together to do something that’s both evil and stupid. That’s called bipartisanship.” -- M. Stanton EvansPosted by gerardvanderleun at 8:43 AM | Your Say (3)
November 2, 2015
Magic Dirt Theory. The cause of and cure for all that ails the Progressive mind.
If the whites raise an objection to having their neighbors owning pitbulls or having loud parties on week nights, it is just proof that the horrible bad whites are trying to deny blacks access to the magic dirt. The only solution is to redouble efforts to transplant more blacks into places like Ferguson Missouri. If the magic dirt does not take, then it just shows how powerful the magic of racism really is and why the good thinkers must never quit trying to beat back the bad thinkers. Impractical Magic
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:32 AM | Your Say (4)
Bullets are nice, but much of political power—maybe most of it—comes from successfully instilling fear and guilt in your opponents.
Fear and guilt can disable people more quickly than mustard gas.But once the fear of being smeared with meaningless words evaporates, the rest is easy. That’s the main task—getting people over the fear of being called bad names. The rest is as easy as tossing darts at party balloons; people merely need to conquer the fear of what they’ll be called once they start tossing those darts. The Fear of Being Called Phobic
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:00 AM | Your Say (3)
November 1, 2015
The Death of the American Welfare State
Aside from the demographic disparity in worker ages is a subtler disparity in worker productivity and independence as senior citizens are left chasing social spending dollars that are increasingly going to a younger population. ObamaCare with its Medicare Advantage cuts was a bellwether of the shift in health care spending from seniors to the welfare population. - - Sultan Knish
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 10:50 AM | Your Say (2)
Hey, a great wife like that — you don’t eat ‘er all at once!
Men in Saudi Arabia "can eat their wives if they are suffering severe hunger" under a bizarre new fatwa reportedly announced by a religious leader in the country.Saudi Arabian grand mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah allegedly issued the guidelines to allow a husband to eat his wife's body parts in extreme circumstances. - - Mirror Online HT: Knowledge is PowerPosted by gerardvanderleun at 10:04 AM | Your Say (4)
The Climate Change Mania
It never looks like hysteria when you are in the middle of it. It never feels like a mania when you are being consumed by righteous zealotry. It never looks or feels like a cult when you believe it to the depths of your soul. - - Had Enough TherapyPosted by gerardvanderleun at 9:30 AM | Your Say (3)
Worker-Owned, Locavore, Kale Smoothie Juicery, Founded by Drive-In Owner and Cupcake Baker, Only Needs a Medical Marijuana License and a 6-Pack of PBR to Qualify for a Nobel Prize in Hipster Bullshit
the stand will source from 30 Maine farms in season. Organic apples, blueberries, kale and carrots grown from Palermo to Dresden to Camden will be blended with more exotic fruit such as kiwi and roots like ginger. The oranges in his sunny bunny concoction will hail from down south. “We will have six or seven proprietary drinks,” said Loeman, who is no stranger to the Portland food scene. - The Rumford Meteor
Posted by gerardvanderleun at 8:56 AM | Your Say (3)