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September 19, 2015

For the first time in decades, we have a presidential election that gets into what real Americans care about.[Bumped]

And the rest of the politicians and pundits are floundering.
They like debates to revolve around meaningless politically correct discourse. Can we call #BlackLivesMatter a terrorist group or is that too mean? Is air-conditioning sexist? When is it time to retire football? Fuck off. - -Daddy’s Boys

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 19, 2015 2:10 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"The Democrats, the mainstream media, neocons, liberals, and college kids are all part of the same hive.

They want to fight but they don’t want to win. They’re like that crazy Latina girlfriend in a screaming panic who won’t shut up until you grab her by the wrists and say, “Shut the fuck up. I got this.”

We need to throw her onto the couch, grab a beer, and get back to work. That’s ultimately what she wants too. She just doesn’t realize it yet."


The psychology in this article has left my head spinning. Gonna have to think about what was said here as it seems so... right about the leftists. They've really, really screwed up this country and they've boxed themselves into a corner with their crazy ideas. They may want to have us pull them back from this yawning abyss.

Problem is that if we do, the education system, the liberal monopoly on the media, the welfare system and the broken immigration system, and the massive over encroaching government ALL need to be dismantled - of which these people will shriek in anger when it happens.

No matter what... there's alot of pain coming to this country in the near future.


" They began mocking Trump because hubris is amusing to them...Then, in August, shit got real, and they came out with “Donald Trump Just Stopped Being Funny: Win or lose, Trump’s campaign threatens to unleash the Great American Stupid.” A month later, they took the gloves off and printed “Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP’s Tough Guy.”"

"First they ignore you,then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

greatquotables . files . wordpress . com/2013/07/gandhi-first-they-ignore-you.jpg

If Trump sticks to the Message and does not indulge in personal attacks (Fiorina, Kelly), he has a winning hand. The Press Knows it. The Liberals Know it, The GOP Knows it.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 11:56 AM

does not indulge in personal attacks

What else has he got? The man is too f*cking lazy to actually learn what he needs to know to have an informed opinion, let alone debate. He is the class clown who sits in back and makes farting noises with his armpits.

Posted by: chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 12:49 PM

"He is the class clown who sits in back and makes farting noises with his armpits. "

...and yet he is winning decisively.

How can this BE, Chuck?

A 'fucking lazy','class clown', 'making farting noises' in the 'back' of the class is actually beating... decisively ... his 'betters' by margins I would (anyone would) consider embarrassing.

Sauce for the goose, Chuck.

Now if he took up the mantle of the Tea Party, he'll probably leave the rest of the 'winners' even more in the dust than they are now.

(Its not the messenger, its the message.)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 1:44 PM

@JC Oh, I'm not surprised. After all, Obama got elected and Kerry got more than 48% of the vote. I know smart people who assure me that Obama is a brilliant man and Hillary an accomplished woman. Human beings are bizarre creatures and politics takes place far below the level of thought.

Posted by: chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 2:18 PM

" I know smart people who assure me that Obama is a brilliant man and Hillary an accomplished woman. "

Its the message, Chuck.

Get it?

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 2:23 PM

LIEberals crave the pussified dad that caves at every instance. (see the last 4 presidents for massive pussification reference)

Trump is the dad that issues the LIEberals the knuckle sandwich they desperately need.

They fear him.

Trump thrives on their fear.

LIEberal fear feeds him, makes him even bigger than before.

By the first tuesday after the first friday in Nov 2016 Trump is going to be so BIG the LIEberals will be abandoning the ship in droves.

Then after 20 Jan 2017 the LIEberals that remain will be keelhauled under the USS America and held under until life has left their worthless bodies.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 2:25 PM

Nah, Trump is the guy who assures us that he meant Carly's personality and blood coming out of Megyn's eyes. He's kind of chickenshit that way. When he is man enough to stand by his insults I'll give him credit, but I haven't seen it yet.

Posted by: chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 2:43 PM

Trumps crude ad-hominems will probably do him in. Infact, I'm kinda expecting it.

But Chickenshit?


He's the ONLY ONE courageous enough to take on the immigration "Elephant in the room".

Infact, thats just what this article is talking about.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 3:31 PM

The crudeness in this country has never been so pronounced as today yet Trumps supposed crudeness is intolerable?

There is hardly anything left in the US that is not crude, thanks to the boilerplate politics that have hijacked this country for millennia.

Trump grabs you by the eyeballs and blows hot ether right down your throat so it's understandable your head is gonna hurt, maybe some blood will come out, from somewhere, hell, everywhere.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2015 8:23 PM

Poor Chuck doesn't get it. He wants the old time camp meeting GOP revival amen corner crap.

The message is what frightens him and the delivery puts his knickers in a serious knot.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 10:16 AM

"...the old time camp meeting GOP revival amen corner..."

yea... things sure have changed, VW...

After the 2014 election cycle, things stood thusly:

GOP has 247 House seats vs 188 Democrat.
GOP has 54 Senate seats vs 44 Democrat.

Considering how little has been accomplished and that Obama still has a working agenda to screw things up, it is now evident to me - beyond a shadow of doubt that the Beltway GOP has betrayed their people.

So what have we - the voters - gotten for it?

Hmmm... lemmmee think....

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 10:31 AM

@VW, Ooh, I'm scared, so scared. Heh. You guys could take some lessons in giving insult.

Posted by: chuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 10:44 AM

Donald Trump is that popular, yet not thoughtfull agitator in the back of the classroom who delivers the prescriptive blow to that Backpfeifengesicht of a substitute teacher that the committee of éminence grise unionistas have foisted upon the un-selective, tax-paying parents, who leave it to the government to raise and educate their progeny. Guess what? Now nobody gets recess, but, hopefully, in the process the school burns down and the community actually has to consider how to rebuild the whole damn district properly this time.

Posted by: ArmChair'd whilst Harbinger(ing) [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 12:29 PM

"You guys could take some lessons in giving insult."

Ermm... Chuck?

I wasn't trying to insult you.

Really. :)


Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 1:33 PM

chuck openly admits to being scared and insulted.

No wonder he's afraid of trump.

Trump might take chucks snap card.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 2:56 PM

Holy slap! This post makes you think about the putrid political policies we'd be treated to if it weren't for Trump blowing all that away. Warmism. Race. Islamophobia. Anything but the economy!

Posted by: Casey Klahn [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 19, 2015 9:00 PM

Chuck, no one is insulting you. When one states how you come across, that isn't an insult.

@ Casey K Give it time; Trump will get to the economy. I really want to hear what those sold out to Wall Street guys have to say how THEY will make things nice-nice for Middle America. Then ask them why they haven't already done that while in office.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 20, 2015 6:25 AM

I wrote this at Brietbart because I was informed by this thread:
Without Trump in this race, the whole agenda would belong to the Democrats. We would be talking about climate denialists, racialists, and how much America hates Muslims, the liberal women's agenda, how great socialism can be, minimum wages, and single payer healthcare. Does anyone seriously think that the Republicans other-than-Trump could manhandle the talking points and liberal soundbox? Not a chance!
Case in point: today in the WaPo an article claims the Democrats talk about the rich/poor division, etc., and they go on to say that the economy is not even on the agenda of the Republicans. See how they roll? I mean, whatever they are rolling, it goes downhill and causes me to jump to avoid! Trump has us on the economy; he is existentially "The Economy," in caps.

Posted by: Casey Klahn [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 20, 2015 9:35 AM

Oh good, now we commenters are fighting amongst ourselves. Just the kind of thing the Left wants.
We ought to read and utilize Alinsky's rules against the commie lefties.

"I doubt the efficacy of teaching, though it's noble indeed to attempt it. Witness the enormous learning, wit, and insight of so many wonderful bloggers whose voices can now be heard. Still, as entertaining as their efforts are, it seems to me that the effect of their work in defeating the liberal, grifter enemy is marginal."

Colonel B. Bunny http://igst.blogspot.com/

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 22, 2015 12:23 AM

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