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May 26, 2015
The Sexual Interests of 4 Million People Are Now on Sale for $17,000
AdultFriendFinder, a dating site for online and real life hookups, admitted that it had been breached last week. The attack was allegedly carried out earlier this year by a hacker that goes by the name of ROR[RG] -- | Motherboard
Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 26, 2015 9:08 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
People that use organizations like this and others to match and mate vibe: loser.
My uncle Letsgo told me that back in the Old Country the custom was simple:
When a young girl and boy started getting interested in each other the girl would lead a calf and tie it to the boy's gatepost.
The boy would take the calf and raise it - feed, cleanliness, development as the calf grew.
All the villagers knew what was going on and watched with interest as the young man raised that calf.
At the end of the season he would sell the now yearling and people judged how well he had done, extending the results to would he be a good husband and father?
Courtship leading to marriage followed.
Uncle Letsgo tried it one time with bantam chickens but he said it just wasn't the same.
Posted by: chasmatic at May 27, 2015 7:32 AM