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May 11, 2015
It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Defend Freedom of Speech
He could have pulled back and let the terrorists have a clear path.No doubt he had a family and plenty of reasons to live. Like so much of the media, he could have disguised this cowardice by blaming the cartoonists for bringing the attack on themselves. Instead he held the line. The traffic cop with a pistol took on two terrorists in body armor, armed with assault rifles and extra ammo. And when it was over, two Muslim terrorists were dead and freedom of speech was alive. "He had two people shooting at him, plus he's trying to take out two targets. And if he had to make headshots," Mark Sligar, a firearms instructor, said, "That's awesome shooting. And look at the people's lives he saved, just because he was able to take care of that." Sultan Knish: It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Defend Freedom of Speech
Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 11, 2015 10:04 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.