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November 9, 2012
"The power of the administration "
lies in telling its rivals what to do and watch them meekly do it.
It provides the Republicans with a vote total from Chicago and they add it up. It tells the GOP what they should do to win next time and they do it. But while "the entire GOP elite seems to be trying to sell out en masse on immigration" in order to become more like the Democrats, Iran has decided it can open fire on US drones. Teheran has asked itself: what if we don't believe the New York Times? And they've acted on the premise.... Everyone but the Republican party assumes the administration is a hollow shell. And they are treating it as a business opportunity to provide security, diplomacy and services that Washington can no longer provide. -- Belmont Club » And the Band Played On
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 9, 2012 3:52 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.