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November 13, 2012
"The Democrats have become what the Republican Party turned into after Lincoln, "
corrupt, elitist and widely hated. A modernist party that postures as a party of civil rights,
but views black people as walking votes and tools for extending the federal power grab of fanatical unionists. It is a party with no more vision than consolidating authority into central organizations that are run by the incompetent and it is not above pulling any and every illegal trick in the book to violate the Constitution. Its only reason for success is that its opposing party has so comprehensively disgraced itself that much of the country will not even consider voting for it. -- Sultan Knish: Giant Rats and Tiny Men
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 13, 2012 8:43 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.