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November 22, 2012
People’s Magazine’s Sexiest Man of the Year—Mustache Edition
Look. I can't begin to describe my frustration at receiving accolades for this facial bane. My mustache!
You think it's a good time, seeing a woman countenance my visage and swoon, only to fall beneath the crushing wheels of a Sunset Strip Hummer? Wrong. When I'm standing in line at the bank, and it's held up by six men with clown masks and AK-47s, do you think it's a fun chuckle when everyone turns expectantly to me, assuming somehow that my insanely lush mustache will kickass all of us to safety? It's not a chuckle, People, not by a long shot. Those dead clowns are most certainly not chuckling. -- Afternoon Snooze Button
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 22, 2012 9:49 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.