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November 26, 2012

On the Road With Google Translate

Brian Finke - Truckers Le Mythe Americain | Le Journal de la Photographie: As maids, handymen and Gynecologists, drivers tend to exist on the periphery of our consciousness,
obscure figures engaged in heavy work and far. To tell the truth, before Brian Finke not talk to me about, I did not know what a road. - Brian Finke: You know, Lady Mary. Men who lead large semi-trailers on the highway? - Lady Mary Crawley: Would you like a cup of tea, my dear? - Brian Finke: You must have crossed parked in rest areas? In the stations? - Lady Mary Crawley: It's time Winterbottom treats Beijing against fleas.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 26, 2012 9:47 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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