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November 4, 2012
[Bumped] "If there was ever a group to whom the words "YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER" applied, it is us. And we have absolutely, positively no excuse whatsoever for our ignorance."
1. We were a free culture. This isn't Saudi Arabia or North Korea, so save me your bullshit excuses.We have been free to read ANYTHING, learn ANYTHING, subscribe to ANYTHING. This has been the most licensed culture in all of human history. Male, female, white, brown, old, young, you name it. There hasn't even been a military draft in this country for forty years. We have had the near-universal societal leisure to pursue and ponder anything and everything. And we have chosen Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians, and mentally retarded giants who chase balls in stadiums like dogs. We have chosen to be ignorant losers who revel and glory in our own inhuman stupidity, when we could have chosen to be excellent. -- Barnhardt.biz - Commodity Brokerage
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 4, 2012 11:17 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
Ann just now discovers The Fall?
Posted by: David McKinnis at October 31, 2012 9:08 PM
She's correct. But I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Barack Obama make a fool of himself. He's managed to make Joe Biden look like the better name on the ticket. Obama is just smart enough to know his legacy will be that of an idiot. He'll know for sure if he wins, he was not deserving of the honor of being an actual leader. He's out of his league. And he finally knows it.
Posted by: RedCarolina at October 31, 2012 10:02 PM
When they haul her off to prison (soon) she will just be starting to focus that laserlike observation.
Posted by: Jewel at October 31, 2012 10:29 PM
I generally like Ann, but she’s like Jack Daniel’s. One glass is great, two…whoa, three you’re streaking to the Quad with Snoop Da’ Loop.
And I refuse to search around for the original article since she obviously, (am I missing something?) doesn’t have linkage.
As Jewel points out, when she’s in the clinker…then what? Hear they have great libraries.
Posted by: tim at November 1, 2012 8:26 AM
Ann HAS the balls the so called "conservatives"
of late do not have.
Posted by: Terry at November 1, 2012 9:23 AM
"As Jewel points out, when she’s in the clinker…then what? Hear they have great libraries. "
Well, she'll have plenty of time to write. :(
Being that she's right-wing, she probably will not be able to share it with the world - unlike Mumia.
Posted by: cond0011 at November 1, 2012 10:21 AM
I'm with Tim. I like Ann and her passion. But Ann is only good for me in small doses. Too much of her non-stop "it's doomsday, it's all over for America" ranting, and you start to look around for a rope and a tree limb to hang yourself from.
Isn't she the one who was predicting a few months ago that Obama would declare martial law and cancel the entire election? And that was way before Sandy. Even with Sandy, it ain't going to happen.
I DO know that she was recently predicting that, since Obama had fallen behind in the polls, the Marxists that control our Govt had therefore lost all use for him, and - watch out Barry! for that assasination hit squad.
Like I said....small doses...grain of salt.
Posted by: southernjames at November 1, 2012 12:52 PM
Hey, at least she had the guts to do the only thing that will ever really work: she stopped paying her yearly tribute to Caesar. If we all did the same, we'd win.
But we won't. Because we are afraid of going to prison.
Unlike Ann Barnhardt.
Posted by: B Lewis at November 2, 2012 8:04 AM
Actually, if we all did the same things that Ann does or counsels, i.e, refuse to pay taxes, pull your money out of all financial accounts, the whole system would collapse.
And if we were to follow her lead on Islam we would be involved in a war in which hundreds of millions of people would be killed and which would cause Muslims to destroy their own oil fields, resulting in the decades long collapse of the world economy.
But at least she has the guts to advocate courses of action that could lead to the death of billions and call anyone who opposes her a coward. Swell
Posted by: Callmelennie at November 2, 2012 5:49 PM
Actually, if we all did the same things that Ann does or counsels, i.e, refuse to pay taxes, pull your money out of all financial accounts, the whole system would collapse.
I love a happy ending.
And if we were to follow her lead on Islam we would be involved in a war in which hundreds of millions of people would be killed and which would cause Muslims to destroy their own oil fields, resulting in the decades long collapse of the world economy.
On the other hand, we'd also be permanently rid of the greatest spiritual pestilence the world has ever known, saving untold billions of souls from eternal Hell. Again: not seeing the downside.
But at least she has the guts to advocate courses of action that could lead to the death of billions and call anyone who opposes her a coward. Swell
Well, you seem to oppose her, "Lennie". And if the shoe fits...
Posted by: B Lewis at November 2, 2012 8:00 PM
... it would also fit the feet of every Pope and King and Emperor and President of the western world since the time Islam came on the scene .. because none of them ever advocated what you and Anne seem to be advocating, ie, the total annihilation of the Muslim World. The furthest any of them would go is call for a Crusade to take back the Holy Land. Indeed, no one has even called for taking back the Holy Land since the year 1204, even in times when that would have been eminently doable.
So the only conclusion I can reach is that the last 200 Popes or so have been the most craven cowards and apostates and traitors to Christianity imaginable because their point of view differs from Anne Barnhardt and some bloggers named "C Lewis" ... OR, there may be something unsound in A Barnhardt's or C Lewis's understanding of Christianity
Posted by: Anonymous at November 4, 2012 11:26 AM
I can't speak for Miss Barnhardt, but I don't advocate the total annihilation of the Muslim world. I advocate the total annihilation of Islam -- the faith, not the believers. I want Islam to die, not Muslims. I want the Mohammedan heresy relegated to the same shit-pile of history as Arianism and Mithraism. I long to see Muslims converted en masse to the one true faith, Christianity, and I look forward to the day when Hagia Sophia is reclaimed, the Dome of the Rock is surmounted by the Cross, and a great Christian basilica rises on the site of the Ka'aba in the city formerly known as Mecca.
But you would have known that -- if reading for comprehension was part of your repertoire.
It's "B Lewis", by the way. If you are going to insult me, you ought to at least get my name right.
Posted by: B Lewis at November 4, 2012 12:27 PM
Faith is within the minds of believers. Annihiliating the faith will necessarily annihilate some of those believers, since faith requires believers.
By way of example, "Delenda est Carthago" didn't just mean destroying the geographical Carthage. It meant killing many of its citizens, too. Indeed, roughly 50k Carthaginians surrendered themselves into slavery, while approximately 900 preferred death, at Carthage's bitter end. Annihilation is total destruction, and that is really what Rome intended in the decades of on-off warfare with its formidable enemy.
Annihilation of a belief or an idea or of anything involving human beings tends to mean the loss of many, many lives. I don't think that statement is a stretch. I think history provides ample evidence for its veracity.
Some folks might have a problem with such an outcome. Or some folks might have a problem with other folks who don't have a problem with that outcome.
Posted by: Kerry at November 4, 2012 2:56 PM
I don't think restoring Christendom any time soon is either a goal or ever going to happen. Christianity spreads by means not always of our own machinations. And while I laud Ann for taking her stand, the despair is overwhelming there, too. When Islam fails, it may happen in a manner we won't see coming, known only to God Himself. That's why it's called spiritual warfare.
The war on terrorism is a failure, since we aren't even allowed to used honest language or name the enemy. We've already lost that war.
Posted by: Jewel at November 4, 2012 5:34 PM
Anonymous: Forget Christianity, Islam cannot live peacefully on a planet where anyone is not subservient to Islam, whose very name means surrender. That being the case and the planet being finite in size, one fine day Islam will cross the line, and some non-Islamic country with sufficient military power will respond.
If it is Russia, they will use lots of nuclear weapons. They don't have the manpower to do anything else.
China, OTOH, has too many young men, and conquering the Islamic world and taking their women would be a good use for the excess young men.
If it is the US, I would hope that we could do something creative, like nuke Mecca and Medina, but hook up with China to use their manpower to our best advantage.
Posted by: Fat Man at November 4, 2012 6:15 PM
You call me a coward, Jerry Lewis, and then whine about being insulted? What are you, some kind of comedian?
Posted by: Callmelennie at November 4, 2012 7:56 PM
Faith in Islam is not strong, it is only fearful. Islam is belligerent exactly in the degree which it is inferior, which is very. Our enemy are the sappers and miners of the left. They are formidable, cunning, intelligent, and relentless. Islam is but a tool, as a pickpocket uses a foil while he picks your pocket.
Posted by: james wilson at November 4, 2012 9:48 PM
is the fact a lecture room?
Posted by: Lance Mozgala at November 7, 2012 3:41 PM
A padded cell in the nearest nuthatch would be more appropriate for this woman's common brand of stone cold crazy.
Gerard, you need to start reading sane people. May I suggest anyone writing at The American Conservative or possibly Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic?
Posted by: Daphne at November 7, 2012 5:05 PM