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November 12, 2012
Dear journalists, this is why you are losing the faith of your readers. It’s not the Internet that’s killing your profession. It’s you.
The director of the CIA refused to accept the blame for the perfidy of a lame duck president.
Within three days of the president's re-election, he was forced to resign. It also appears that the president has used the FBI as an instrument to investigate and undermine the director of the CIA. Should this be the case, the constitutional implications are enormous. The press ought to be screaming bloody murder. They ought to be affronted at the insult that has been offered them with this glib, tenuous, convoluted, and incoherent explanation for what looks like a gross abuse of power. They are either very, very stupid and credulous, or else they are complicit in this abuse. -- Shoestring Millionaire サ The Credulous Press
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 12, 2012 4:27 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.