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November 17, 2012
"Baseball is the most important unimportant thing in the world."
Great post by Doc Merc: On America's Pastime - Maggie's Farm
- If a football quarterback completes only a third of his passes, he's benched. - If a basketball player only makes a third of his attempts, he's benched. - If a hockey player only makes a third of his shots, he's benched. - But if a baseball player gets one hit out of three, he's in the Hall of Fame. That's how difficult baseball is.
Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 17, 2012 12:53 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
How I loved the gam. Played Baseball from little league age eight until I didn't make the team when sixteen. Went to a really large High School, all boys, so never had a chance to play there but watched many games. In college loved to watch the varsity but over the years my enthusiasm for baseball slowly wained.
I know why. It is a great sport to play but god is it boring to watch.
Dan Kurt
Posted by: Dan Kurt at November 17, 2012 1:27 PM
Baseball is the one sport that playing only requires a bat, ball, at least eight kids plus a field with at least two unbroken windows to mark the home run line.
As for watching baseball, it's the one game meant to be listened to on radio. Good announcers provide all the sparkle.
Posted by: Peccable at November 18, 2012 5:02 AM
I saw George Crowe of the Cincinnati Reds hit one over the scoreboard at Crosley Field in 1956 or 1957. That tiny white dot just disappearing, not falling back down onto the field like they always did, took a while to sink in. Then the place went crazy for 20 minutes, and much beer was consumed, and my Dad even gave me a swallow.
I also lived in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada the year that the Edmonton Oilers (led by some kid named Gretzky) played their first NHL game, against the dreaded Montreal Canadiens. The Oilers beat them, and no useful work was performed in the city for three days, or so the unfortunate few that remained sober told us afterwards.
Posted by: sherlock at November 18, 2012 9:37 PM