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August 21, 2009

The only reasons to dig a grave are Fear, Love, and Money.
Money digs a beautiful grave. Time is not really a quotient here; the gravedigger digs deep, carefully piling the dirt for reinterment. Then he skillfully trowels the sides, forms his right angles, flattens the bottom, and climbs out with a minor work of art resting at his feet. A Money grave has pride in it. Never mind the backhoes and fancy rigs: those are splendid graves, too, and for money. But if I were going to be buried, which I hasn't decided yet, I'd want a Shinny to dig my grave. With a bottle of Kessler liquor waiting for him, and possibly a girl in Pembroke, to soak the holy soil from his spent body. Then, I think, I could rest in peace. -- Velociworld: Shinny, Wakes, and Gravediggers

Posted by Vanderleun at August 21, 2009 10:20 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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