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August 31, 2009
"The idea of an Ivy League Huey Long is not oxymoronic."
Barack Obama in Augustbecame a Huey for today, a rabble rouser with a better tailor, an unrumpled and modulated tribune of downtrodden Americans, telling them that opponents of his reform plan—which actually does not yet exist—are fearmongers employing scare tactics. He also told Americans to be afraid, very afraid of health-insurance providers because they are dishonest (and will remain so until there is a "public option" to make them "honest"). And to be afraid, very afraid of pediatricians who unnecessarily extract children's tonsils for monetary rather than medical reasons. And to be afraid, very afraid of doctors generally because so many of them are so rapacious that they prefer lopping off limbs of diabetes patients rather than engaging in lifestyle counseling that for "a pittance" could prevent diabetes. -- George F. Will: How Obama Is Like Huey Long
Posted by Vanderleun at August 31, 2009 10:33 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.