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August 28, 2009
The Health Care Numbers Game
For those that actually care to think about it, the number of Americans "denied" access to health care is... zero. The number of Americans who can't or won't pay for health care is between 8 and 50 million. The can't is probably contained in the 8 million. Let's find them, if they care to identify themselves in English or Spanish, give them a Medicare card, and be done with it. Those that won't? Why is that our problem?Posted by Vanderleun at August 28, 2009 12:50 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
There's a reason why the liberals don't want to just provide insurance to the uninsured. There's a reason why they would rather have a public option than private health insurance for all.
What I don't understand is why we keep discussing policy details about the latest liberal wet-dream rather than acting as if the liberals are waging a civil war against America. Since the 1930s every enemy of American liberty has found a comfortable home inside the US within the liberal community. Liberals advocate weakness as strength, control as freedom, and surrender as victory. Yet we have to say liberals are misguided or we are extremists. If a parent hired a pedophile to babysit as often as the liberals advocate harming the US that parent would be in jail and the child in foster care.
Liberals are the enemy of our freedom and they will not stop until they are unable to take it from us. No argument will change their mind. No election will stop them from taking more from us. They are waging war and we threaten to put a mark in their permanent record.
This creeping slavery will advance until conservatives become activists. Save your country punch a hippy.
Posted by: scott m at August 28, 2009 1:05 PM
As The One would say, "Think about it!".
Posted by: james wilson at August 29, 2009 9:06 AM
""""" Since the 1930s every enemy of American liberty has found a comfortable home inside the US within the liberal community. """""
Nope. Much longer than that, try: for more than a century. Keep in mind that from the 1890's on, the phenomenon we now call the American 'left' has been a hodge-podge kaleidoscopic stew of control-freak wet dreams. Even the Pledge of Allegiance was given to us by something called a 'Christian Socialist,' which sounds like a mixed-metaphor monstrosity, and the Pledge was given, in its early days, with a full-fledged stiff-arm Fascist salute. Both Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson openly and brazenly gave the Founding Fathers the back of their hand rhetorically in print and in speech. They did so becauae they knew they could, what with the tenor of the times.
To compound the paradox of America back then, the other major force was rampant white racism, replete with its own paramilitary force (the Klan -- the South 'Did Rise Again.' You thought that was just wistful longing?), and even many of the 'progressives' were virulent racists. The spiritual great-grandparents of today's 'social conservatives' and 'progressives' even joined forces to give us that perfect storm of misbegotten social policy: Prohibition. By the way, Prohibition and the women's vote were a two-fer: you voted for one and you got the other. Strange and creepy times indeed. In many respects, we haven't really been 'America' for the entire lifetimes of even the oldest living Americans.
Posted by: Roderick Reilly at August 31, 2009 10:45 AM