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August 30, 2009
The Democrat Platform
Anarchy is order. Lawbreaking is law-abiding. Children have wisdom. Old people are stupid. Women make perfectly fine dads. If you champion womens’ rights, you should have wanted Saddam Hussein to stay exactly where he was. Murderers have a right to life. Babies do not. Abortion is a right guaranteed in the Constitution. Carrying a gun, is not. Barack Obama loves America. Ted Kennedy was the Conscience of the Senate. The best cure for the nation’s economic depression is for the government to put us further in debt. Timothy Geithner is a financial genius who is the only logical nominee for Secretary of the Treasury. Bill Clinton does right by people. Financial solvency comes from making everything artificially more expensive: food, fuel, books, data transfer, home ownership, education, cigarettes. -- House of Eratosthenes
Posted by Vanderleun at August 30, 2009 11:33 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
If liberals were just pursuing policies they find appealing, with little regard for the real consequences, wouldn't they sometimes do the right thing, even if only by accident? I mean even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The fact is the majority of liberals, the rank and file, don't care if their policies hurt America so they never examine them. The leaders of the liberals know exactly the policy prescriptions will harm America, and that's the point. Your kind old neighbor that keeps voting Democrat even though the DNC opposes everything he believe is is just as much of an enemy of the USA as Howard Dean and Nancy Pelosi. In a republic, the number of votes matter, not the intentions of the goobers that vote for socialism but want an improved economy. You don't have to want to get fat to get fat. You don't even have to know donuts will make you fat to get fat. Eating donuts is sufficient to make you fat. Likewise, voters don't have to know the agenda of the DNC. They don't have to support the agenda of the DNC. Merely supporting the DNC is sufficient to bring about socialism.
The fact the Left controls the media and the schools just makes it easier for the lazy Left to ignore the natural consequences of voting left. Not one newspaper reader or TV news viewer has a good reason to believe the news he's consuming is reliable yet they keep letting them set the agenda and define the terms of the discussion.
Posted by: Scott M at August 30, 2009 11:06 PM