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August 12, 2009


Ssssshhhhh..... Ratchet Down The Noise, The Truth Is Bad Enough @ Jaded Haven
Here's the best idea of all: Let's grandfather all of our socialized medical programs (shoot, just for fun, let's kick in Social Security and the vast medley of welfare programs, too) and let them slowly die out of existence. Anyone born from 2010 onward would be entirely dependent on relatives, their own abilities or private charity to provide for themselves for all of their natural lives.
They wouldn't be required to pay taxes into the current systems that support others. They would not be forced by the government to provide the basics of life to another living soul and they would not be allowed to participate in any of these government programs. Of course, some would starve to death or die from lack of medical treatment. Many might suffer from a lack of decent shelter or end up looking to charity because they made irresponsible choices in life, like remaining uneducated and skill-less, having children they couldn't afford, drugging themselves senseless or dropping their life savings at a crap table in Vegas. So be it, let Darwinism reign.

Posted by Vanderleun at August 12, 2009 2:50 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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