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August 9, 2009


Morgan's work @ House of Eratosthenes where he's jamming with Gagdad Bob:

To take an example ripped from this morning's headlines, it is obviously kooky for the left to regard citizens who don't want the state to take over their healthcare as "fascists." For one thing, logically speaking, anyone who wants a smaller and less intrusive government is the polar opposite of a fascist.
But in the unconscious mind, where symmetrical logic rules the night, it is the work of an instant to convert terms to their opposite. This is how we may understand what makes the leftist tick: whatever he accuses others of, is what he is unconsciously guilty of. Thus, when he says, "you are astroturfing," he means "I am astroturfing." When he says "American citizens are behaving like fascists," he means "we and our union thugs are behaving like fascists." When he says "you are a racist," he means "I am preoccupied with race and cannot see beyond it." Etc. -- One Cosmos: The Ill Logic of the Left

Posted by Vanderleun at August 9, 2009 12:32 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I don't think that this is a conspiracy or anhtying close to such a thing.Personally I knew that Wayan Vota was working for Geekcorps and writing for olpcnews as I had briefly met with him during Computex 2006 back in June. Geekcorps as an organization is also working together with HP and VIA Technologies. And also Intel apparently. But does the fact that his employer partners with a number of companies that are also dealing with ICT in the emerging markets really disqualify his opinion on the OLPC project? I don't think so.While one can debate the site's writing style and non-scientific (and at times non-constructive) way of criticizing, I strongly believe that they often raise very interesting and valid points. All in all olpcnews does provide a badly needed other perspective on the whole project. Most other publications (on- and offline) reporting on the OLPC project don't seem to know anhtying about the emerging markets, or ICT and its impact on societies.It would have made sense for the olpcnews about-page to include that Wayan was working for Geekcorps. That way everyone could have known where the comments were coming from .Just my 2 euro-cents

Posted by: Brennda at July 13, 2012 6:40 PM

Wayan,Your integrity sufrfes because your reporting, rather than being critical is often inaccurate. Your integrity also sufrfes from lack of full disclosure. You use a look and headline which leads people to believe your site is some how connected to the OLPC project and only on the eleventh paragraph of your about page is it pointed out you have nothing to do with OLPC. You buy google ads that show up when anyone searches for olpc, and may I note those ads don't disclaim connection to the project. Even if you are not being directly influenced by anyone it is still pretty telling that you have been hostile towards the OLPC project but have not fully disclosed your connection with an entity that feels it has a lot to lose if the One Laptop Per Child is a success. I have no problem with your views, believe me I have people who are close to me who have been critical of the project. What really is the problem is the way you present them by doing a little as you can to disclaim affiliation with the actual OLPC project.

Posted by: Ricardo at July 14, 2012 11:14 PM

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