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August 20, 2009


Beginning in December, a sizable portion of the population of Planet Earth will want to see this film about the distant planet of Pandora as rendered in James Cameron's Avatar. The first trailer is up on Apple as of this morning. There will probably be connection issues as a sizable portion of the Internet will want to see it.

Posted by Vanderleun at August 20, 2009 9:10 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

It looks like "Avatar" is yet another anti-American film from Hollywood, tricked out with some splashy sci-fi effects. Here is what Cameron recently said about it:

"Really what this film ultimately does is hold a mirror to our own blighted history, where we have a culturally advanced civilization supplanting more “primitive” civilizations. Some of these civilizations and cultures have a lot more wisdom than we’ve shown. We just have bigger guns. We have ships that can cross oceans, we have horses and armor. And this country we’re in now was taken from its indigenous owners. And it’s kind of owning up to our own human history."

Won't someone make a film that portrays America in a positive light? The first guy to figure this out is going to make a very large amount of money.

Posted by: Jonathan at August 20, 2009 1:55 PM

Oh, fuck.... It just looks like another "Peaceful savages (Indians/Viet Cong/AQI/Taliban/Shining Path/etc) living in harmony with nature fight evil capitalist invaders (White men/The US)." How the hell many times is Hollywood going to make this lame-ass movie? I've stopped giving money to people who shit on me....

Posted by: Gray at August 20, 2009 2:55 PM

Note, in spite of the disparate time hacks, I posted my comment before the one above was posted.

My comment was based entirely on the trailer. My instincts were correct.

"Dances with Hot Blue Aliens". I've seen this movie before; we all have....

I fucking hate Hollywood and as I soldier, I refuse to give money to those who would shit on me and mine.

Posted by: Gray at August 20, 2009 7:55 PM

"It looks like "Avatar" is yet another anti-American film from Hollywood"

We feel your pain. What is it about Hollywood, historical/political commentary and the colour blue?

Braveheart for example. That loser's anniversary is this weekend. But lauding losers is very fashionable when it's a) a bit romantic and b) hating on the English. The film? Offensive stereotypical rubbish for drooling vacant Scottish nationalists. An egotistical farce from Gibson and full of Hollywood's usual Anglophobic bile. The wode worn was a fetching shade of blue thought but like the rest of the film as intellectually healthy as a deep-fried bridie.

At least Avatar gets techie props.

Posted by: alison at August 21, 2009 11:14 AM

Someone somewhere wrote: "HALO meets Ferngully".

That sounds right. Cameron is the new Stone.

Posted by: goy at August 21, 2009 12:06 PM

A friend called it "Aliens meets Ferngully" but HALO would work too.

What a waste.

Posted by: Eric Blair at August 21, 2009 6:18 PM

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