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August 28, 2009
Another Reason I'm Not Taking Up Cave Diving Anytime Soon
A species of crustacean with no eyes and venom-injecting fangs has been discovered in an underwater volcanic cave in the Canary Islands off the coast of North Africa
Posted by Vanderleun at August 28, 2009 11:58 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
i can usually max it by the end of rlbube trouble. It's well worth it as the final conversion rate is nearly 2 credits per kg. After loathe thy neighbour I buy all but one pip of shield reset threshold as it's cheap and helps so much with harvesting the leaches. For the same reason i buy generator charge rate and turret efficiency after pan-dimensional liquid beasts. The next priority is getting 2 pips of shield field strength by the end of waltz in e-minor, or the blue shooters will own me. On the wish list are turret damage class which as well as the obvious extracts more materials from the rocks, and the final pip of shield field strength to allow me to dine on orange leaches (20 kg from each, worth nearly 40 credits at max purity compared to 10 live or 5 stunned).I buy one pip of rotation power at the first e-drone, one of reverse power at the second, and buy engine efficiency whenever it seems cheap to me to save more energy for guns and shields, but apart from that i prioritise engine upgrades very low constantly changing ship handling is a distraction and faster rotation reduces accuracy.When it's getting hard to hammer the fire key fast enough to drain energy it's time to buy autofire. Multi-shot upgrade is to be avoided until very late as unlike in the demo it doesn't increase your rate of destruction, just spreads it out, dividing your rate of fire. 2x is marginally helpful, 3x is not. Damage class is much better value.Shield energy efficiency is a surprisingly rubbish upgrade as you should be pulsing your shield anyway it won't make much difference to you, and it's no help against homing missiles as each one your shield kills takes all your energy so it's all about reset threshold and generator charge rate, and spacing out the impacts.Anyway, my list of stages:new game small rocks engineering dronedriving test rocks 2 red pushers rocks processing droneloathe thy neighbour rocks 2 red pushers 2 orange shooters, 3rd red pusher engineering droneget your filthy hands off my desert rocks, orange leach rocks 2 meteors red pusher processing dronetastes like chicken rocks, orange leach rocks orange leach swarm engineering dronetalc and turnip rocks 2 red pushers 2 orange shooters 2 red pushers processing dronepan dimensional liquid beasts rocks, blue leach rocks blue leach swarm orange leach swarm blue leach swarm orange leach swarm engineering dronepeek freans trotsky assortment small rocks, orange leach rocks red pushers orange shooters 3 yellow pushers processing droneitchy flaky scalp rocks, orange leach rocks red pushers processing dronerubble trouble rocks, red mine rocks 3 meteors red pushers? processing drone 1 rock engineering dronelobster thermidor aux crevettes rocks 2 red mine layers 2 orange shooters 2 red mine layers 2 orange shooters processing dronedrive by shouting rocks red pusher 2 orange stars processing dronewaltz in e minor rocks, red mine rocks 2 meteors orange leach swarm 2 meteors orange leach swarm engineering dronestop showing off rocks, red mine rocks 3 blue shooters processing drone engineering dronelumpy gravy small rocks, orange leach rocks 2 meteors orange star processing dronepopularity contest rocks 2 orange shooters 2 blue shooters engineering dronetough nuts tough rocks, orange leach rocks 2 blue shooters 5 yellow pushers engineering droneeverything is just fine rocks tie-fighter warship processing dronemagazin frivole poor rocks yellow pushers engineering dronei have the death sentence in twelve systems lots of ships processing droneconverging in the quiet tough rocks meteor storm blue leach swarm orange leech swarm engineering dronefortnight in a bad baloon tough rocks, orange leach rocks blue shooters processing dronetrans fatty acid rocks giant red star yellow pushers processing drone 2 meteors engineering droneits grim up north tough rocks, orange leach rocks, blue leach rocks meteor storm processing dronehow was your day honey? rocks blue shooters yellow pushers tie-fighter warship orange stars red mine layers blue shooters meteor storm yellow pushers red mine layers rocks engineering dronei got a bad feelin' about this 5 blue leaches final warship processing drone personnel transfer module
Posted by: Blessing at July 13, 2012 3:53 AM