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August 12, 2009

After a year off, The Fourth Checkraise has returned with a host of items such as The Fourth Checkraise: Si means Si
Fidel Castro, a hero and idol to many Western liberals and intellectuals, used his position as the central planner exactly as predicted by the principle of the central planning nomenklatura always allocating the best stuff for itself: Fidel has had sex with over 35,000 women that his special security force collected to him.... Tellingly, our progressives and liberals seem to have no problem whatsoever with this.


Posted by Vanderleun at August 12, 2009 5:22 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

As Prof. Tolkien noted, the 'gatherers and sharers' seem to do a lot of gathering, but very little sharing.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at August 13, 2009 6:20 PM

, I gave away a Monkey Ward 13" tube (vintage '86) a couple years back to a freind who is still using it, and other than stuff rendered unusable by dead customer battery or failure of a mechanical part, most solid state electronics I've disposed of for taking up space uselessly, not because it stopped working. I have a bunch of FRS radios purchased in the mid-90's, for example, that are still going strong; and all the laptops I've killed have died of pyshical damage (generally the power supply connection comes desoldered - which I suppose I could fix if I cared).Fast food styrofoam was killed by the Watermelons - Styrofoam is TEH EV!L, MAN!!11121!. As for parking spaces, I don't know what's up with that. It may complicate lot design to force people to drive one way in a parking lot? (Though that lets you use smaller lanes and therefore have more parking per lot space)

Posted by: Faisal at July 13, 2012 3:51 AM

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