August 18, 2009
The betrayed lover metaphor is strangely apt because it contains elements that match what has happened and is still happening to a growing segment of Obama supporters: a relationship begun in the glow of the fantasy of perfection and wish-fulfillment meets the flawed and sometimes deeply disappointing reality of who the lover actually is. Sometimes, that lover even turns out to be a con artist, a narcissist, and/or a liar. -- neo-neocon Trusting Obama: fooled us once, fooled us twice, fooled us...
Posted by Vanderleun at August 18, 2009 1:11 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.
Your Say
I think the Obama dynamic isn't so much like a betrayed lover as it is a disappointed parent.
Think about it, how do liberals describe minorities who can speak three sentences without profanity? They say that "He's articulate and well-spoken." As though they are surprised by it. That's pretty much the same thing they say about a 12 year old kid in a suit and tie.
Modern liberals take a paternal approach to minorities. Most are convinced that a minority can't get a job, go to school or stay out of prison without their help.
Like parents of a troubled child, they are disappointed in their kids fate. They ask themselves "Where did we go wrong?" They still love them and will leap to their defense should anybody point out any of the kids obvious failures.
The Left is disappointed with Obama, but they will never abandon him.
Posted by: Mumblix Grumph at August 18, 2009 5:22 PM
Lets get out the vote for mayor of Revere. Vote early and vote often!
Posted by: dan rizzo at May 13, 2011 4:29 AM