“Small moves, Captain, small moves.”
It will be able to lift nearly 141,000lbs (64 metric tons) into orbit, also more than double the Delta IV Heavy and at a third of the cost, according to SpaceX. Putting that into perspective, the Falcon Heavy would be able to carry a payloadequivalent to a 737 airlinerfully loaded with crew, passengers, luggage and fuel. Only the Saturn V moon rocket which was last flown in 1973, delivered a heavier payload into orbit. The goal of the test flight on Tuesday is to prove that the Falcon Heavy can successfully launch a payload into a hyperbolic deep space orbit which is known as the Hohmann transfer. Musk’s Falcon Heavy Packs A Huge Payload [Infographic]
SpaceX’s First Falcon Heavy Rocket to Launch 4th Electric Car to Leave Earth
“It was brilliant from an America point of view. We’re going to put a red convertible sports care into space playing David Bowie’s Space Oddity with a sign that says ‘Don’t Panic’ on the dashboard. ” — Bill Whittle Right Angle: This Really Happened
“Small moves, Captain, small moves.”
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Musk is making up for the chaotic Tesla shambles with the rockets:
“SpaceX Aims to Begin BFR Spaceship Flight Tests as Soon as Next Year
SpaceX Aims to Begin BFR Spaceship Flight Tests as Soon as Next Year
american tax dollars do amazing things
Elon Musk isn’t my favorite guy by any means- and I loathe the fact that his Tesla cars are subsidised by taxpayer money- but I’ve always thought that American private enterprise should lead us into space. He’s done it! He’s done it in style! “Don’t Panic,” indeed!
When I watched that incredible video from SpaceX, I had tears in my eyes; and when that fantastic double touchdown in Florida occurred (tail down, like God and Robert A. Heinlein decreed,) I was on my feet cheering! What a wonderful thing to see!
I do regret that Dr. Jerry Pournelle didn’t live to see it. He would have been on his feet cheering too, I’m sure of it!
Agree. Yes, he’s a subsidy queen of queens. But he strapped 27 rockets together, launched them successfully, and got 18 back to use again. He is pushing outward.
And the purpose of it all is …?
And the perfumed goal of the Musk, my deer, who benefits, how, and when? And who pays for how long?
Not to mention Douglas Adams, Eskyman.
There’s something strange about the videos and I can’t put my finger on it.
The announcers behave like actors when they lost the feed (like The Onion) or a skit.
And the rockets touching down almost look cgi. Not saying it’s some type of conspiracy but it all seems weird.
MusK is P.T. Barnum and Wernher von Braun rolled into one. Should make for some good entertainment if the government money holds out.
Big Spacex fan here, but have to qualify the orbital capability of Teh Heavy. It cannot put anything like 160 tons into orbit, because although it has shitloads of thrust, all of the weight of the second stage and payload (plus interstage and fairings) is carried on the center core just like it was a regular F9, which it sort of is. If you put 160 tons on top of the FH, it would pancake it! So what is all that kick-ass good for? For delivering “normally” heavy payloads to a higher velocity, such as is required to launch directly to geosynchronous orbit (which the military is really keen on), to the Moon, or to the planets beyond Earth (Mars, Jupiter’s moons…).
There is much contention about the commercial significance of FH, how many will ever be built or launched, etc. Some of us (ahem) think there is going to have to be a Super-Heavy version to take advantage of a future Super Heavy-lift market that may blossom before Spacex can perfect the next generation beyond the Falcons, the BFR. Yes, that stands for “Big Fucking Rocket”, and that’s exactly what Spacex calls it so far. Good times!
If this kind of geekorockenomics yanks your crank, check out NASASpaceFlight.com where all kinds of real rocket scientists hang out. And fanbois like me.
ambiguousfrog is right. That video, and several others, looked FAF.