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PEWSLAG: The 7 Deadly Sins of Progressivism

“So common have the elements of PEWSLAG become they can no longer be

considered as ‘The 7 Deadly Sins,” but rather as the PPAF, The Progressive Platform for America’s Future.”

“We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” — Oscar Wilde

The progressive left (aka “Democrats”) has cast off all pretense of “progress” and become a  slop bucket brimming over with Americans that hate children, success, happiness, liberty, and life itself. All these local “progressive heroes” will sooner or later get their close-up in the Fake News. Their faces and their ever-expanding mental diseases reveal the state of souls committed to personal degradation and social devolution. These insects have eaten the seven deadly sins with the zeal of pedophiles double dipping at the salad bar in a pre-school lunchroom. Theirs is the socialist Utopian view of life fueled with poppers and perversion and propaganda.

Others, the much-maligned normal majority, have the tragic view of life and accept that all humans are flawed; that all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, have touched on all of the 7 deadly sins. It is our nature to sin. We sin as easily as we breathe. Exhibit 5,798: the War in Ukraine. Those with the tragic view of the human condition at least struggle against sin and strive to leave the world brighter and better than when we came into it. The Democrats have now determined to leave their world depraved, degraded, and darker.

The compulsive seeking out of greater and greater sin can be seen in almost every progressive position and policy of the last several decades. From the sanctification of abortion and treason to the exaltation of perversion and penury, every step taken by the progressive strain of American politics has been to sink deeper into the pit and cavort in the reeking mire. 

For most Americans, the 7 deadly sins are things we struggle against. For progressives, the 7 sins have become the touchstones of their plans and policies; their 7 Commandments. So extreme has their dedication to degradation become that they now parade in the ass chaps of their achievements; from the slaughter of the unborn to normalizing the perverted to the feckless squandering of the local, state, and federal purse. The Democrats’ unwritten platform is to pull the rest of us down into the cesspit where they wallow. Most Americans, when the choice is stark and immediate, decline to join them in the mire.  It isn’t an accident that a popular cultural meme centers on Zombies, the walking dead who seek to feast off “Brainz!” and then convert the living to their living death. They do and they have.

At one point classical American liberals might have avoided this cultural and ideological degradation, but that was before ProgrressiveDemocrats shunned shame. Then it was full speed ahead. After all, once you’ve expunged shame from your mind, parading Pride is what is left, even if it is unclear what you are proud of.

Pride (gay or straight)  is the first and most deadly sin. Pride makes all other sins possible. When the self and its immediate needs have become the individual’s brave new god, humility is impossible. Humility is so human that the brave new gods of the Left’s Brave New World cannot abide it. Instead, they must worship Ego Uber Alles. Pride leads the lemmings’ parade over the cliffs of nihilism into the waters of oblivion.

Long ago, there was a mnemonic for the seven deadly sins, PEWSLAG. It meant Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Avarice, and Gluttony.  So common have the elements of PEWSLAG become in our time  they can no longer be considered as ‘The 7 Deadly Sins,” but rather as the PPAF, The Progressive Platform for America’s Future.

Let’s review the PPAF in greater detail:

Progressive PRIDE:  Pride in the self is the single most important element. The freed will, Ego Uber Alles, needs to move God out of the universe entirely and Ego Uber Alles into the center. Once the Self is the most important element of existence, there is no limit to what the Will can demand for the Self.

We’ve seen how societies based on The Triumph of the Will swept across the world in the last century. These Self and Will-centered social experiments all seem to have the worship of a single man at their center and the word “Socialist” in their name. Their core concept at the apex of their terrible arc is a National or Group Pride as an excuse for the most inhuman crimes committed in the name of a greater humanity. The words “Nazi” and “Communist” both slide nicely into the post-MLK slogan, “Say it loud / I’m  ______ and I’m proud.” Wisdom tells us what comes after pride, but wisdom is not a progressive value, and the fall is someplace later.

Progressive ENVY: This is an ancient Bolshevik organizing tool that uses the stupid and slothful as tools against those who have, well, more. It doesn’t matter if “more” is a second goat or an extra billion dollars. “Thou shalt covet” is the commandment here. Once you can convince a person to envy another there is no limit to what they want since what they want is not a goat or a billion dollars, but simply and eternally “more.” In the final analysis, those who at some point refuse to give “more” will be required to give all, including life itself. Envy always ends in guns.

Progressive WRATH: All those who point out that the Progressive plan for Utopian improvement never seems to arrive but is forever seeking “more,” are sure to feel increasing amounts of Wrath directed against them. Democrat ‘wrath’ begins with a mild reproach where the doubter is made to feel the chill from his or her closest associates, but it quickly escalates to anger if the doubter does not immediately lie down and become submissive. For those that stand clearly outside the Progressive circle of approved behavior, wrath against them is constant and unremitting and ever-growing in its intensity.

Progressive SLOTH: One of the pleasures of being a Progressive is that one never has to produce anything in the form of innovation and invention. Progressives need only put in place things that impede innovation and invention; things such as excessive laws, complex regulations, and false customs. It is remarkable in this century that one can spend a lifetime making these impediments to prosperity in the media, in academic life, in unions, and in a bureaucratic career, and only rise from reward to greater reward by making those and other careers safer for slackers and layabouts.

Progressive LUST: As progressives subsidize sloth, whole oceans of time open for the non-abled and non-thinking and non-feeling in the mass of the intentionally under-educated in the nation. What better way to spend the brief time between the progressive-worshiped states of unbeing than in the constant satiation of the senses? Although there is a puritan stain that oozes from all Progressive alphas, the alphas have found that the best way to control, to placate, the betas is to let them live lives devoted to lust. Ass-Chaps are a Progressive fashion accessory. There are endless fully-supported programs that enable sex without any chance of pregnancy and, should avoiding pregnancy prove to be beyond the mental capabilities of the betas, there are subsidized programs for terminating any inconveniences. Should the inconveniences seem to be convenient, there are programs to support and warehouse them. Should the lusts of the body lead to disease, there is no end of programs to cure or at least palliate them should they be resistant to a cure. In all cases, everything is done to enable and promote lust as the booby prize for the betas. The more rubble in the masses, the less trouble for the elites.

Progressive AVARICE: The old joke of the two line IRS form that reads,


seems less and less amusing as it becomes more and more clear that Progressivism is merely the stalking horse for the complete seizure of the private property and assets of the middle class.

Progressivism in the United States has seen the truth of Thatcher’s observation  “The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” The solution, driven by the greed of the political class, is simply to get their hands on all the money. Once that is achieved, the pie can be doled out from the ruling class’ private-jet sky. The size of your slice? Well, as we know only too well, the Progressive plan is “From each according to their ability. To each according to their need.” In ProgLand you need nothing.

Progressive GLUTTONY: A funny thing happened to the political animals of the sixties as they wormed their Progressive way into the national establishment in their dotage. These radical retreads discovered they liked to eat well and, at times, strangely. Hence we have the endless passions of the Progressive foodies for organic, for local, for “sustainable,” for ethnic, for vegan, for raw, for everything that can be eaten on the face of the earth combined with a catechism for the masses of the fast cheap food that is “bad” for them. It’s no accident that the biggest fetish for the Baby-Boomers that comprise the mass of the Progressive alphas is a food fetish. They like to eat… everything in sight. Unborn lamb today. Your unborn children tomorrow. Start with the stem cells and move up from there. Yum.

And their gluttony does not stop at food items, it extends to all other spheres of human behavior:

They like to eat traditions.
They like to eat values.
They like to eat families.
They like to eat history.
They like to eat rights.
They like to eat the Founding documents of the nation.
They like to eat the rule of law.
They like to eat truth.
They like to eat the living.
They like to eat their souls.

The progressives are gluttons for everything and they will continue to eat everything until they are stopped. Until then, their platform and program, their PPAF, is summed up in the simple mnemonic, PEWSLAG, where Pride is the beginning and Gluttony the end of their endeavors. And the fruits of the Progressives’ Gluttony will always be that which is always excreated the morning after a long night of unrestrained feasting on the living by the zombies among us. Like the lost souls of San Fransicko, they don’t pick it up in a bag for disposal, but just leave it steaming on the streets.

 It’s the progressive way. It’s the end state of PPAF, The Progressive Platform for America’s Future. And there it will stay, steaming on the street, ready for our feet in our worn and flimsy flip-flops.

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  • ghostsniper August 26, 2019, 1:05 PM

    A thing will continue as long as it is financially beneficial to do so.
    Destroy a things ass pocket and the thing will cease to exist.

    Yes, I know. As a good person you do not intentionally financially support the things that are destroying this country. But is that true? Even if it is some how true, what about all the other people in this country that think like you, have they stopped financing the enemy? Doubtful, in both instances.

    The enemy’s financial backing mostly comes from the same entity that steals from you in various forms everyday. This so called progressivism is just one more facet of the larger force that is working diligently to enslave the population. According to some sources this is preordained and unavoidable. A total collapse must, and will, occur. There is no other way.

    Think of it as an obstacle that must be over come. You can’t go over it, under it, or around it, and not only does it block your path but it is expanding and taking up more and more space to eventually consume you. You have to kill it and bore a hole all the way through it so that you can continue on your journey. Your journey of life.

    You are not alone. Many of us are on the same journey and face the same obstacle. Most of us realize the only way to kill the obstacle is also the thing, right now, that will kill us. We are still in that phase Claire Wolfe spoke about. So we wait.

    My belief is that the obstacle is continuously expanding exponentially and poisoning itself as it moves forward. Eventually it will consume itself with it’s poison. It is non-sustainable. It never is, look at history. Therefore you have to educate yourself in how to live in a land that is going through this long march over it’s self built speed bump.

    Ever been in a high speed out of control slide in a vehicle? The slide itself won’t kill you but that hard slam at the end will. So you need to buffer up and prepare for that collision. Survive the collision and you’ll be ready to start to recover. It’s coming, that slam at the end, and you know it, you can feel it in your bones, are you preparing for it? Or will you be a victim?

    You can plan to win or plan to lose and in either case you are 100% responsible for your destiny.
    Are you tired of winning?

  • Snakepit Kansas August 26, 2019, 7:47 PM

    I think Ghost is 100% on point. I cannot write to express such discernment as well as him or many others I read here regularly (Casey, jwm, PA cat, JOA, Remus, MOTUS & others) So much of our government and others’ is financed with mountains of debt. There seems no end to it. That debt method does not work for long in personal or business finance, so how does anyone think it will work long term for a society run by the government? Socialism, communism will be the escape hatch… does not anyone read or know history? Maybe many in charge figure that the bottom will drop out long after they are gone or think this Ponzi scheme can work forever. Central planners will sustain it this time! But what about their personal legacy? What about their next generation or two? Are they so indifferent to not see the inevitable? I do not think this ends well. Prepare accordingly.

  • jwm August 26, 2019, 9:31 PM

    Wrath is far and away the sin of choice in this age and time. TV washes everything in anger. It is the subtext of every editorial, every opinion piece, every tweet, and post, and meme. Everyone in every medium wants to get you pissed about something. I though Bush derangement was bad. Anyone remember Bushitler? That was weak coffee. Trump derangement is crystal meth in a pipe, and the pushers are bigger and more powerful and ridiculously wealthy. Half the population is strung out like a dog on that shit. The prolonged tooth clenching ecstasy of self righteous rage reduces it’s victims to to slogan spouting parrots. Flesh eating parrots to boot.
    And our side of the fence? Ace, Aesop, Zman, Severian, Porretto, Vox Day, and everyone on Taki, and everyone else I read everyday, including our gracious host, all have most excellent reasons for being totally pissed about something or other. What makes it worse, is that they’re all right. Much, if not all of our world is going to hell in a handbasket.
    Resist not evil. I never understood that before, but now, maybe I do get it just a little. It comes down to what we can change, and what we cannot. Pride tells me I should engage the beast, and go to war with the rageheads. Would I change a single mind? Would it slow, or stop the insanity? Or would it just ruin my soul mucking in the slime, and leave me gritting my teeth in self righteous rage.
    None of has all that much time left. For myself, I try to keep the focus small. I can be a good husband to my wife. A good friend to my friends. I can engage in stuff like our bike gang. It’s a small thing that brings a lot of good clean fun to a lot of people. I’ve been richly blessed in this life. The game turned out better than my wildest expectations. I have much to be grateful for. Happiness, as Dennis Prager says, Is a serious problem. The world out there will bleed you dry of it you let it. I’m trying hard not to.


    • gwbnyc May 14, 2022, 11:22 AM

      shoot your TeeVee.

      keep your phone off (a non-google-android or apple phone) except to check it from the same location (like work or home).

      remember we lived without them.

  • Alexandria Dumas August 27, 2019, 6:05 AM

    Fantastic writing, great subject. One of your all-time best.

  • Fletcher Christian August 27, 2019, 7:21 AM

    I have a similar outlook, but aimed at a somewhat different (or maybe merely larger) set of people.

    Using the “body politic” analogy, I find that said body is infested with an ever-greater number of parasites. Government bureaucrats, academia (especially those in soft subjects – STEM is another matter), politicians and the wilfully unemployed are an easy target – but how about ambulance-chasing lawyers, investment bankers, tax accountants, and high-frequency traders? All of these are people who make a very great deal of money for themselves, while their contribution to the general good is zero or even negative.

    From a UK perspective, the financial racket (I won’t dignify it with the term “industry”) is grossly dominant while manufacturing languishes. Which also contributes to the huge disparity between regions of the UK.

  • rabbit tobacco August 27, 2019, 8:18 AM

    in the SECULAR world, there is no place for the concept of sin…

  • James ONeil August 27, 2019, 9:21 AM

    To misquote Pogo; We are seeing the future and it is rust.

  • Sam L. August 27, 2019, 9:27 AM

    “Progressive”. Whenever I read the word, or hear the word,
    what immediately comes to my mind is CANCER.

    • gwnyc May 14, 2022, 11:32 AM


      I think of the Bolsheviks, the Italian Fascist Party, the Nazi Party, Fabian Socialists, Gramscian Communists, current Academia, and Margaret Sanger as conduits of totalitarianism.

      • Jack May 15, 2022, 9:14 AM

        Both of you are 100% correct but there is also every friggin’ democrat and every RINO in this country from the smallest ranting child to the highest place holders in church and state, every soulless CFO and CEO, all whiney and useless blacks and their scheming leaders, and a massively huge number of immensely wealthy and satanic powerbroker Yids who support the forgoing. M’Fkers of the worst order…all of them.

  • JoanOfArgghh! August 27, 2019, 5:53 PM

    CS Lewis wrote on this same aspect of Gluttony, which he called Delicacy. “Oh I just couldn’t! I’m on a very strict diet!” “Please excuse me, but all manner of meats are disagreeable to my digestive health. Di you know that meats are very bad for the humours.”
    He thought it every bit the sin of self-indulgence and worse, since its goal was to put others out, to position oneself as more delicate and refined, more thoroughbred and sensitive and hence to be catered to at the expense of one’s host. He had their number back in the 50’s.

  • Montefrío August 28, 2019, 7:25 AM

    Thanks for a fine piece and a delightful accompanying illustration!

    I’m with jwm: keep the focus small. The rewards are great and the punishments few and insignificant. The greater world may one day invade my dooryard, but somehow I suspect not, given that I live in a country that had experienced a series of financial collapses as well as more than one military dictatorship during my lifetime and the folks in my small village have told me that all that might as well have been on another planet for all the local effects produced.
    As a long-time practitioner of Zen, the ugly seven are, I like to believe, kept reasonably well within check. One awakens from sleep into this material world and remains aware during the waking hours; what goes on in dream time is largely free-range awareness that, when remembered, can often be humbling but is always an integral part of the “I”.

    • LP May 14, 2022, 3:07 PM

      Montefrio, Where are you, that you’re not worried about being impacted locally? I’m a citizen of 3 countries, but I don’t know if one or the other or any place is going to be safe. I like the small town where I live. It’s a pretty anti-progressive small town. I hope we can stay here.

  • ghostsniper January 19, 2021, 6:11 PM

    It’s almost 9pm here. In a little over 15 hours full blown american communism begins. From the beginning, no other country in the world did it like the US and the way communism will be administered here will be like no other as well. By 2022 the FedRes will probably be tapped out and the one eyed monster will seek nourishment from other sources. When it comes right down to it wealth is not about money but rather human effort. Through capitalism human effort becomes something called money as well as others things, perhaps consideration. But you have to have the human effort first and that can only come from humans.

    If you feel old now try to imagine what you will feel like with leg irons. Maybe not right away, but eventually. I’ll ask you once again, “Where is your own personal line in the sand”? At what point is too much too much? When will you say, “No more”?

    Most likely these things will come to mind in your idle moments. Gov’t inertia will hold things back immediately but that same inertia will eventually pick up speed, meaning, you won’t see the effects of communism right away but you can bet your bottom dollar the wheels are already churning and they won’t stop until they can go no more. And it doesn’t matter if those wheels grind a single life or a thousand million lives, it is always a starving savage. It is going to take almost all of your effort to just stay out of it’s way. Be flexible in all things. Peace, Onward.

  • PA Cat January 19, 2021, 6:39 PM

    rabbit tobacco said, “In the SECULAR world, there is no place for the concept of sin . . . ” Worse, the secular world regards the traditional virtues as obstacles to the approved practices of PEWSLAG. Gerard’s post reminded me of one of the less familiar solos from Lerner and Loewe’s Camelot, the 1960 musical still associated with JFK’s tarnished presidency. The solo, titled “The Seven Deadly Virtues,” is sung by Mordred, King Arthur’s traitorous nephew (in some versions of the Arthurian legend, he is the king’s bastard son). Mordred, of course, eventually brings about Arthur’s death and the destruction of Camelot.

    Here is a link to Roddy McDowall’s performance of the song:
    The lyrics are as follows:
    The seven deadly virtues, those ghastly little traps
    Oh no, my liege, they were not meant for me!
    Those seven deadly virtues were made for other chaps
    Who love a life of failure and ennui.

    Take courage– now there’s a sport
    An invitation to the state of Rigor Mort.
    And purity– a noble yen
    And very restful every now and then.

    I find humility means to be hurt;
    It’s not the earth the meek inherit, it’s the dirt.
    Honesty is fatal, it should be taboo–
    Diligence a fate I would hate.

    If charity means giving, I give it to you
    And fidelity is only for your mate–ha!
    You’ll never find a virtue unstatusing my quo
    Or making my Beelze-bubble burst–

    Let others take the high road, I will take the low;
    I cannot wait to rush in where angels fear to go
    With all those seven deadly virtues
    Free and happy little me has not been cursed!

    I have little doubt that when the song was new– 60 years ago now– all the right people applauded the cleverness of Alan Jay Lerner’s lyrics. After all, Lerner had been a Harvard classmate of JFK. Unfortunately, “The Seven Deadly Virtues” has become the theme song of the D.C. swamp dwellers over the past six decades– revisiting it now brings nausea rather than nostalgia.

  • captflee January 19, 2021, 7:58 PM

    Had to blow past security warnings to get here this evening. Is your security cert actually expired, or are you being unpersoned?

  • David January 19, 2021, 10:42 PM

    Your posting, the comments, all bloody marvellous. Thank you sir.

  • ghostsniper January 20, 2021, 6:40 AM

    Turner Classic Movies schedule for January 20th does tend to cause one to raise an eyebrow. Notice a certain pattern?

    6:00 AM Ode To Billy Joe (1976)
    8:00 AM Polo Joe (1936)
    9:30 AM The Fabulous Joe (1947)
    10:45 AM The Story of G. I. Joe (1945)
    12:45 PM Joe Smith, American (1942)
    2:00 PM A Guy Named Joe (1943)
    4:15 PM Pal Joey (1957)
    6:15 PM Mighty Joe Young (1949)
    8:00 PM Murder She Said (1961)
    9:45 PM Murder at the Gallop (1963)
    11:15 PM Murder Most Foul (1964)
    1:00 AM Murder Ahoy (1964)
    2:45 AM Penguin Pool Murder (1932)
    4:00 AM Murder on the Blackboard (1934)

    8 “Joe” movies and 6 “Murder” movies.
    Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang: the meaning of “86” expanded during the 1970s to mean “to kill, to murder; to execute judicially”

  • Casey Klahn January 20, 2021, 7:27 AM

    I gave up on predictions, but I guess my hunch motor still idles on 2 strokes. One day I see Marx, the next I see Mussolini. Really, if we get a capitalist system with vertical authority so tight your farts won’t emit, this is close to fascism. Well, it fukkin is fascism, especially with a racialist component, and an anti-nationalist component. In a contrasting play on the 1930s, the dems have their power levers of race and country in reverse of what Benito and Adolph did. Socialism. Check. Gun grabs. Check. Nationalized medicine. Check. Euthanasia. Check. Street thugs. Check.
    But, I still stick with the revolutionary history such as October-November, 1917. The pattern is eerie. Are Trumps the latter day Romanovs? I hope not.
    Some newsies are tipping a Trumpist party. I do like that.
    Miller, the acting SecDef, says zero actual threats to DC today. They could release the nasty girls this morning and DC would be just as safe. FFS, the ’68 riots in DC burned down city blocks and LBJ only had half as many troops actually fighting a hot threat. We are being played and it does make my blood boil. I was only half as pissed when Onebama came into office; this feels ominous on an order of 10 magnitudes worse than that.
    Oligarchs? To be sure. If you know their names they ain’t the oligarchs you’re worried about.
    Virus? Still waiting for that muthafugga to kill the multi millions world wide we were promised. When Trump said something to the effect that it was the rough equivalent to the flu, that was the last truth we got on coronaV.
    Speech? Gone. Guns? Threatened gravely. Religious freedom? Not feelin it. Money? Where’s that going to come from? Press? You’re kidding, right?
    Just my thoughts over coffee. How many guardsmen will stay in DC and for how long? Watch for that to be page 7 news if at all.

  • Suz January 20, 2021, 7:28 AM

    Fine writing, Gerard. Thanks.

  • Anthony Gaudio May 14, 2022, 8:27 AM

    How did you get to be so smart? Nailed it again, Vanderleun.

  • steveaz May 14, 2022, 8:33 AM

    If you’re in a gloomy mood about Big Money, Globalists, and their gluttonous, homogenizing designs, you really must see the movie, The Feast.

    Just like a brisk cup of tea, it’ll pick you right up.

    In it, a conniving Lady-Macbeth-like hostess prepares the dinner table at which she hopes to ‘serve-up’ one of her guests, a simple Welsh farm-woman, to the designs of her wolfish European patron named Euro. The meal is supposed to close a pressed land-sale to the Hostess’ benefit, but the resilient roots of Welsh culture, namely its geomantic, traditional Folklore, send an alluring, ghostly actress to spoil their plans.

    The film documents all the sins, from Sloth to Lust, in the family’s rancid relic of a landed clan. And the Lore let the family be, safe from its judgments and protocols, hidden inside their fort-like brick home or in their anonymous London flats, until one final trespass: Irreverence.

    For this, the family must pay the ultimate price.

    This movie has a satisfying, modern style to it, and architecture buffs will enjoy the modern brick home with its ‘Brutalist’ lines and its rolling agrarian setting. In The Feast however, Revenge is the main course on offer, and there’s plenty enough to go around. So please have a second helping.

    But do save room for desert.

  • Tom Hyland May 14, 2022, 8:35 AM

    Gerard… I want you to know Margaret Anna Alice has given you a shout-out that American Digest is an alternative news source for those seeking an insightful point of view amidst the bombardment of static soul-suck-info churning from the popular monsters of media.

    Also, further art appreciation here if you want to view the 7 Deadly Sins series of paintings created by Paul Cadmus from 1945 to 1949. Really creepy stuff.

    • Randall Bridges May 14, 2022, 5:24 PM

      For me, Gerard is above Margaret Ana Alice on my required reading list. On my limited range, I’ve been getting Gerard’s productions outwardly bound also. Wonderful writing ability on display, and great understanding of our humanity’s need now. I’m thankful!

  • Anonymous May 14, 2022, 8:39 AM

    Great illustration. I like the “little” prize at the top of the picture. That’s if you successfully pass all the temptations.

  • Steve (retired/recovering lawyer) May 14, 2022, 8:58 AM

    I am humbled by the depth of thought expressed in this post as well as the comments following, many of which echo my own impressions and opinions. I would only add that there is, without any doubt, nothing new under the sun. That was the learned observation of a man far wiser than I three thousand years ago. Nothing has changed since then but the tawdry details. And I believe that his conclusions, derived at the end of all his investigating, searching and thinking has also not substantially changed:
    Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
    Ecclesiastes 12:13 Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
    And always remember the sign painted on the barn alongside Route 30: At the end of the road, prepare to meet thy God.

  • jiminalaska May 14, 2022, 9:33 AM

    Trouble with the blame game, it stays the same. If it ain’t The Man holding you down, it’s the black or trannies or Russkies or whatever.

    More fun tossing fecal matter at others than cleaning out one’s own stall, but not productive.

    I’m responsible. You’re responsible. Anything within my reach, any thing affecting me or mine is within my control, I can use it, lose it, do something with or about it, -or not. Things beyond my reach, t’ain’t affecting me, don’t make no nevermind.

    Until and unless we take that approach, harbor that attitude, The Man, the woke, they, whatever rude epithet we place before or afer their pronoun, those TSMF, define and delimit our world.

    Today I expect to do some exploring, the surrounding taiga, making aircrete, cobbling a single bottom plow to a 3 point hitch. So! DC, the Ukraine or Uranus really ain’t gonna affect me none.

    BTW: In my opinion, Pride’s most insidious we use it to excuse the other six but sloth’s the most deadly, once your kicked back, stretched out in the mud wallow, hard to get up and do any danged thing.

  • Donald Sensing May 15, 2022, 5:01 AM

    I have said it before and I will keep saying it. For many years the Leftist revolutionary vanguard has been oriented on three main points of why they simply despise this country:

    1. Americans are too wealthy, which as always with Leftists throughout history means that the Leftists elites think you have too much money and they do not have enough.
    2. America is too powerful, so weakening the armed forces is always a priority.
    3. America is too white. For that I think no explanation is needed, since with the Left’s furious, angry pushing of CRT, it is all out in the open. And hence, so are our borders. Be assured that if France was there instead of Mexico, the Dems would have built a mile-high wall along the Rio long ago.

    The damage and harm the American Left will do will be inestimable, but the Left does not care. They are convinced that whatever follows cannot possibly be worse than what has been. They literally believe that for America to cease in every historically meaningful sense cannot possibly turn out worse than what it is now. They are intentionally trying to destroy America’s central institutions, the Supreme Court being only the latest example. They deeply believe that ANY outcome will be an improvement over the country’s present and past. They simply hate this country and all that it is and has ever been.

    However, remember that Leftism, no matter in what venue it manifests itself, is never about the welfare and benefit about the proles. It is always about the privileges, profits and riches that the Revolutionary Vanguard can carve out for themselves. In every chest of Leftist ideologues beats a heart filled with greed for themselves and contempt for everyone else – including other ideologues, whom they view first of all as competitors, not allies.

    There is no example anywhere in the world in history where Leftists, whether mere socialists or anywhere along the continuum to full communism, have selflessly worked for the common good. Not. One. Time. The only point of any Leftist ascension to power has been to entrench the positions, status, personal wealth, and privileges of the Revolutionary Vanguard, by whatever name it may call itself.

  • SoylentGreen May 15, 2022, 7:14 AM

    Despite my great appreciation of this article – and all commenters – I am left with the thought that, “if you don’t read this stuff, you would not know that it exists.” Because you don’t actually see it unless you go looking. I marvel that this article represents the exact feeling that we have at the present moment, yet it was originally posted (apparently) in August 2019 in the middle of the Trump presidency when things were apparently different. Yet here we are in the same place. Spiritually, it is an individual journey and finger-pointing is a form of Pride.

  • jwm May 15, 2022, 8:09 AM

    I look at my comment from August of 2019, less than three years ago. We all thought things were bad then. We had no fucking idea of what was coming. I wrote about the prevailing anger, then. I had no fucking idea what the real thing was like. Now I know. That anger is now orders of magnitude greater, and is embedded, solid and deep. I doubt if it will ever abate.
    Add to that anger, now, the horror of realizing how quickly, and easily so many of our “fellow citizens” became quivering mindless sheep, bleating for more safety, and willing to on turn their families, and friends for not following the latest diktat from the ministry of truth. I carry an incendiary hatred for these propaganda engines, and the professional liars who claim to be our betters.
    Tom Hyland, in a comment above, recommended Margaret Ann Alice’s article. I read it just this morning. The masses have been well enslaved. Willingly. I heard a conversation sometime this last week, wherein someone mentioned how awful it is that her masked up friends have recently been on the receiving end of hostile stares, and even RUDE COMMENTS(!) Given what the mask nazi’s have been dealing out, I had to just grin. Good. Insult the fuck out of them. Remind them that they have no dignity. I suppose I should have some small sympathy for the mind raped, but I do not. I see them masked up out in the clear bright sun, and I have no empathy at all. Fuck them to hell.
    I hate carrying this anger. I feel just how corrosive it is to the spirit, that it drives a wedge between me and grace. I pray on it at length. Deeply, and with all the sincerity I can muster, but I can’t shake it off.


    • ghostsniper May 15, 2022, 10:58 AM

      JWM sed: “…but I can’t shake it off.”
      Remembering is good.
      Just think what the next 3 years will be like.
      Will all of us still be here?
      I’ll be 70 in 3 years.
      That’s hard to believe.
      How the hell did I get old so fast???

    • Denny May 15, 2022, 1:42 PM

      “That anger is now orders of magnitude greater, and is embedded, solid and deep. I doubt if it will ever abate.”
      Ha, concerning the magnitude of anger now – don’t forget that the Progs/Dems have learned how to count the counterfeit mail in votes and there seems nothing that the American DOJ and courts are able to do about their treasonous treachery.