And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent [aka 70 pounds each ] and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. — Revelations
Out in the Real World Some People Have Real Problems aka The Hand of God
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The 21st Century Lament:
“Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Oh my God!!…”
Awesome. How do you do it, Gerard? Thank you for being you. Hope you’re well.
Fail Army left out the Russian version of SMOD:
This kind of stuff has been going on a long time:
“Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on them—do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others living in Jerusalem?”—Luke 13:4
We all know the phrases: “Just bad luck,”; “Wrong place, wrong time.”; “Shit happens.” No need to prepare for such events, for no preparation is possible. You might just stay home under your bed, but then some random Russian meteorite will smash you to dust. Be like Stonewall Jackson who, when asked why he was so brave in battle, answered “The Lord knows when I will die. So from this moment till the end I am invincible!” Chancellorsville arrived, and Jackson went.
At 10:40, that is the WORST pole dance routine I’ve ever seen. Not that I know much about pole dancing, you understand, ahem! But the grand takeaway here is that when nature strikes, some moron will be there to capture it on a phone. No doubt Armageddon will be taped by millions of people worldwide.
Let’s see, been through hurricanes, floods, wild fires, earthquakes and near avalanches…
maybe I otta be real real quiet about never having experienced a volcanic eruption.