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Open thread 9/18/2024

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  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 8:27 AM

    lonely draff

  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 8:35 AM

    Today Iz
    18 Sep 2024

    “National Cheeseburger Day”

    …….. as if ……..

  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 8:44 AM

    Are you absolutely, 100%, sure your cellphone won’t blow the side of your head clean off, boy?
    I’m not, and I’ve had it for about 4 years or so.

    The pagers appeared to receive a coded error message sent to all the devices that caused them to vibrate and beep for some 10 seconds. When the user pressed the pager’s button to cancel the alert, the explosives were detonated – a design that would ensure the pager was being held by the user at the time of the blast to inflict maximum damage.


  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 9:08 AM
  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 2:50 PM

    And I Quote:

    To his students….
    “Some of you will continue in your education. Some of you will continue with your interest in art. Some of you will have interests other than that. If we’ve learned nothing else this year, I hope you’ve learned the stupidity of the statement that art belongs to the world. ‘Cause art belongs to the cultivated who can appreciate it. The majority of the great unwashed does not fit into this category… and neither, I’m sorry to say, do most of you.”
    — Dr Jonathan Hemlock, 1975

    • Casey Klahn September 19, 2024, 4:37 AM

      A friend of mine, whose art sits in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC), uses the phrase “visual intelligence”. As artist’s at the leading edge of creating newshit do create stuff never seen before, it is evident that only the few advanced artists or viewers right under them see what they did. It’s change. You could say the same thing for math, I suppose.

      Cultivated is a loaded word, but I guess the prof. was trying to cut into the foggy minds of his young students. The greatest innovator among the Impressionists was Paul Cezanne, and most people cannot even see what he did. That is unavailable to them, although all in plain sight. As a result, M. Cezanne had an acerbic wit and he said stuff to piss people off. When I taught, I found out that I couldn’t use Cezanne’s quotes without making my students uncomfortable. He was, mildly put, an asshole.

  • Anonymous September 18, 2024, 4:43 PM

    One mans art is another mans trash. It’s all I the eye of the beholder.

    So much for the “Hemlock” maneuver.

    • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 5:39 PM

      u spelt I rong

  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 5:58 PM

    Fly much?
    Thanks to Israel electrical devices will be banned from all commercial flights.
    Yeah, even in the whole baggage.
    Invest deep in trash fonze – available in airports everywhere!

    • azlibertarian September 18, 2024, 10:30 PM

      Mmyeah, that is a big problem and I’m not sure what we/they are going to do about it.

      Just spit-ballin’, but maybe there’s the case that there no land-based cell-towers which can access devices at altitude, and therefore with appropriate filters, maybe the airline-provided wifi could be considered safe.

      The stone-age solution will be to prohibit electronic devices. That ain’t gonna work, obviously. No one will relinquish their devices. Moreover, the crews work from devices. There was once a day when a pilot carried a big black (usually) bag filled with publications and maps that he used to get from Point A to Point B. [Digression: At my former employer, I was once in a category where that big black bag wasn’t big enough for all the publications we needed to carry. The solution became that the Captain carried publications for airports in the first of the alphabet and the First Officer carried those for the last half.] But those days are long gone. Nothing is flown using paper maps and approach plates anymore. Everything done on an iPad, and those iPads (while on the ground) are wirelessly connected to the internet. The same is true for the flight attendants.

    • Snakepit Kansas September 19, 2024, 4:49 AM

      In the Kansas City Airport there is (or used to be) a small self serve booth where you could mail your pocket knife to yourself. Perfect little heavy duty envelope for you to drop your knife into and send home, instead of losing at security. I’ve lost one knife to airport security. I so commonly carry one, I stupidly forget. Even at Arrowhead once I got near the entrance and realized I had a pocket knife. I found a memorable spot and buried it in the snow, then retrieved it after the game. Heheh.

  • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 6:17 PM

    Ryan Routh was loitering.
    He didn’t pull a trigger.

    • Anonymous September 19, 2024, 4:36 AM

      48 hours in the pokie for loitering and 10 years in federal prison for a felon in possession of a firearm. That half-wit won’t see daylight for some time. That wimp will be someone’s DNA receptacle.

      • azlibertarian September 19, 2024, 6:28 AM

        Ryan Routh was loitering.
        He didn’t pull a trigger.

        Yeah, that’ll be the 2 sentence version that his attorney will try to get the jury to believe. But any juror with half a brain will reject this as nonsense. “Not pulling a trigger” has no bearing on whether someone has committed a crime with a gun.

        From my chair, the 2 current charges….Felon in possession of a gun (which they’ll establish with DNA and/or fingerprints), and possession of a gun with obliterated serial number….are simply the charges necessary to hold him in place. They–the Feds, and if not them, the State of Florida–will throw the book at him.

        I agree with Anonymous at 4:23. Rouse goes away for a good long time.

  • ghostsniper September 19, 2024, 3:31 AM

    Today Iz
    19 Sep 2024

    “National “Talk Like A Pirate” Day”

    “Arrrr, fetch me grogg wench, afore I keelhaul yeh.”


  • Casey Klahn September 19, 2024, 4:38 AM

    Now a laser attack on Trump’s audience in Tuscon last week?? People blinded and going to the ER.

    Folks, we are at war.

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