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Open thread 8/21/24

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  • ghostsniper August 21, 2024, 8:27 AM

    Tooth doctor today at 1:15 for an exam.
    (what’s with this 15 min business???)
    Haven’t been there for about 8 years so it should be inneresting.
    Said I’ll need to get full x-rays.
    That means my yap will be stretched 3 sizes to big.

    Then afterward to Rural King to pick up 6 bags of softener salt.

    Then to Kroger to get a pound of that oh-so-fine London Broil, sliced paper theen, for some home made Arby’s “Beef n Cheddars” I’ve been craving lately.

    Lightly toasted on the grill on onion buns with a light skimmin’ of horsey and mayo. Spiced Tater Wedges, and Broc-Caul.

    DAWGEEZ! My tongue’s gettin’ stern wood just thinkin’ about it. nom nom nom…..

  • Anne August 21, 2024, 9:33 AM

    How do you cook your london broil?

    • ghostsniper August 21, 2024, 12:43 PM

      It’s already cooked, in the deli dept at Krogers.
      I tell them to shave it, and that is very thin.
      Just back, got a pound and a quarter, just in case.

      • Snakepit Kansas August 22, 2024, 5:07 AM

        When I was a kid living in Ohio there used to be pickle barrels at the store. You could serve yourself and pay by the pound. Can’t do that any longer of course because you would have some Palestinian protester take a shit in one in the name of middle east gay rights or something equally insipid.

        I grew some pole beans in the garden but the rabbits have enjoyed them all. I have a hot yellow pepper plant that is putting out like a two dollar whore making payments on a Cadillac. Nothing like some fresh chilis from the garden to liven up taco night. Took some to work too.

        We are getting nearly daily rain, thank God, and the mornings have been cooler. 66F right now with a storm incoming from the west. The unexpected August rains have been good for my two monkey’s lawn mowing business, although they went on a cruise with my good wife all of this week and I will be pushing a mower on 13 lawns this week. You can’t hurt me. I will keep the money and maybe buy a new gun. Palmetto is selling old Glox 17 Gen2 for $300. Hmmmm….

        Daughter is starting freshman year in mechanical engineering as well as flight lessons. Son wants to joint he Army Reserve.

        I sometimes think of Remus and Jewel, along with Gerard. I know none of us get out of this alive. Ghost one time mentioned that he thought all of our gained knowledge and memories do not disappear but have to go somewhere after we pass. I have thought about that for some time and I believe he is right. God is all powerful and all good things come from Him. All of our knowledge, experience, memories, etc. all probably go right back to Him, for safekeeping.

        It is Power Thurdsday. Now go out there and make it happen!

        • ghostsniper August 22, 2024, 6:48 AM

          You’re right about the asshole shitting in the pickle barrel.
          Didn’t used to be that way.
          I think the turning point was in the 80’s with that Tylenol shit that went down.
          Now everything is under lock and key.
          We all suffer because the chicken pussy gov’t politicians will not stop coddling the ne’er do wells. Putting the errant shitter in a very expensive taxpayer paid for cage for a few years is an insult to the country. Make a serious, permanent example out of just one and you’ll see that stuff cease.

          I once wrote the lyrics and some basic guitar chords for a blues song named “2 dolla ho” in a text file. I should dig it out and expand on it. lol

          Yes, I did once write what you said. Our thoughts and memories are electrical impulses that never “die” in the sense we think of dying. About 5 years ago I got some powerful further insight to this stuff through direct experience and I may write something on it at some point.

          I really want a Gen 1, but I’m going to take a look at them Palmettos Gen 2’s. Thanks for the tip.

          Edit: Just looked, the oldest they have now is Gen 3. dam.

  • ghostsniper August 22, 2024, 11:46 AM

    Another crib I designed.
    I personally think the full size buffalo head over the shitter is too much.
    I designed 2 more within half a mile of this one, currently under construction.


  • ghostsniper August 22, 2024, 12:51 PM

    Fun, easy, relive the old daze.
    I was playing this on a $35 Woolworth acoustic about 1968 when I was 13.
    Give it a try, and keep working at it.
    You’ll get better – I promise.
    You have the advantage of a video, all I had was my ears and an AM radio.


  • azlibertarian August 22, 2024, 2:09 PM

    So Trump will be here in Phoenix tomorrow, and yes, we–WifeofAzlib, SonofAzlib and myself–have tickets.

    The email today tells me that….
    * Parking opens at 8am.
    * Doors open at 11am.
    * Programming begins at 1:30pm.
    * Trump speaks at 4pm.

    But I’m kinda grumbling here. In chronological order, my reluctances are….
    1) If we leave early, it will require an hour of the morning rush-hour traffic from one side of the Phoenix area to the other. And from past experience, if we leave later in the morning with the intent on just sliding in for the 1:30 start to the programming (a bunch of Congressmen, Kari Lake and the sheriff she beat in the primary–Mark Lamb, Riley Gaines, and maybe RFKjr), then the place will be filled up, and we’ll have to turn around to go home.
    2) And then, given that everything is on schedule and after Trump speaks for what I will assume will be 80-90 minutes, getting ourselves home will put us in the afternoon rush-hour traffic.
    3) Son has arranged with his work to have the afternoon off, but I don’t know how much earlier he can sneak out in the morning.
    4) And Wife has a long-scheduled breakfast with a friend at 9am.

    The forecast says that it isn’t going to be too hot (at least for Arizonans) tomorrow–102°. Maybe we let our mornings happen and then in the afternoon, go to the range and then dinner somewhere.

    Dilemmas. It’s always these dilemmas.

    • ghostsniper August 22, 2024, 2:58 PM

      Not really a dilemma if you keep the Remus Rule ever in mind.
      “Avoid Crowds”

      I’m in favor of the range and (tex-mex) chow.
      But that’s me, and I am massively anti-social and hate everybody equally.

      Then, after you yank the feeedbag off, go to the local guitar store and buy a $100 special, then using the links I’ve provided, (I’m always anxious to answer questions) “expand” your mind and toughen up your fingers at the same time. Stick with it and one year later you’ll thank me for the kick in the ass to get you started down the path of a new enlightenment….

  • azlibertarian August 22, 2024, 2:33 PM

    My 60% Rule applies here, but there is a part of me deep down inside which is saying “Oh, please, please, please. Let this be true.”

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